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I opened my eyes to the soft sunlight trickling through the white curtains covering the windows. My sides still ached, but not as badly as they had when I arrived in Phoenix Drop two weeks ago. Kawaii~Chan and Garroth had been coming by daily to chat and check up on me. I was impatient to get up out of bed and meet the wonderful village that had taken me in, especially because of... what I've done. But Thalia wouldn't let me get up until I was better, and I was definitely getting restless.

I could hear Thalia moving around upstairs, and I hoped that I could convince her to let me leave today.

Before I could think of how to ask her, Thalia peeked her head downstairs with a smile on her face. "Breakfast is ready! And... if you want, Garroth offered to take you around the village." A grin broke out on my face as I pushed myself out of bed and slowly made my way towards the stairs, excited for the day to come.


"Are you sure you can do this?" Garroth watched me as I started to walk, limping slightly on my left ankle. I nodded, straightening and thrusting my shoulders back.

"I can do it. I'm tired of being cooped up for so long. I needed to get out of that house." Garroth nodded, and shyly, he extended his arm for me to lean on. I blushed and gratefully I accepted it.

"W-W-Where do y-you want to g-go first?" I glanced over at him before looking around at the wonderful village all around me.

"How about Kawaii~Chan's house? I would love to see her family again!" Garroth grinned, his nerves melting away.

"Of course! Follow me, I'll point out some things along the way." As we walked through Phoenix Drop, Garroth paused and acknowledged almost single person we met, almost as if he knew each and every one of them personally. That's... so nice. I've never known a guard who cares so much for his village.

When we arrived at a large pink and white home that I immediately recognized as Kawaii~Chan's, Garroth walked up and knocked on the door. An older man with dark blue hair and matching eyes answered the door, eyes twinkling when he saw Garroth.

"Garroth, how are you? It's been too long since we've been able to just talk! But... why are you here?" Immediately after he spoke he spotted me standing behind Garroth. A smile spread across his face and he came over and hugged me.

"Alice! It's a pleasure " I hugged me back, returning his smile.

"Hi Dante. It's great to see you again!" He laughed, such a pleasant sound.

"That it is! Anyway, come in, come in! I'll go and call Nekoette in." He lead us inside to a living room where Kawaii~Chan was already sitting, flipping through some large books. I caught a glimpse of one of the titles- Animation Magicks- The Guide To Controlling Your Powers. Interesting... she was still interested in learning about her magicks.

She looked up from her book, smiling broadly when she spotted me. "Alicia~Chan! Garroth~Kun! It's so great to see you! Come and sit by Kawaii~Chan! Dante~Kun, can you get some tea? Oh, and Nekoette~Tan! Thanks honey!" He shook his head as he walked towards the kitchen, grinning to himself.

I looked over at Kawaii~Chan, warmth flooding my chest. I sat next to her, and Garroth sat next to me. His hand grazed mine, and my hand felt like it was on fire. My face grew warm, but I ignored it and leaned into my sister, enjoying her presence.

But my mind kept slipping back to Garroth. I could feel him next to me, and I felt like I had been in this situation before. I didn't know where it came from, but being near him brought back a good, fizzy feeling in my chest. I know I hadn't ever seen him before, or even heard about him. But watching him, I know that I had felt this before. But how?

Love Can Mend {An Aphmau Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now