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Song: Rise Up by Imagine Dragons

    The fading sun pounded down on my back and sweat trickled down my neck. My arms ached from wielding my claws all afternoon, yet I kept fighting. My powder blue hair was pulled back to prevent it from sticking to my neck, and my pale skin blistered in the heat. Heavy armor threatened to weigh me down, but my pride was on the line. I couldn't let him defeat me.

        With a shout, I struck his sword out of his grasp, causing it to fly across the arena. I immediately knocked him to the ground and held my claws against his neck, breathing heavily. One of my knees was pressed against his gut and the other buried in the dirt. I leaned over him, my dirt streaked face close to his.

        "Got you." My chest heaved and I stared into his emerald green eyes. His white hair was sticking to his forehead, coated in both sweat and dirt. He smirked up at me, his chest moving just as much as mine.

        "You sure did." His voice was raspy after hours of training and lack of water. I pulled away, struggling to my feet. I reached a hand down and pulled him to his feet.

        "You did a good job keeping up with me there. Not many can." I trotted over to the side of the clearing and picked up my canteen. I drank the water heartily, glad for the cool sensation of water running down my dry and parched throat. Travis joined me, drinking heavily from his own canteen.

        "It was definitely hard. You're strong girl!" Even exhausted, he could still flirt. Ugh. I swatted his arm and he laughed. "What? It's the truth!" I heard a noise from behind me and turned to see Dimitri. He grinned, bringing Travis's sword back to him.

        "I watched you guys for a looong time! You were both great! Katelyn, do you think I will ever be that talented?" I put my hands on my hips and looked him up and down.

        "Well... your father is pretty good with his swords, and you've improved a lot since we first started training... and you got an amazing trainer..." Dimitri laughed, ducking his head and looking at the ground.

        "I've really improved?" I smiled, nodding.

        "You have. Now, how about you head home? Oh, have you met Kawaii~Chan's sister yet?" Dimitri's eyes lit up as he nodded. "Good. She's a real sweetheart. Now go on!" Dimitri grinned and took off running. I laughed, watching the shock of blue hair disappear into the woods.

        "You're really good with him." I turned around to see Travis standing right behind me, a light smile on his lips. I shrugged, drinking more water and putting my claws away.

        "I just treat him like a real person, not like a kid or someone who's below me, even if technically he is. I never liked being treated like some kind of object to be used by Zane back when I was in the Jury of Nine. I don't want anyone else to have to feel the same way I did." I reached back and let my hair down, causing it to cascade down my back. I pulled off my breastplate and chainmail, my undershirt soaked through with sweat. Travis stared at me without shame, and I smacked him. He laughed, rubbing his arm.

        "Even after training all day you still hurt." I smirked, picking up my things and preparing to head back towards Phoenix Drop.

        "Never underestimate a woman Travis. Now come on. We aren't done yet." I heard him groan, and I grinned, walking back towards Phoenix Drop.

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