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I closed the door to Aphmau's room, trying to be quiet. As soon as she said goodnight to Lilith, she suddenly grew quiet. I watched as her eyes filled with tears and she seemed to sink into despair. I knew what she was thinking about, and it hurt me so much to see her in pain. She hadn't been the same since Aaron...

I was shaken out of my thoughts when Lilith tugged on my hair. I looked down at her with a smile, remembering the easy days back on the island. I held her close, rocking her slightly as I carried her across the short hallway to her room. Levin and Malachi were more than willing to give up their old room to their new little sister and Aphmau's child that hadn't been born yet. She was several months pregnant, and I could tell that she had about two or three months left until the child was born. I couldn't wait for a new little one to enter this household, but at the same time I feared for what would happen if he or she looked too much like... him.

Entering the room, I carried Lilith to her bed. Her eyes were already starting to close, but she forced them open when I set her down. "Story!" She demanded, staring up at me with fierce determination. I sighed, knowing that I could never say no.

"Alright little one. Give me one second to find the right one." She bounced up and down in excitement as I searched through the hand-written books that I had written for Levin and Malachi as they grew up. Finally I settled on one of my personal favorites.

I sat down next to Lilith and prepared to tell her the story of the war. "Once, there was a wonderful Lord of a small village. It was becoming quite large and beautiful under her gentle reign. But there was an evil priest that wanted control of the beautiful village and the wonderful Lord." Lilith's eyes widened and she pulled her blanket up under her chin.

"So he declared war on the village, which wasn't fair seeing as the priest's village had an huge army. But the Lord was determined not to give in to the priest. She bravely fought back, and the war was ended with a single punch. But the battle wasn't over yet. The priest was determined to find the relic of an angel who lived long ago. He wanted to use her powers for evil and bring destruction to the world. So..." I trailed off as I realized that Lilith had dozed off. I smiled, kissing her forehead and tucking her in.

"Goodnight little one. Sweet dreams." I turned off the lamp besides her bed, cloaking the room in darkness. Slipping out of the room, I quietly shut the door behind me. Across the landing, I could hear sobbing coming from Aphmau's room. I wanted to go and comfort her, but I knew that I couldn't.

She didn't need my pity, or anyone else's. All she needed was time and love.

Love Can Mend {An Aphmau Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now