The start of something new

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"Ugh, I can't belive I'm going to spend my college years with that stupid girl" Zane said frustraded. He was walking back to his dorm after having that meeting with Jenny, (You would have to watch the series to understand comepletly, but Jenny is the one giving a tour to the new phoenix drop high students coming into college for their fisrt year. And Zane is one of them) he wasn't to happy meeting her again (Aphmau). "I was foolish enough to actually think that I wouldn't have to meet her again, but here we are!" Zane rubbed his head to try and stop the huge headache he had, but nothing worked. Meanwhile, Jenny was pretty flustered, thinking about her mystery man, "Alright, focus Jenny, no time for boys right now" she said to herself walking towards the high school students dorm section that was the main building of the college, "You just have to make one final check, to make sure all the students understood the important information". As Jenny kept walking, she noticed a familiar face, well, half of it anyway, with that mask on, who knows what the rest of it looked like. Jenny looked down and flipped through her list of the students and tried to make connections with that face to one of the names. She looked up at him once more, and squinted. It hit her, "Zane Ro'meave", she said in a hasty tone. But he was her responsabilitie, so she had to treat everyone equally, whether they were on her good side or not (That meant that she also had to include the butt-faces of the group as well). She took a deep breath, and started making her way to him. "Um, excuse me, are you Zane?" She asked, "I was just wondering if you--", she got cut off "OH, look at me! I'm a stupid potato with no sense of direction, but I tell people where to go anyway" Zane said in his impression of Aphmau. Jenny stopped in both confusion and shock, and concern on those acting skills of him. She thought she was being insulted at first, but then she heard his converstion continued. "Is he talking to himself?", she asked herself quitely. "....and I'm in college but I'm still not tall enough to go on rollercoasters. Pfft, that chick does everything wrong, yet has this charm on everyone to get what she wants!" Jenny had heard enough, she spoke again, louder. "Excuse me, are you Zane Ro'meave?". He heard nothing "She'll be lucky enough if she makes it out, alive. Yeah, that'll be the day. And that guide! she makes me sick, with her pep talk and kiddie games, what a...." Zane turned to see that Jenny was standing right there, boi she looked mad. "...uh..." Zane tried to find the right words to say to save his butt, Jenny was waiting with her clipboard of the names of her students close to her chest. "...what, uh, a very caring person who does well to all! Heh,heh...". "Oh, so I am suddenly not making you "sick", anymore?" Jenny snapped. She was sorta doing fifty- fifty here between teasing him for being a jerk and actually being mad enough to report him to a teacher. Zane turned a deep red, but kept most of his "cool" to still manage to look at her in the face. Jenny smiled as she realized she finally got him under control. "So, Mr. Ro'meave" (she remebered that this guy was the only real jerk of the group, and figured he was him) "I was going to come here to ask if you were doing fine, but I see we need some little chit-chats about how we should treat our fellow students and, I don't know, our leaders?", she said in a calm, but forced tone. "Or, do we not?" Zane responded with a sigh. "Noo." He said in his gothic tone. "Goodie", she said as her happy self, "now, do you actually need any assitance, such as finding cafeterias or near by bookstores to hang out in?". Zane thought for a bit, "actually, I was wondering where the bookstore was. I wanted to find some bibble or any chemistry books to get a heads up on science. Jenny smiled, feeling like they filled the gap of hatred quite quickly. "Sure thing! It's by the cafeteria down stairs, down the hall to the left and straight ahead. And if you get lost, there will be school maps on every door of your dorms tomorrow, we almost ran out of ink to print them this morning." Jenny finished with a look at his eye (he always covers up the other one). "Uh, thanks. I guess." he replied. "Is that all?" She asked. Zane nodded and headed off, about to anyway, Jenny spoke again. "I'm sorry, I forgot to mention one more thing." She said as she put her arm in front of him, "Are you by any chance part of the Ro'meave trio, along with Vlyad and Garroth Ro'meave?" she asked. Zane froze, he desperately wanted to say "no", but he couldn't because it wasn't a grown up thing to do, so he grumbled instead. He sighed, "Yes", he mumbled. "I'm sorry, could you--" "YES." He cut Jenny off again. "Sheesh, how are his brothers related to this. I mean, Garroth was no where near as grumpy as this one", she thought. "Perfect!" she said, out loud happily. "Your parents told me to ask you to sign this for your safety." Zane started to question this lady. "Safety?! I'm in college for irene's sake! Why would I need to--", he stopped. 'Zianna' was the first name he saw on that piece of paper. "Mommy?", he thought. He started reading:......(he read a bunch of school stuff that I'm not gonna bother with, and honestly, neither did he. We shall skip to the hand written part of the letter) ".....and he should never leave campus unless he's coming to visit family. And finally, my little Zu-Zu should be well taken care of," Zane knew it was straight from her. "Zu-Zu", his mom was the only person he let get away with a cutsie name such as Zu-Zu, it was their thing. "I know he is an adult now and should not do stuff like this, but I am a mother. Zu---(it was scratched out) Zane Ro'meave, if you are reading this, know you will always be little in my eyes, and I love you no matter what. I hope you grow up to be the strong, smart man I hope you will one day become, but if you want to be diffrent, that's okay. As long as you are changing because you want to, not for any one else. With lots of Love, Zianna Ro'meave." Zane looked at the letter for a bit before reading it again. It said at the bottom of the letter for him sign below. "Well?" Jenny asked politely while handing him a pen. "Uuh, I--- ahem, yes, I'll, um, I'll sign it" and took the pen. He was having an emotional time, but tried his best to hide it (as always). He signed the paper and gave it back to Jenny. She could see that there was something diffrent in him, something warm and caring in his eyes. "Huh", she thought while looking at the paper that was being handed back to her. "Well, thank you very much, and I hope the rest of your first day goes well." she said. Zane nodded, and left him thinking about the letter. After he got his stuff together he looked up and smiled. "Love you too mom" he thougth. He was about to go to his dorm, but as he turned to the door, something caught his eye. A very small glimpse of hair, white, hair.

 A very small glimpse of hair, white, hair

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Aphmau Graduation days : Zanevis storyWhere stories live. Discover now