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The dull red of the Nether glowed all around me, literally making me see red. My anger and hatred for everyone from my old life filled my entire being and clouded my thoughts. All I wanted to do was return to the Overworld and kill everyone who had hurt me. I wanted to give up and join the Shadow Knights, letting all of my emotions fly away from me forever.

But I knew I couldn't. My heart would never let go of the feelings it felt for Aphmau. Even though I knew she didn't love me anymore, I would never forget the few times we had kissed, or the long talks we had shared. She used to trust me with everything. But now... ever since Aaron had come around as well as me being unable to control my emotions, she moved away from me.

I growled, trying to push away the emotions. I had to find someone. I had been searching for him for almost four months, and I felt close, closer than I had in the entire time I had been here.

Stalking through the pathways, I scanned the surrounding area, all my senses on high alert. Suddenly I felt something in the back of my mind. It was a urge, something so strong that I couldn't ignore it.

Following the urge, I turned into a cave glowing red. Inside, I saw a glowing cell with iron bars pressed against the back wall. Red tendrils swirled around the cell, and I was drawn towards it. I was tempted to touch it, but somehow I knew that that was the last thing I wanted to do. I spotted a Shadow Knight in the cell, hands bound to the wall above him.

"Hello Laurance." A voice echoed throughout the room. I froze for it sounded eerily familiar.

"Who are you?" I called out, unsure of what was going on. The laughter that followed immediately sparked my memory, and I drew my sword, recognizing the man in the cell as he lifted his head, his ice blue eye staring at me.

"That's right Laurance." I wanted to rush the cell, destroying the man inside.

"You're lucky I haven't killed you yet. You destroyed Aphmau's life!" I shouted, the anger burning even hotter. He laughed again, and I could see the smirk on his face.

"I didn't do anything.That pesky Aaron did it to himself. And what did he achieve? He only made me stronger." The anger inside me nearly exploded, and I took a step closer towards the cell.

"You ruined her happiness Zane. Therefore I'll ruin you." He laughed again, and my hatred burned red-hot.

"Shouldn't you be thankful? I gave you a chance at her heart, didn't I? You could've won her over if only you could control your pesky emotions. " I growled, fingering the hilt of my sword, ready to unsheathe it at any second.

"She will never get over his death. But maybe, just maybe, I can make her love me again." He laughed again, the sound rolling through the cavern and making me shudder.

"And how exactly do you plan on doing that when you can't even control your emotions?" I pulled my sword out of its sheathe and twirled it around, getting a feel for it.

"By doing the only thing I can do. Kill you."

Love Can Mend {An Aphmau Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now