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Song: Forgetting This by Elias Naslin

    "Dante wait!" I turned around to see Kawaii~Chan, no, Nana, running towards me. She gave me a smile before halting at my side. "I'm coming with you today."

        "And why would that be?" I gave her a look, but she giggled.

        "Well, they have this amazing library on the capital, as well as a great toy shop, and I wanted to get something for Alina, and Lilith of course, and maybe Luca and Dell and..." As she kept talking, I slipped my fingers through hers. We walked through the streets towards the portal, and I just kept my focus on my beautiful wife.

        Oh Nana. Ever since you revealed to me who you really, truly are, I've felt like we've become closer than ever before. I feel like you've shown me the most intimate part of you. I only hope I can return the favor.

        When we got to the portal, I saw Kyle and another young woman standing guard. I had demanded that we post a guard watch outside of the portal to the island because of what had happened about a month ago. I didn't want anymore harm to come to the children than what had already had, and this was the only way to get on the island. So whoever was here would know exactly who was passing through.

        The young woman glanced nervously at Kyle before returning her gaze to us. "Sir Dante, correct?" I gave her a nod, smiling at her. I remember when I had been a young guard under Aphmau's Lordship. Now, it was Levin's. Except for now of course.

        "Yes, and this is my wife Kawaii~Chan. And what is your name? I'm afraid I didn't quite catch it when we were first introduced."

        "Rosalind sir. And it is a pleasure to meet you ma'am." Nana gave her a sweet smile before tugging on my arm.

        "Come on Dante~Kun! Time's a ticking!" I laughed, letting her pull me forward.

        "Have a nice day you two." I barely heard their reply before Nana had completely pulled me through.

         We emerged on the other side, the bright sun pounding down. Nana laughed, before skipping down the road.

        "Come on Dante! You're so slow!" I laughed with her before running to catch up with her.

    Oh how I love you so Nana. I love you so.

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