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I sat on the couch with Dante~Kun, his arms around me as he rested his head on top of mine. I snuggled against him, simply enjoying his presence. His breathing was light, and I could tell that he was dozing off. I was reading a book, but the warm evening was slowly lulling me to sleep.

The front door opened, and I could hear the creak as it slammed close. Dante~Kun shifted, and I slowly untangled myself from his grasp. Yawning, I sat up and saw Dimitri~Kun going towards the kitchen. When he saw me, he changed directions and came over.

"Hey Kawaii~C-" He stopped talking as soon as he saw Dante~Kun asleep on the couch. He mouthed an apology, and I smiled, shaking my head.

"Dimitri~Kun didn't do anything." I whispered, standing up and coming over to stand next to him. I hugged him, noticing that he was hot and sweaty. I lead him towards the kitchen, where Nekoette~Tan was sitting, trying to make yet another apple pie.

"Mama! Did I do it right?" She ran over to me, holding up the bowl. I laughed, tasting it with the tip of my finger.

"Almost Neko~Tan! Maybe a little bit more sugar next time, but you're almost there!" Her smile faltered for a second before it became brighter.

"Thanks Mama! Oh, Dimitri! How was training?" She put the bowl back on the counter before hugging Dimitri~Kun and bouncing back to the seat where she started to pour the batter into the pie crust.

"Katelyn said that I've improved." He straightened, looking proud. Dante~Kun walked into the room, rubbing his eyes, just in time to hear Dimitri~Kun's statement.

"That's my boy! And your parents totally helped with that." Dimitri~Kun giggled, looking at his father with a smirk.

"Yes. Mom is an amazing sword fighter." I laughed at the shock that passed over Dante~Kun's face before he chuckled as well.

"Yes she is." I smiled at the two, before ruffling Neko~Tan's hair and giving Dante~Kun a quick kiss.

"Kawaii~Chan is going to visit Aphmau~Senpai. She will be back." He nodded, flashing me a smile before joining Nekoette~Tan at the table.

I walked through the village, heading up the hill towards Aphmau~Senpai's house. It was beautiful, and I remembered when Brendan~Kun and I had built it about seventeen years ago. I sighed, remembering simpler times when the only worry was about the children hurting themselves. If only we could go back.

I reached the top of the hill, looking at the small playground next to the house. The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the village I had come to love as much as my own family. My smile wavered as I caught sight of my old home, now repaired and used by someone else who would never know the history behind the walls.

Shaking the thought from my mind, I proceeded to knock on the door. Zoey~Chan pulled it open, Lilith~Tan resting on her hips. "Kawaii~Chan! It's great to see you! Come in, come in. I have to put this little one to bed, and then we can talk, alright?" I nodded, smiling and heading over to the table to sit down. After only a minute, Zoey~Chan came down, clearly worn out.

"Does Zoey~Chan need some tea?" I asked, already making my way towards the stove. She laughed, sitting down and leaning back.

"Thanks Kawaii~Chan. You always know just what I need." Her long white hair was held back with a strip of leather that also revealed the pointed tips of her ears. Her blue eyes were full of exhaustion, love, and worry.

"Where is Aphmau~Senpai? Is she alright?" Zoey~Chan sighed, shutting her eyes.

"Aphmau is upstairs, hopefully sleeping. She's... well, she's several months pregnant, and has been so stressed out that, well, I worry about her." I nodded, setting the kettle on the stove.

"Aphmau~Senpai always did work herself harder than she should have. Do you need Kawaii~Chan to talk to her?" Zoey~Chan shook her head, opening her eyes again and staring straight past me.

"No, Garroth did earlier. He said that she put him in charge until she is able to fully function once more." I nodded, glad that she had finally seen sense. And Garroth~Kun would be a good leader for the time being. I pulled the kettle off of the stove as soon as it started to boil and placed the tea leaves into steep.

"That's good to hear. Kawaii~Chan is glad that Aphmau~Senpai will be taking it easy for the next couple months. Speaking of which, has she decided on a name for the baby?" Names rose in my mind, names that I had debated when Nekoette~Tan was born. Zoey~Chan shook her head, a sad smile rising on her lips.

"No. She keeps hoping that Aaron will somehow return and that they will be able to name it together." I frowned slightly, an old pain forming in my chest.

"She still hasn't gotten over him yet?" Zoey~Chan shook her head, worry washing over her features.

"No, she hasn't. I'm afraid that the Aphmau we once knew is never coming back. She'll never be as carefree or happy as she used to be." Zoey~Chan smiled softly, trying hard to banish the bad thoughts. "But that doesn't matter. She's still alive and well, and that's all that matters." I nodded, bringing her a cup of jasmine tea. She smiled gratefully before taking a sip, her features softening. "Thank you Kawaii~Chan. As always, it's been a pleasure being able to talk with you." I smiled at her, finishing my cup and putting it into the sink.

"Kawaii~Chan will come back tomorrow to speak with Aphmau~Senpai. Goodnight Zoey~Chan." She waved goodbye as I left the house and started back. I walked the streets of Phoenix Drop for a while, marveling at all the changes done to my home. Sometimes I saw something completely different and it made my heart ache.

But I would never forget the place where I had finally found home. Where I had found love.

Love Can Mend {An Aphmau Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now