The Near Accident

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Ok, now this moments isn't really funny or much of a rant, I just really wanted to tell it and get it out of my system.

About a few months ago, my mum and I were on our way to pick up some friends from the airport and drop them off at their house. During the drive to the airport a car for some reason decided to speed up and was turning into our lane making us having to move into the lane over. With us almost rear ending someone and during that exact same time another vehicle that we didn't see was practically coming at us from the side so, in my mind it was basically a choice get t-boned or rear end someone. We were so close to getting hit and to hit the other car, but at the last second my mums fast Boston reflexes kicked in and she was able to turn more to the right and we were able to avoid getting in an accident. The only injuries that had happened, was me getting a major migraine from hitting my head on the head rest. But seriously if my mum wasn't the one driving we would've gotten hit.

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