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"Oh, I'm going to miss you so much!" I hugged the blue-haired man in front of me. He was blushing slightly, but he hugged me back as best as he could. I was wrapped in multiple shawls and coats and blankets and almost anything to keep me warm.

"We'll see each other soon enough, I'm sure of it Lady Cadenza." I chuckled, holding onto his arms to steady myself.

"You can call me Cadenza, Kacey. You saved my life after all."

"For which I will always be grateful to you." Zack interrupted, slipping his hand into mine. I looked back and smiled, vision becoming blurry for a second before clearing. "Are you alright?" I nodded, and Kacey moved my hand from his arm so he could grip my arm.

"Let me help you onto your horse La-... Cadenza." My smile remained, but I nodded slightly.

"Please." Zack mounted the horse waiting next to him before reaching down and grabbing my arms. Kacey placed his hands on my waist and helped lift me up to Zack. Sitting sideways on the horse, I blew a kiss at Kacey. "Until next time!" He waved, and I closed my eyes, leaning against Zack.

Lately, I had been very tired. Sometimes I had fits of shivers or a cough that wouldn't stop. Other times my vision grew cloudy, and I couldn't see for several seconds. And other times, I was cold. Oh so cold. No matter how many blankets or coats were piled on top of me, I was never warm.

"Only a couple hours, and then we'll be back home." Zack whispered, wrapping his arms around me. He did so for several reason: to keep me from falling off the horse as we rode, to be able control the horse, to give me a small amount of warmth, and to bring me comfort. He understood how I was feeling right now.

I had been unconscious, lying in Thalia's house, for almost three weeks. I had the most terrible fever, and Thalia was terrified that the fever wouldn't break and I would die. All three of those weeks, Zack sat at my bedside, worried sick. Even after I woke up, he didn't leave my side. He had left Ulrich in charge of New Meteli, and now, the two of us were traveling home.

Zack clucked his tongue, and the horse started to walk, hooves ringing out against the cobblestone path. I waved to Kacey as we left, and he waved again before turning and heading towards the house he was staying in for the moment.

We were about to start on our way towards the main path when I saw something. I squinted, trying to get a better look. Then I gasped, leaning against Zack and shaking ever so slightly.

Walking towards the marketplace, there was a group of several people. One was a guard of Phoenix Drop, I definitely recognized her. There were several people whom I didn't recognize. But my gaze was focused on two of them, a woman and a man. The woman wore a simple grey dress, her hair pulled up behind her head. Red tips trailed down her back, showing me exactly who she was. The man next to her wore a cloak, and I couldn't see his arms. He was looking downwards, but I knew that he had beautiful blue eyes.

"Zack." I whispered, tugging on his sleeve. "Do you see them? The man and the woman? Oh, tell me you at least recognize him!" He looked over, staring blankly for several seconds. Then the man glanced over, confusion clear in his eyes. His eyes widened ever so slightly as our eyes met, but the woman kept him moving, saying something to him.

"Was that... was that Laurance? Your brother? The one who was with you and Emma?" I nodded, burying my face in his chest to keep the tears in my eyes from being noticeable.

"I'm happy he's here. But him being here means that..."

"Zane is here too." He finished, and the two of us sat there in stunned silence. That was, until a terrible scream rose up from the marketplace.

Love Can Mend {An Aphmau Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now