I'm sorry

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Travis dragged himself to the building that had his dorm room. He walked up 2 flights of stairs and still managed to make it to his dorm wothout faaliing down the stairs because of emotionally unstable issues, still thinking of Zane, and what just happened a couple of minutes ago, re-playing it in his mind reapeatedly. "Do do do" he sang in a dead tone (sheesh Travis, calm down). "Walkin' up the stairs, just lost a compadre...hi, I'm Zane, and I'm dead." He lost the beat of his...song? he started singing started awhile back there, when he was making his way here. He sighed as he reached his dorm door, he looked through his pockets for his keys, he tried to look for them as fast as possible, but he was too tired to go any faster. "There you are." He said as he pulled them out to open the door, he felt really clumsy since he was so sad, he dropped his keys like it was butter. "Darn it!" He sighed, he crouched down to pick them up, but saw something white under them. "huh? What this? He asked the note as it if could talk. "Is this a note?" He saw something in the front, it seemed like printing in the front, It was the slip Zane needed, to get his books. "What?" He asked himself, "what's it doing here?" he examined the paper for any written notes from the lady at the library, he looked at the back for any clues on why it was at his door, nothing. But he looked closer, that's when he saw it, a hand witten note, but it wasn't the lady that wrote, it was Zane! He could tell by the hand writting, "Wait, why?" He asked as if Zane was there himself, he had a bunch of questions as to how he knew where he lived and why he wrote a letter instead of talking to him in person, he started reading, "I  d o n ' t  k n o w" he read, confused at first, but then remembered that he never did answer to his apology, so maybe this was his answer, but the note kept going, and so did he, "I  a m  n o t  s u r e  i f  I  f o r g i v e  y o u,  s o  i  w i l l  t a k e  a  "n a t u r e  w a l k"  a r o u n d  c a m p u s,  i ' l l  t e l l  y o u  i f  i  c o m e  u p  w i t h  a n y t h i n g . . . . . Z a n e."  Travis's heart dropped, "he...dosen't know?" He didn't know what to feel or how, he felt sad that he wasn't 100% forgiven, felt confused as to why he send the note instead of talking to him, kinda worried that he knew where he lived, but happy that he made an effort to at least bring him a note giving him hope in this situation. "But, what about--" he got an answer straight away, "checked out ✔️" it read with a pink hight lighter check, Travis was glad that he did check his books out. Something stood outto him, black smedges on the paper, he then looked at the slip a little closer and saw an earased pencil heart next to it, "No, that's too much" he knew he would've thought. "Aww." Travis said, with a warm smile, then he realized he missed him, he needed to find him, and talk to him in person to truly fix this mess. Travis turned, and ran down stairs and out the main entrance. He got outside, it was pretty chilly for Travis, but Zane was worth it and wouldn't give up that easily. "Zane?" He called out, he started run, hoping to not only find him faster, but to warm up as well, it was hard to see how many people stared at Travis like he was a lunatic, shouting out a strangers name randomly. It was starting to get pretty dark out. After almost 2 hours of checking Zane's dorm room, looking for him at the park, and even going back to the library, no sign of him. "Zane?" He looked up desperately at Irene, hoping she could hear him, and bring Zane back, but no use. He sighed looking down at the dark pavement and walked over to what looked like a bench and walked over to it, whatever it was, he just wanted to sit down. "where the heckin' are you buddy?" He wondered, he sat down on the bench, feeling like he looked everywhere in the campus, he was pretty tired and laid back while still slouching. "Alright, you two understand?" Travis was about to comepletly give until he heard, what sounded like a proffesor behind him, not very far away from him. The proffesor looked at two jocks with security hats and flashlights with the school logo. "Yes sir" they both soluted, one of them put his flashlight in his pocket with the school football team logo. "Calm down, we aren't in the military" they both de-soluted the proffesor, not feeling as cool anymore. Travis turned to look at the proffesor and the jocks, he could finally see them under the lamps that lit up, "Alright, let's go over the rules, shall we?" The proffesor wanted to check, "What are we looking out for?" He asked the first question. "The escape artist in black." They responded. Travis's eyes widened, "Black?" Travis kept listening and looked at the security team more intensely. "Good, where are we gonna look?" The proffesor asked them, "outside of campus boundaries." Travis's heart stopped, "wut?!" He sat up. "And what's his name?" The jocks smiled, "that's trick question sir, we don't know." One of the jocks answered, proud to know the answer. "Yeah, we have to look out for a shady person sneaking around, and bring him back to you for his punishment." The other jock added on. Travis didn't take any chances, he started running to try and catch up to Zane, whether it was him or not. (But he really hoped it was Zane.) and suddenly felt awake again, making his way to the fence that indicated school boundaries. "Alright, be careful out there yourselves, alright?" The, now new guards, smiled, "will do Mr.S" they said in sync, the teacher could honestly couldn't care any less. The jocks were about to leave, until one of them thought of something, "oh! And if we do catch the escaper, do we get ice-cream?" Proffesor Sanches stopped to look at them, he looked at them sternly, "no. You are adults, act like em' " he responded, and walked away looking down at his clip board. The jock looked sad now, the other guard felt bad for him, "don't worry," he put his hand on his shoulder, and smiled at him, "escape artist or no escape artist, I'll buy you ice-cream" the sad jock smiled at the ground and then to him, "yay!" He exclaimed with a hug and they walked towards the boundaries. Meanwhile, Travis had never ran so fast or far before, "Irene, please protect him if I don't make it!" He sorta prayed as he ran. He kept running until he couldn't anymore, he huffed and huffed, but he just couldn't anymore. He started thinking this run was useless, how could he catch him right now, he started to loose his main fuel, Hope. He panted some more, feeling worried sick for him. He looked down, to catch some breather, then he looking up, and like magic, there was a person dressed comepletely in black, heading towards the fence. Travis wasn't very sure at first, he looked diffrent, less bulkier. He realized that Zane left his everyday coat and had traded it for his old high school hoodie, with the dark gray lines mixed in with light gray lines. It seemed he had his white headphones on, listening to the wise words from rock songs he often listened to, well most of them were rock, but he also had a few classic ones in his playlist, "...There used to be a greying tower, alone on the sea. Youu became, the light on the dark side of me...." The song played. ("Kiss from a rose", a great jam by the by!) As this song played, filling the inside of his head with this musical tune, he started having flash backs from earlier today, when he was checking out the books from the library. "So, I think that's all of the books you'll be needing for next year." The lady said, "do you have the confirm slip?" Zane looked through hi pocket from the inside of his coat, and reached for the slip Travis gave to him, "here." He said handing in the slip. He stared at the slip as the lady read it to checked it if it was the right one. It reminded him of Travis, and thought of this, how he spent who knows how many hour looking for him, he did his best to find him. Zane looked down at the counter and fiddled with one of the hanging chains at the end of his leathered sleeve, "I can't stay mad at him, can I?" He asked himself already knowing it was a silly question, he could never, no matter how hard he'd try. He sighed, "I messed up bad didn't I?" Looking at the counter in dissapointment of himself, "but how can I fix it? do I wanna fix it? Is there time?" He questioned himself silently, not sure if he knew the answer to all his questions in mind, the lady typed a few final things and looked at Zane, and smiled at him. "would you like your slip back dear?" She asked kindly, "N-" Zane stopped himself, he thought of something, an attempt to fix things again. If he couldn't say what he wanted to say, he might try to write it down instead! "Dear?" She asked once more, "I, um. Yes I'll have the slip, thank you." Zane responded, ignoring the fact that he just said "thank you" and swiped it back. He remembered how excited he was to write this note to Travis, in hope of it being cheesy enough for him to forgive him. He wasn't a patient person, he couldn't wait. But now, that's all he had to do, wait for an answer. No responses came yet, he didn't he would respond till tomorrow, at least that's what he thought. "Travis.." He quivered, missing the voice of him. The song was coming to an end, "...A light hits glooomm...on the..........graayy" his !Pod sang, beautifully. After that, he started hearing a faint noise, he didn't think much of it at first, it was probably the noise glitch he usually got after every song was played. Zane got sceptical about his theory, "Wait," he thought, "I fixed that two days ago, the noise wasn't suppose to come back", and the more he heard it, the more it sounded like his name. "Zane!" Travis shouted from behind. Zane turned around to look at the talking being, expecting it to be a guard after him, he took one of his headphones out. But it was not a guard, "Travis?" He said faintly as he looked at the white hair, it was him. He thought he would never see him again, (since Zane originally wanted to get kicked out by getting caught) he was glad to see him again. "What are you doing here?" Zane asked him in disbelief he made it this far. Before Travis answered, he went in for a huge hug, Zane stiffened up, but liked it. "I'm here to stop you from leaving campus!" Zane's eyes widened, he would do these trouble making acts just to show who's boss from time to time, but he had never been caught doing something he didn't want anyone to know, before Travis became involved in his life, that is. "Did you rat me out again?" Zane assumed quickly. "What? No," Travis was offended,but he knew he deserved it, "I over heard that two guard jocks, they are coming after you!" Travis corrected. Zane did know there were guards, but he didn't for it. He studied Travis anyways, just to test him, he didn't seem to stutter frantically, and why else would he lie anyways? At least, that's what he used to think about him before. "How do I know you're not lying?" He asked Travis. "Because" Travis looked at the stars in Zane's eye, "I care about you too much to let you get kicked out of this school!" Travis said, gloomly. Zane had never been so cared about people who weren't part of his family, it was nice. "Wha-- really?" Zane asked, Travis looked at him in shock, "of course I care about you, dummy!" Travis playfully punched Zane's shoulder, Zane smiled at Travis. He pulled Zane's arm as he started jogging, "Now let's go before they show up, we can still fix this mess!" Zane stopped running away with Travis, and slipped his arm away, he didn't like that word he used, "fix". Zane looked at him coldly again, "what mess?" Travis stopped running and turned to look at him, "the one we are in, the one you caused." To Travis, that sounded brisk, he tried to find some other words, "I mean, it's okay, we're in this together an--" "I don't need fixing!" Zane shot, Travis felt small. He needed to think of something else, "I know you don't! I didn't mean that way, I--" Travis tried to explain, Zane didn't let him, "Yeah but you said it, and you were thinking that too, weren't you?" Travis could not belive this guy, fighting in the middle of a rescue mission, "why are you been like this?" Travis said, trying to knock some sense into him, Zane deflected it. "You think I'm messed up, like the rest of the people that met me," he started walking backwards to the fence, Travis's heart racing again, "Zane?" He asked, making sure that he knew what he was doing, he ignored him. "Garroth, Vlyad, and now.....you" he touched the fence, he choked up a bit, but still put one leg through the fence. "Stop!" Travis yelled, still not giving up on Zane, Zane stopped, and listened quitely. "Do you really wanna end up like this? Do you wanna get in a boat load of trouble if they catch you? Do you understand how messed up your life will be if you do this and don't sneak succesfully?" Zane stared blankly at the floor, he turned around. Travis tensed up feeling Zane's cold stare, searching through his soul and gave one step back through the fence, he was officially out of boundaries, Travis's heart finally broke. "Does it look like I care?" Zane responded holding his hands up. "Zane...n-no, you can't" Travis stuttered, running out of things to say, "oh yeah? Watch me" he walked backwards throught the bushes and vanished into the small bush wall, into the mini forest. Travis's mind was being split apart. One side told him to go back to campus, safe in boundaries in his dorm. But the other wanted to help a friend out, taking however many risks in order to keep him safe, and to show him what better he knew Zane could become. Travis thought about all the wise advice he'd gotten in his life to choose this fate, all of a sudden, Dante's voice popped up, "a friend in need, is a friend indeed." He heard high school Dante say. Travis looked at the fence, then he remembered someone else, his father. His father wouldn't be too happy if "escaping from campus" came up on his records. Travis thought harder, but all of his thoughts ended up leading back to Zane, he wanted to make an excuse to save, but he didn't, he came up with a fact instead. "Family comes first" he told himself, "he is family," he looked up at the stars, "and mom is wathcing over me." He tried to chuckle his butterflies away, "So what do I have to loose?". Those were the final words that he said before crossing over the fence, he did it, he was out of school boundaries too, just like Zane. Except, he tripped and bumped into a few tree trunks and eventually  bumping into Zane, before planting his faces. After a bit of a surprise moment, he looked behind him and saw Travis on the floor, "oh, my Irene, he did it" Zane whispered in disbelief, as poor Travis laid there in pain from the thorns stuck to his face. "Are you stupid?" Zane crouched beside him, watching Travis as he spit dirt out. Without the help of Zane, he stood up, and wiped the dust off his sweater, "I don't know," he said blowing his hair out of his face with his mouth, "you're here too, you idiot" Travis snapped hard for the first time. Zane couldn't admit that, he kinda liked it, but it wasn't time for that, it was time to make a plan, because he knew that the trouble, had just doubled (Boooooo! Screw puns!) now they were both out of boundaries and were gonna be screwed if one of them did one thing wrong. "Now you're in trouble" Zane hissed, Travis rolled his eyes, "weren't you in trouble yourself already?" Travis pointed out. "Besides, I know you can change and if you go down, I'll come with you. To show what it's like to have a friend" Travis explained handing his hand to him. Zane looked at his hand, and pushed it away, h thought that was stupid. "First of all, I have been in millions of situations like this and never got caught, so I wasn't really in much trouble you dork." Zane had changed his mind about being kicked out, but would've never admitted that the only thing that changed his mind was, not his mom only, but he wanted to be with Travis as well. Travis admitted to himself, that was a good point, the only time he did something "crazy" was staying a minute and 45 seconds past his bed time (yep, he counted). "And second of all, do you really think I'm just gonna change just because you keep annoying the hell out of me." Travis was offended now, "hey!" He hissed for himself, Zane was a bit scared, but didn't show his fear. "I just crossed the boudaries for you to realize I truly am sorry for what I did in the past, but you have to let that go now, or how else will we become, even close to friends?" He finished with a caring look, Zane gave him this stupid look, "do you really think I wanna be friends with you? To understand frienship junk." Zane looked at Travis's eyes, Travis started loosing confidence, but tried not to show it. "I'll let you know, I don't need any of that" Zane lied, he wasn't comfortable trusting him right now, or probably ever. "You, you don't....?" Travis asked surprised, thinking that that was what Zane wanted, friendship. "No" Zane lied again. Travis looked upset, but it slowly managed to turn into anger as he looked the floor. "fine! I guess I can just leave you here to rot while, I go back to my dorm safetly to my bed an--" as Travis was making his way back out through the bush wall, he noticed the jocks were heading this way, he couldn't run that way. At first it's what he wanted Zane to face, but then he realized, he himself would get caught. Zane peeked through the other side beside Travis, to see why he had stopped. He saw the guards, and smirked, "Well, well, well. What was that? Going safetly back to your dorm?" Zane teased. Travis looked at Zane with his "laser vision" stare, but didn't let Zane get the best of him though, "That is a-okay, I'll just wait till their gone and--" his Idea was shot down,  he could start hearing some chatter from a distance, the guards were coming straight for them. Luckily, they hadn't noticed them, yet. "Okay," Travis said, still trying to find a positive side to this, "Look, I know we aren't cool with each other, but if we work together on this, we still have a ch---"  yet another idea was shot down, Zane already left. Travis looked around like he did wizard magic or something, "what the?" The, he found him, running stealthily through trees, bushes and branches, making the quietest of escapes he had ever seen. Travis didn't know what to do, but to do what he did best now, run.

Aphmau Graduation days : Zanevis storyWhere stories live. Discover now