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I rapped my knuckles on Thalia's door, trying to ignore the pouring rain. My fingers tapped against the hilt of my sword, waiting for her to answer the door. My golden hair was dripping into my eyes, and I brushed it away. My clothes were soaking wet, clinging to my skin.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, Thalia pulled open the door. She smiled, but I could tell that she was confused on why I was there. "Hello Garroth! Is there something I can do for you?" I grinned, pointedly looking up at the rain. "Oh! Where are my manners? Come inside!" She pulled away from the door and I stepped inside, wiping my boots clean of mud and water.

"Thanks Thalia. Anyway, I came here to check on Alicia? The Meif'wa I brought here a day or two ago?" Thalia nodded.

"She's been great. How about you leave your jacket by the door and follow me?" I smiled, pulling off the jacket and hanging it up by the door. I followed her towards the back of the room where I could see the young Meif'wa sitting up in bed, wrapped in bandages, and besides her...

"Kawaii~Chan? What are you doing here?" Kawaii~Chan looked up, a large smile dancing on her lips. Her tail twitched slightly, and her amber eyes were full of more joy than I had seen before. Her pink hair was loose around her shoulders, almost covering her black ears.

"Garroth~Kun!" She leapt up and ran over to me, hugging me tightly. I struggled for breath before she pulled away, her grin growing even larger. "Thank you so much for saving Alicia~Chan! Thank you so so much!" I smiled again, letting go of Kawaii~Chan.

"You're welcome Kawaii~Chan." KC walked back to the bed and sat at the foot. Alicia smiled at Kawaii~Chan, reaching out and taking her hand. Looking at the two of them, I realized how similar they looked. Suddenly a thought crossed my mind. "Do you know her KC?" Kawaii~Chan looked at me again, still smiling.

"This is my sister Garroth~Kun." My jaw dropped and my eyes widened.

"Sister?! You have a sister?!" Kawaii~Chan laughed, a beautiful melodic sound.

"Hehehe! Kawaii~Chan didn't tell anyone because... well... things were complicated. But anyway, Kawaii~Chan is so thankful that you saved her life. Alicia~Chan, she... she's the only family Kawaii~Chan has left. Well, besides Dante~Kun and Nekoette~Tan, but... Kawaii~Chan just missed her so much." Kawaii~Chan's eyes started to fill with tears, and Alicia~Chan squeezed her hand.

"I missed you too KC. But... who's this Dante?" Kawaii~Chan blushed and stood up.

"Kawaii~Chan has to go. O-one of her cakes i-is burning. Bye Alicia~Chan!" She scampered away, letting the door slam behind her. Thalia laughed.

"I'm going to head upstairs and make some tea. Want any Garroth?" I nodded before turning my attention back to Alicia~Chan.

"So... You're Kawaii~Chan's sister... it's a pleasure to meet you Alicia~Chan. My name's Garroth." I extended a hand, and she reached over and shook it, a faint smile dancing over her lips.

"Please, call me Alice. Only Kawaii~Chan calls me that. Well, and... never mind. Besides, I wanted to thank you sincerely for saving my life out there. It means a lot." I smiled back at her, feeling my heart grow warm.

"You saved me first, so thank you." Alice laughed, leaning back against the pillows.

"I guess I did." Her smile seemed to warm my cold weary bones better than any tea. "But really. I've never met someone so selfless. You didn't even know me, yet you rushed to my aid simply because I was in trouble." I looked down, unable to meet her gaze.

"Any true guard would've done the same. I was simply doing my duty as head guard of Phoenix Drop." I looked up, into her eyes that seemed ever sifting. She smiled at me, and I saw a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"You're a guard huh? So you must know who this Dante is." I chuckled, settling down in a chair.

"Dante is Kawaii~Chan's husband of seven years. Nekoette's their daughter." Alice's eyes lit up, and she shifted her position.

"Really?! My sister got married?! My Irene I never would've expected that! I have to meet them!" I laughed again, not taking my eyes off of her. She was the complete opposite of Kawaii~Chan, but she had the same kind of beauty- bold, kind, and fierce. I could tell that this woman lying in front of me would do anything to protect those she loved, yet she was just as sweet and loving as her sister or any other woman I had met.

"When you are healed, I'll make sure to bring you to them. I'm sure little Nekoette will be very excited to have an aunt." I smiled, glancing over to see Thalia coming back down the steps with a tray of tea in her arms. I stood up to help her, but my thoughts were spinning around my mind. I couldn't shake a feeling that was lingering with me. Something that bothered me deeply.

I had never met this woman before, yet I felt like I had known her for ages. Why?

Love Can Mend {An Aphmau Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now