You're part of me

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"Ha! See you sucker" Zane multi tasked between making fun of Travis and sneaking away from him and the guards. "Zane! You suck man!" Travis said with grinnded teeth, looking at where he could run and sneak next, thinking about where Zane would be at this point. He was running in somewhat Zane's direction. There were many obstacles along the way, like climbing trees, deep mud puddles, and thorned bushes. Travis wanted to take eaiser ways, but that slowy made him go in the oppsite direction as Zane. And since Zane had already been in more situations like this than Travis, he could almost get past anything in his way. It was some time before Travis realized he was slowly heading back to campus, so he decided to go with it, he still had a tough time with the "easy way" though. " Oh, I see light!" Travis said dramatically, it was the lights from campus, where it was safe, he went through more bushes with thorns, but he would do anything at this point to get out of here or at least have safe place to hide, as fast as possible. He made it through the bushes and reached the fence, "Yes! I did it" Travis cheered for himself, all he had to do now was cross the fence and he would be safe once again. But there was something stopping him, something in his mind that told him to go back for someone certain, someone who was stubborn as a mule, but at the same time, something inside of him wanted to go back to his dorm again. "He..dosen't care." Travis didn't want to say the next words, "and I don't ei--" he couldn't lie to himself, but he couldn't put himself throught this. Suddenly, there was a tie breaker, "So" he from afar heard, he crouched down, it was one of the guards passing by from the other side of the bush wall. "What do you think they're gonna do to him if we find him?" The jock thought about his friend's trivia, and answered, "probably in some deep trouble with his parents and the teachers that never got to teach him." He guessed. Travis was torn in twice the million of pieces he was torn up in before, "But...." He hesitated, and changed his mind again, "no! You're getting out of here, he dosen't care for anyone....not even me." Travis tried to convince himself and it worked, temporarily. He started putting one leg over, but stopped again, "he could be messed up for the rest of his life, don't you think?" The guard asked another question. "Probably, no girl, no friends." Travis's stomach flipped of guilt, thinking about the guilt he would hold for a very long time. He put his leg down, back out of the fence of boundaries, "but I care about him, I.." Travis finally realized what he felt all along, what was holding him back from going back to campus and back to his dorm, "..I...I love him." He confessed, he knew he didn't have much time, he didn't hear the guards anymore, he took this as an opportunity to run back throught the bush wall, "I love him" He said more confidently, crying with a smile on his face. Meanwhile, Zane stopped running, thinking that he had ran away far enough for the guards to not notice him, he took a break. "Ha! I wish I could his face right now," Zane smirked, barely gasping for air and started thinking of some things he would be saying right now, "Look at me, I'm Travis. I have always been a good boy." He said taking out something from his back pocket, a lighter. "I'm a big helpless wuss. I..I'm not like Zane...who is better at running away from police officers" Zane hesitated into thinking of more things to mock, but kept talking to himself, "I will get in huge trouble if I'm caught...and not be able to handle it on my own......and" he was still pretending, but mostly it was his concern for Travis that was taking over right now. "I gusse I have to do it on my own, since Zane left me here......" He looked at the ground, upset with himself, "....what a friend." He said, ashamed, looking down at the ground that looked like a black abyss. That's when he realized, that instead of lighting a cigar before continuing his journey of.....well, he didn't have a good reason to run away from college, his brain was in pieces and couldn't think staright anymore. But he then saw it was actually worth it to save a friend in need, who sacraficed his successful college years for him. He sighed, and realized what he had to do, "I gotta go back for him" he told himself, he was still thinking of the things Travis was going through in order to find him again, and the bad things that could happen if he didn't sneak right, but he was willing to risk everything because he knew that was just the kind of friend Travis was (totally wasn't gonna leave you before or...anyhting, heh), he just had to do it. He blew out his cigar and put his lighter away, he then looked up at the sky powered in millions of stars, "I just hope he forgives me" he said looking at the stars with hope and ran off to find him and get him somewhere safe.

Aphmau Graduation days : Zanevis storyWhere stories live. Discover now