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"Kawaii~Chan! I'm going out to patrol! And there's also someone at the door for you!" I looked up at the ladder at Dante's voice, away from my magicks books. I had been spending time in the basement, trying to practice my magicks. I hadn't thought about them much ever since Aphmau~Senpai came back, but I was determined to become better.

I pulled away from the desk with a sigh and started up the ladder. When I reached the top, I frowned. Thalia~Sama leaned against the doorframe, playing with her long brown hair. She had pale skin from her years in the Nether, but her figure had thickened since she had appeared. Her long wavy brown hair was tied back with a leather strip, and her dark green eyes seemed to bore into my soul. She smiled, yet the pain in her eyes was still clear.

"Hey Kawaii~Chan. Can you come with me for a moment?" Still frowning, I nodded.

"Of course Thalia~Sama! Let Kawaii~Chan just make sure Nekoette~Tan is okay and then she will come with you." Thalia~Sama nodded, leaning against the door again.

I climbed the steps halfway, just enough to see Nekoette~Tan asleep in her bed. Her powder blue hair was spilled over the pillows and she looked peaceful. Smiling, I skipped down to the ground floor and turned back towards Thalia~Sama. "Ready to go!" She rolled her eyes at my enthusiasm before starting back towards her house.

Thalia~Sama has a dark past. She used to be a Shadow Knight, forced to do their bidding before Vylad~Kun helped her escape from their fortress. After years of being forced to inflict pain, she had devoted her life to the art of healing, trying to make up for wrongs done in her past. She was one of the only healers in the village, besides Donna~San and Zoey~Sama. She was the best though, and she had even shocked me at how powerful her abilities were for not having magicks.

"Thalia~Sama? Why did you want Kawaii~Chan?" Thalia~Sama glanced over at me, confusion clear on her face.

"Garroth was out on patrol when he ran into a Meif'wa woman in trouble. He saved her and brought her back here after she collapsed from exhaustion." I frowned, growing even more confused.

"Does Thalia~Sama want Kawaii~Chan because the woman is a Meif'wa as well?" Thalia~Sama shook her head, frowning even more.

"No, it's... she's been muttering in her sleep for the past hour, and... well, to be frank it doesn't make sense. S-She keeps saying your name." I froze, heart hammering. What could that mean? What Meif'wa would know Kawaii~Chan?

"Take Kawaii~Chan to her." My tone hardened, and Thalia~Sama nodded, taking my hand and pulling me along to her healer's shop. Her home was above the shop, allowing her quick and easy access to any patients that she had at the time. Inside, several cots stood against the back wall. Herbs, books, potions, and supplies were stacked in shelves against the nearest wall, and another wall had chairs leaned against it. The other wall had steps going up to the next floor with Thalia~Sama's home.

But the figure lying in the farthest bed took my breath away. Her long black and purple hair splayed out around her gaunt face that bore scars and fresh wounds. Her eyes were closed, but I knew that her haunted midnight black and purple eyes were just as thrilling as they had been eighteen years ago. Her figure was skinnier than I had ever seen it, and I could tell that she hadn't eaten well in a long time. She wore a tattered purple blouse and black jeans, and her feet were bare and dirty. Her dirty, torn purple ears twitched in her sleep, similar to the way Dante had said mine did. But she looked just as beautiful as she did when I left.

Kneeling by her side, I took her hand in mine and looked at her face. At my touch, she shifted, and her eyes slowly started to open. Her dazzling eyes caught my gaze, and a gasp slipped out her lips. I smiled, tears already forming in my eyes.

"Alicia~Chan? Is it you?"

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