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As the sun started to set, I started my rounds. Pacing along the top of the wall, I observed everything happening both inside and outside of the wall. Smiling, I watched Lilith chasing after Nekoette and Dimitri chasing Lilith. Nothing was happening on the outside of the wall. Or so I thought...

After almost three hours of nothing, I started to hear something. I couldn't tell what I was hearing until I heard another scream split the night. Almost immediately, I drew my sword and raced towards the gate. I yelled to Alexis to open the gate as I bolted down the ladder, and by the time I reached the bottom, the gate was open enough for me to slide under.

Sword out, I ran towards the fading screams. I pushed myself to run faster, not knowing how much longer the victim had. Finally I stumbled into a clearing and nearly slipped. I looked down, heart sinking as I recognized the dark substance under my foot. Blood.

I was suddenly slammed to the ground, a sword under my chin. Dazed, I tried to struggle up, but the sword dug deeper into my throat. Some rescue this was. After several seconds, I could make out a mop of brown hair, blood red eyes, and brown ears. A Meif'wa?

The Meif'wa laughed, but before she could kill me, she was knocked aside by a huge gust of wind. I managed to push myself up and saw another Meif'wa standing across the clearing. She bled from countless wounds, and I realized that her blood was what had almost slipped me. She had long black hair with purple stripes, and her coal black eyes were surrounded by a ring of purple. Her black ears were pressed flat against her head, and her tail whipped around. Her skin was pale, and her hands were outstretched towards the other woman.

Wind swirled around the clearing, and lightning flashed above. It started to pour, and I realize with a start that the Meif'wa was doing this. It had been a perfectly clear night, but now a storm raged on above our heads.

"Your fight is with me Shaden!" The other Meif'wa struggled to her feet, still laughing.

"You've gone soft Alicia! There was a time when you didn't care who got in your way!" Alicia's eyes filled with rage and she blasted Shaden with wind.

"That wasn't me! That was the King using me!" Shaden slammed into a tree, her head cracking. But she stood, bracing herself against the tree as she glowered at Alicia.

"I will finish you Alicia. Then no one will have to worry about the King's toy ever again." She charged at Alicia, and I realized that the Meif'wa looked exhausted; she would never be able to defend herself against a blade.

With a yell, I leapt in front of the Meif'wa that had saved my life, my sword brandished. Shaden's sword met mine with clash, and I pushed her backwards. Her eyes flared and her tail swished around her legs frantically.

"Leave us human! This isn't your fight!" Before she could come at me again, I closed the distance between us and leveled my sword at her chest, directly above her heart. She froze, terror clear on her face.

"Any fight near my village is my fight. Now, either you come with me, or I will be forced to kill you." She sneered, and I could tell that she would never give in. But before I could strike her across the head and knock her out, she knocked my sword out of my hand and started to run.

A bolt of lightning flashed down, striking Shaden. It hit her with a boom and a flash of bright light. When the air cleared, I saw nothing left where the fleeing Meif'wa had stood. My jaw opened in shock, and I looked at Alicia who still stood in the center of the clearing. Her eyes fluttered and she collapsed to the ground with a thud.

I raced over and sheathed my sword. She still breathed, but her chest moved up and down rapidly. I slipped my arms under her, picking her up. Starting back towards Phoenix Drop, I stared down at the woman in my arms. "Who are you?"

Love Can Mend {An Aphmau Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now