Glued to my mind

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After a good talk, Zane and Garroth grabbed some Coffee from Starbucks, before Zane had to be at the spot that Jenny told her students to meet at. They started talking when they got out with their drinks, Zane looked at his cup after taking a sip, he looked over at Garroth, he didn't seem that interested in it, but took a sip anyways. He smiled at the faces he made, "So, how's your coffee Garroth?" Asked Zane, he smiled some more (not like anyone could see). "Eh, I mean, I don't mind it." He said, not really impressed, looking at the cup like it was defected. "So tea?" Zane assumed. He took another sip, and made another face, "Tea" Garroth responded, sticking out his tounge. They walked some more before being able to see their table again, but someone was sitting there. "Dang it!", said Zane. Garroth looked over to see them, it was that couple from earlier, except withou their ice cream, "Told you we should've left your jacket there." Garroth teased, taking another sip. "Do you know how much this jacket cost me?" Zane turned to look at Garroth. He raised his arms to show Garroth the jacket, he took a look at his jacket to make an assumption. Zane asked a rhetorical question, but Garroth tried to respond anyway. "Hmmm," he began to say "I'm feeling $190.56, but knowing how many hot topic cupons and member ship cards you own, I'd say....about a good 50 bucks" Garroth joked. Zane shoved him over, he shoved him so hard that he spilled his brother's coffee. "Nooo....oo.....o. Actually I was gonna throw it away anyway." Garroth quite casually, and picked up the empty cup and threw it away. Zane finished his cup of coffee and threw it into the trash can, he missed, and walked away. Garroth wasn't fond of littering, "Aren't you gonna pick that up?" Garroth asked, "why?" Zane asked back. "Why? Because this generation is supposed to be making room for other generations to come. But it dosen't quite work when we trash the enviorment and trash it before the other generation is even born." Garroth stated, and picked up the cup, proudly, for him and threw it away. Zane looked at him like he was done with life, "wow. You could've just said, it's because it is the right thing to do and be done, right?" Garroth smiled turning to look at him, "Yeah, but then you wouldn't have learned your lesson by simplifying what I just said." Zane's eyes widened, "Dang it!" He squirmed, Garroth chuckled triumphantly. "Since when did you become a clean person anyway." Zane asked to change the subject, Garroth was confused by the question, "what do you mean?" He asked, "I mean, I remember, when we were in high school, you were really lazy when it came to cleaning your room. I mean, unless that Aphmau was coming over for dinner, AGAIN." Zane said. Garroth thought for a moment "Heh, she did come over a lot, didn't she?" He said remebering the fun times, but got back to the subject, "Eh, I don't know. But I definitely never littered outside" Zane wasn't so convinced, he knew there had to be a time where Mr. Perfect, wasn't so perfect. "Uh-huh" Zane said as he rolled his eyes. "What? I never did, I've always been green." Garroth confirmed confidently. They got closer to Zane's meeting spot with the group, but they still had a way to go. They didn't have anything to talk about, so he then he got thinking about the word green, Travis's green, sparkling eyes. He didn't notice he started blushing until Garroth looked over and spoke to him. "You're kinda quite, are you okay?" Garroth asked trying to look at Zane's face. He noticed his face was a bit red, he knew he wasn't mad anymore, not now anyways. So why else would he be red for?. "Are you, blushing Zane?" He asked curiously. "Huh?" Zane responded, not really paying attention, lost in the thought of those emeralds for eyes, Garroth knew that blush, the kind that girls that were into him had when they saw him walk by, "Zane, you're blushing aren't you?" Zane heard him this time, and realized what was going on on his face, he could feel the heat. "What?" He said more consciously "No! Why would I be?" He started to get and sound defensive now. Garroth was sure of it now, he heard the denial in his voice, he met someone. "Ohhh, I see." Garroth said, taunting him. Zane sensed that Garroth was onto something, "Shut up!" He denied once again. Garroth smiled, he knew he was onto something, "Ha ha, awww. I think it's cute that my baby brother found someone making him feel something other than anger or any usual emo feelings." Zane groaned, he knew his brother wouldn't leave him alone until he either found out about everything in the story on how he met them or found out everything about the poor person. "I said, SHUT UP!" Zane grinned his teeth together, hoping he could get to Garroth to shut up with an arm punch, "Besides, It's none of your business to find out who it is." Garroth's eyes lit up, "Aha! You admitted it, you are interested in someone!" Zane felt more frustraded with himself "CRUD!". Garroth chuckled and wanted to find out, badly. Jenny was already set up to play another team building exercise for them to do, as they could see more when they turned around a corner of the pavement. She caught sight of Zane, and called to him. "Hey, Zane. We're starting, hurry!" Zane had never been so glad to see his group, like, ever! "Oh, thank Irene!" Zane sighed. "Gotta go Garroth, sorry! (Not sorry)" Garroth was literally being pushed away by Zane, not just emotionally anymore, but physically too. "Oh-ho ho, you're not getting off the hook that easy! I'm gonna find out baby bro. Just you wait!" Zane ignored him and pushed him away until he stood up by himself and walked away, Garroth was filled with determination on this one, and disappeared out of Zane's sight. Zane sighed in relief and was filled with peace. He turned around and almost forgot about his group. "Ugh" he moaned like usual again, "well, better than him". He was about to go join the group with his everyday grumpy mood, but out of nowhere, Travis walked by, a few feet away from him. He wasn't looking in Zane's direction, he seemed to be very busy as he walked quite quickly, but just with the sight of him, It was enough to make him smile for an entire day, not only with his covered up mouth, but eyes as well. Well...eye.

Aphmau Graduation days : Zanevis storyWhere stories live. Discover now