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The bright morning light shone down through the branches above, making it hard for me to see. I shifted, getting a better view of my village. I could clearly see three different pictures in my mind, all different periods of time for this once small village.

The first was right before the war with Zane, O'Kasis, and Scaleswind. Phoenix Drop had prospered, growing large and beautiful under the efforts of Brendan, Dale, Brian, and Corey. They made the village bigger and better than I could've ever asked for. I could see Kawaii~Chan's old house, as well as Cadenza's and Nicole's. The old library had stood there too. Molly and Dale's house was one of the largest in the area, my gift to them for being so loyal and helpful when I was just getting my feet and learning to be Lord. There was the old guard station that I had made for Garroth, and the wall around the village. There was the wheat field, and the Kiki's barn.

I sighed, remembering those days when everything had been simple and easy, not difficult like it had become.

Next I could see the Phoenix Drop I had returned to after being trapped in the Irene Dimension. Massive trees grew everywhere after fifteen years of not being tamed. Ivy covered the ruined houses, and not one single building had escaped destruction. I remembered wandering through the ruins, seeing my lonely house on the hill. Seeing the village that I had poured my heart and soul into destroyed, well... that had almost been enough to destroy me. And then there had been the refugee camp, filled with only a few of the people I had missed. It had torn me apart to find my little boys all grown up. I had wandered the camp, seeing Emmalyn and Kenmur, Katelyn, Laurance... Aaron. All of them adjusting to the sudden fact of fifteen years being torn away from them.

Shivering, I opened my eyes and gazed upon the reality. In just a few short months, Phoenix Drop had become a village worthy of O'Kasis. The marketplace had bloomed, becoming a bustling square with merchants from all over. People I had never seen before walked about, looking at the multitude of wares. I saw Donna and Logan's shop and smiled. It seemed like so long ago that he had come to the village, and I wouldn't give anything to have anyone else.

One side of the marketplace opened on the docks and the ocean. Several ships were docked, and I knew that I would have to go and greet the newcomers soon enough. But for now, I continued to observe the village.

The rest of the marketplace was surrounded by houses. There were the houses of the inhabitants, most of them old but some new, and then there were the houses for the visitors. They could rent, or they could stay at several of the hotels that were scattered around the village. Children, including my little Lilith, ran around the streets, giggling and shrieking. Nothing would harm the children as long as they stayed in town and Leona's sights.

Smiling, I thought back again. This village used to be such a small speck on the map. Now it's nearly larger than O'Kasis. Look how much we've grown.

"Lady Irene! Lady Irene!" Sighing, I pushed myself up from the plaid picnic blanket I had been sprawled on. Just looking at the blanket would make my heart hurt- it reminded me so much of the fun times I had had with Aaron and Lilith.

Richard came running up the hill. His dirty blonde hair was slick with sweat, and his chainmail clung to his skin. The rest of his armor clattered as he ran up the hill, reminding me just how heavy the guards' armor was. I'll have to talk to Cadenza, see if she has any ideas for lightening it up. Richard's ice blue eyes were wide from exhaustion, but I could see a sparkle of excitement in them.

"Sir Richard, what have I told you? Please, call my Aphmau, Lady Aphmau at the least. I'm not Irene anymore." Richard looked sheepish, looking at the ground and nodding. "Now, why have you come?" Now he grinned, looking at me with bright eyes.

"Some new ships have landed, and some of the occupants are very anxious to meet you." I groaned inwardly, knowing how some of these visitors could get. Instead, I smiled.

"Of course. Thank you Richard." He nodded before jogging off, his sword hitting against the side of his leg and making a clang every time he stepped. Yes, I really must talk to Cadenza.

With another sigh, I started down the path towards the docks. I wondered why Richard had come to tell me about the new ships. I could see them just great from my vantage point. So why had he come?

Within minutes, I had reached the docks, nodding and smiling at everyone I passed. When I saw the small gathering of people, all older inhabitants of Phoenix Drop, those that had been here since before the Irene Dimension. I frowned. Now what? I pushed past some of my friends and saw what had gathered them all here. What I saw made my heart flutter.

In front of me I saw Molly, Dale, Corey, and Emma. They all looked older, streaks of grey and wrinkles, but I saw Dale's eyes sparkling with the same life, and Emma looked like the same caring mother.

Molly caught sight off me after breaking away from a hug with Alexis. Her beautiful light green eyes widened in shock as her mind fully processed what she was seeing and she flung herself at me.

"Lady Aphmau!" Her warm arms wrapped around me, and I hugged her hard.

"Molly! By the Six it's you!" I pulled away slightly, staring at the older woman that had always been there for me. There were tears in her eyes as she looked at me, trying see the woman from sixteen years ago.

"Aphmau!" Emma came over and hugged me tightly. I hugged the men, tears pricking at the corner of my eyes.

"I can't believe it's you guys. It's been so long. Too long." I smiled, and Dale threw his arm over my shoulders.

"Alexis and Kyle told us that you and the others had returned, but I'm sorry it's taken this long for us to return." I shook my head, chuckling and leaning against him. He had been such a strong, fatherly figure to me while I was just starting out as Lord, just starting out in the world anew.

"I missed all of you. Come on, I'll show you around the new Phoenix Drop." I grabbed Emma's hand and led them into the new village. I would have to tell them later about me being Lady Irene, but for now, I was content for the first time in ages.

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