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As I was about to drive my sword straight through the bars and through his heart, another blood-red sword blocked my strike. The owner of the sword pushed me back and I stumbled, tripping over rocks. The sword came at me overhead, and I managed to raise my sword up just in time to block the blow. It continued this way, the other Shadow Knight raining blow after blow and me being just barely able to block them.

Finally, the Knight backed me into a corner, sword pressed against my throat. The Knight was completely garbed in the traditional armor, and I could barely make out the grey eyes filled with hate staring back at me. Staring into their eyes, I felt almost as if I had seen this person before.

"Don't kill him yet. He could still be of use to us." I could hear Zane's voice ringing in my ears, and I wished I could just shut him out. But the Knight in front of me pulled away, keeping their eyes on me.

"I know you. Who are you?" They laughed, and with a sinking feeling I started to realize who they were. The Shadow Knight reached up and pulled off their helm, revealing a head of black hair with dark red tips. Her hair spilled down all the way to her waist, and her pale skin looked gaunt from what must have been years in this hell. She looked so different, yet she looked like the exact same girl I had left behind all those years ago.

"Hello Brother." Her once high and beautiful voice was now gravely and low. She rested her helmet on her hip and stared at me with more hate than I had ever seen.

"Emma." I whispered, unable to take my eyes off of her. She laughed again, leaning against the wall.

"You still remember my name Brother. Wonderful."

"What happened to you Emma? Why are you here?" Her eyes flashed, and I feared of what I had let happen to her.

"Why am I here? WHY AM I HERE?! It's all because of you! You left me in Meteli, and I was there when O'kasis attacked! Sure, you had trained me a bit with a sword to defend myself, but it wasn't enough! The soldiers murdered me without a thought. And the entire time, I was thinking about how you never came back for me. You could've, but you never did! Why?! The last time I saw you had been months before! I thought you were the best brother I had ever had, always making sure to protect me! But when you disappeared, and Cadenza told me that my brother had been taken into the Nether, well, I held onto the hope that you would come back. I held onto the hope that you would come back and take me with you on your adventures. But you never did. You had so many adventures, and you never thought about me, even after you returned from the Nether. Cadenza also left, going to Phoenix Drop, and then I was all alone." I saw with shock that there were tears in her burning eyes, and my heart started to sink. What had I done to my poor sister?

"I blamed you all those years. And when the army came, I couldn't protect myself well enough to live. I was killed, and my body was left to burn in the old village. But as my spirit was about to pass on, he came to me. He offered me revenge, and how could I say no to that? He offered me the chance to kill you Laurance. And once I do, I will achieve my full potential. So prepare to say goodbye Brother."

And with that, she charged. My mind raced, trying to think a mile per second. What can I say that will save me? A thought popped into my mind the moment before she drove her sword into my chest.

"Wait!" I stared into her eyes, pressing myself against the wall to try and stay as far away as I could from her sword. Her burning rage glowered back at me, but I held up my hands, pleading with her. "I can help you. Somehow."

Love Can Mend {An Aphmau Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now