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In the morning, Travis was up and ready to start the day. "Alright!" He exclaimed while streching, "Today is gonna be a good day." He walked over to his mirror and started coming his hair after getting changed. As he was combing the white river of hair, looked up and down to make sure he looked good from ALL sides. He started humming a cheerful tune to keep the spirit high. He was about to finish, as he checked for the 50th time, he thought he looked good, and smiled at himself, but something to the left caught his eye. It was a picture of Dante, his best friend since very young, he looked at it yesterday as he packed things for orientation week and figured it would be nice to bring it, he forgot he put it there. He stopped to look at it, his smile faded and put the brush down on his desk. He carefully picked up the picture and started smiling again, missing him dearly. "I miss you Dante", he spoke to the picture. He felt this sesation of determination and remembered one of his motives to do good in his new, soon to begin, college year, "And I'm gonna make you proud buddy", he said with tears of joy, he wiped them away and looked outside his window placing the picture on his desk. "Bring it on college!" He said with confidence. But instead, he got an incoming call. He checked his back pocket to see who it was, and surprise! It was his old man! Travis forgave the anticlimactic moment and picked up with a smile, "Dad?" He asked, "Son! It's good to here from you." Terry (that's his name) exclaimed. "Dad, I've only been gone for one day." Travis reminded him. "Only one?!" Terry joked. "It's only been a day dad." Terry went silent, "only a day?!" Travis laughed and his father continued to speak, "Heh, but in all seriousness, I can't belive my little boy is actually in college! It's seems like just yesterday you were playing tag and getting dirty in the mud at the park with that blue haired boy, what's his name, Daniel?" Terry questioned himself on that one. "Dad......that was yesterday and the blue haired boy, his name is not Daniel, his name is Dante, remeber?" Travis corrected him. "Oh! Right, sorry it's've made too many friends for your old man to remeber them all." He joked. "By the way, are you gonna be roomates with Dante? I remeber all the plans you two made for the future, all that "pal-stuff" you were gonna do." Travis looked back at the picture while his father spoke, "uh, yeah, actually dad" he fiddled with the zipper of his hoodie "he's not here" he responded glumly. "Oh, did he go get coffee or somethin'?" Terry asked confused. "No dad, his not in campus, or at this school at all. He...actually, switched schools at last minute." Travis looked outside the window, feeling like he was choking up in his tears, waiting to come out and take a stroll down Travis's rosy cheeks. "Oh." Terry answered, feeling kinda guilty for bringing it up. "Yeah," Travis continued putting his hand at the back of his neck, "he got an offer to his brother's college. He was so excited as well, I couldn't say 'no'. Soo, I let him be with his brother he looks up to so much, he's happy." Travis ended with a smile. "Oh, Travis. That must've been hard for you. But so kind!" Terry encouraged. "Hey, you're the one who told me 'family comes first!' Right?" Travis reminded him. Terry smiled "That's my boy! Your mother would've been so proud of you!" Travis's eye lit up, "Really?" Terry smiled wider, "Don't you ever doubt it son! After all, she is always watching you from above, right next to Irene" Terry re-assured him, Travis saw his mother's face in his mind, "Heh, mom was always very encouraging of me, wasn't she?" Terry gave a confused look, "Who says she ever stopped?", Travis raised his eyebrows and nodded his head, "True dat!" He responded with a big smile. 'Attention students, Attention' the speakers out the hall spoke. "Hey, can you hang on for a minute dad?" Travis asked, "sure." Terry waited. Travis looked at the door like it was talking to him, 'Can all students make sure that they have signed in with their ID card into the library for next year's textbooks. If not, you will remain without textbook for a 3 months and miss out on the first month of the year and on all the notes, therefore you will get very low marks. We are short on stack this year, so anyone who does not sign in today at 1:00pm, will have to face the consequences, thank you." (Again, not really sure how college works but, cartoon logic bruh!) "Holy crud! That was waaay to close." Travis exclaimed feeling even more thankful for that employee than before. "Hello? Travis, you there buddy?" Travis was in such shock he almost forgot about his dad. "Oh, sorry dad. Yeah, I'm here." Travis assured him "What happened?" Terry asked, Travis smiled, he felt kinda proud he made it at last minute. "Dad! Your not gonna belive this.The principal said that whoever dosen't sign into the library today at one, they won't have any textbooks for the first month of college next year and miss out on all the notes!....." This was the part that Travis was waiting for, "And I did it last minute yesterday, before closing time! Can you belive the luck I had?" Terry processed all of this, he did not speak for a couple of seconds, "Dad?" Travis wondered, still waiting. He heard a loud sigh from his father's phone, that wasn't good. "Son, do you realize what that could've meant for you? Your marks at this age are very important. Your not in high school anymore, son, you're an adult now, please, act like one." Travis felt his gut toss and turn a bit. Then, silence, Travis wasn't sure on what to say, Terry felt that he went a bit far. He knew he said the right things, but the tone he used was serious and all of a sudden. He sighed once more, "Look, son, all I want is the best life for you, not an okay or good, but great, "Mathematical" if you will (Adventure time reference).You mean everything to me, and I love you." Travis took it in, and understood where he was coming from, Terry continued, "It's okay to joke around once in a while, but your studies have to come first, okay?" Travis's stomach slowed down and started to settle. "I understand dad. Thank you." Terry smiled. "And I promise I'll do my best! I swear. Oh! And mom too!" Travis said. Terry was glad he got to him, "I know you will. I belive in you son." Travis smiled even bigger, "I know you do." Travis and Terry both had a bit of silence. "Well, I would finish this with a hug, but I'm not there soo, will an 'I love you' do?" Travis chuckled, "Sure, and I love you too". "Love you son, I'll call you later, K'?" Terry said warmly. "Okay. Bye dad!". They both hung up, he put his phone back in his pocket and Travis took in some more parts of the 'talk' they had, and he let it sink in. At first he wasn't completely sure at first if he could do it or not, but he took one look at his second piece of motivation. The picture of Dante, he smiled, "I can and will do this!...for mom, dad..and Dante!" Travis looked out the window, imagining himself walking to clases here and back, doing grown up stuff like driking coffee and getting stuff done on time while looking proffesional or, something. (Travis doesen't really know anyhting about college either, not yet anyways.) But it was all interrupted with a knock on the door.

Aphmau Graduation days : Zanevis storyWhere stories live. Discover now