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Song: Memories of the Forgotten by Krale

    I fell backwards onto my bed, exhausted by the day's events. It had been a week since my old friends had returned home, and I had been running around nonstop trying to make sure that their new homes were being built and that they were adjusting to the new Phoenix Drop. I loved them, I really did, but Dale, well... he drank too much for his own good.

        My door creaked open, and I saw Lilith toddling in. Zoey stood behind her, holding the door open and smiling. "Lilith wanted to say goodnight to her Mama before she went to bed." I sat up, a smile spreading across my face.

        "Hey there little girl. Here, come give Mama a hug." She managed to walk over to me and hold up her arms. I picked her up and squeezed her tightly, and a few tears formed in my eyes. Holding her reminded me so much of when Aaron...

        I shook away the pain and let go of my daughter. I kissed her forehead and handed her over to Zoey, waving goodbye. "Bye-bye sweetheart. Sleep well." Zoey smiled, holding Lilith close.

        "Night Mama!" I giggled at her words, and then an overwhelming sadness crashed down on me. I barely even noticed when Zoey left, but instead I stared into the mirror sitting across the room. My long black hair was loose over my shoulders, reaching down to my waist. I wore purple chainmail under a maroon breastplate as well as a short light purple skirt and darker purple boots. My brown eyes were filled with tears, and my face looked more stressed than it had before. I stood, walking over to the mirror and placing my hands on the sides. If I looked hard enough, I could see the woman that he had left behind.

        "Oh Aaron..." Guilt washed over me like a tidal wave, and I slowly sank to the ground. All of the pain and worry and sadness that I had held in for the past several months suddenly exploded out of the dam I had kept it behind. I started to cry, burying my head in my  hands.

        When Aaron had sacrificed himself to rescue Garroth from the Irene Dimension, I didn't know how to feel. I was heartbroken and devastated and felt like I couldn't continue living. The only one who kept me going was Lilith. But every day that I saw her, every day I held her close, I was instantly reminded of Aaron. I could remember our picnics together with her, and the training sessions in the woods, especially what they had led to.

        But I couldn't hold it back anymore. Without Aaron, I felt like part of my soul was missing, and that I'd never get it back. He was gone forever, yet I would never be able to get over his death. No matter how much time passed, or how many men tried to win my heart, my love would stay with Aaron, whenever he was.

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