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"Zoey, the children will be fine!" Leona had her arm around me and was pushing me gently towards the door. My coat was on, and a hat covered my pointed ears and white hair. I turned to Leona right before she pushed me out the door, a look of concern on my face.

"You'll call for me if anything happens?" She laughed, green eyes flashing.

"You'll hear me scream. Now go! Have sometime to yourself!" I rolled my eyes, but her words resonated within me, creating a pit in my stomach.

"I don't know Leona. Something doesn't feel right..." She smiled, and I saw Kiki's face instead of her daughter's. I sighed, remembering who I was dealing with. She is Kiki's daughter. She is the most trustworthy young women I know. I patted her shoulder, eyes sparkling. "Alright. But remember-" She giggled, pushing me out the door and closing it firmly behind me. I shook my head, a laugh bubbling up inside.

I turned away, leaving Leona and Kiki's house behind me and instead starting towards the center of the village. I needed to go to the market today to get some gifts, and I wanted to get something for Leona. She had been working so hard to take care of all of the children while the entire village was still a bit on edge because of Zane. But I don't think anyone was as terrified anymore. The threat of Zane Ro'maeve was miniscule compared to everyday problems.

I was contemplating what to get the young werewolf when I noticed a guard swiftly walking towards the docks. She had long amber locks and tan skin, and when she glanced behind her I saw grey eyes flashing. I frowned, confusion washing over me. I don't know her.

"Hey!" I called after her, hurrying across the cobblestone pathway. She froze, turning around to look at me. She gave me a smile, her sword slightly drawn. "What is your name? I'm Zoey." She inclined her head, shifting the position of her sword in her hand.

"Rosalind. It's a pleasure to meet you Miss." I smiled, undoing a button on my coat as the sun made an appearance and warmed the day up almost immediately.

"No need to be so formal. But I have a question Rosalind, if you don't mind me asking." She shook her head, a smile growing on her face. But it didn't quite reach her eyes, and her eyes kept flicking over my shoulder, in the direction of the docks.

"Who exactly are you? I know your name, and what you look like, but that isn't enough. I know almost all of the guards here in Phoenix Drop, and Lady Aphmau and Lord Levin know each and everyone of them personally. They trust every single one of them with their lives."

"I'm afraid I don't understand what you're getting at." She responded cooly, and I could tell that she thought I was insulting her.

"I wouldn't think so. I'm sort of all over the place at the minute. What I'm trying to get at is I've never I frowned, seen you at Lady's Aphmau house, she's never mentioned you, and you were never a famous knight. So how did you get the position as guard here in Phoenix Drop?" Her eyes widened ever so slightly, but she made a show of looking behind me.

"I'm truly sorry, but there is a ship that just docked, and I really must go and inspect them. They look kind of antsy already. I'm sorry Zoey, but would it be alright if I answered you later?" I forced a smile, as well as a laugh.

"Oh of course. The duties of a guard do come first after all." She sneered ever so quickly before hurrying away. I frowned, staying put for several seconds before turning away.

"I'm sure it's nothing." I said to myself, continuing towards the marketplace. "Maybe she's just a shrewd person." But deep in my heart I knew something was wrong. And little did I know that all these premonitions would add up to something terrible. And that something terrible was just around the corner.

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