Our final dance

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Brids were singing as the morning set in the sky. The drops of water that remained from last night's shower, glistened as the light of the sun reflected on every drop that had fallen from the sky. The clouds eventually sneaked up on the sun, making shadows dissapear from the concrete ground, where Travis stood. His rosy cheecks trying to finding warmth under the stripy scarf, "oohh." He shivered, "why would Garroth meet me in this kind of weather?" He asked himself. He had been told by Garroth that he wanted to talk to him about something important (they accidentally bumped into each other last night, and told Travis he was gonna meet him tomorrow, so there was no need for anime club.) he would have asked more questions if Garroth had let him, but he kept doging them. But he trusted Garroth, so he agreed to come meet him, it wasn't exactly a warm and sunny day, but he did like the soothing aroma of wet dirt and peaceful wet plants. Travis had just started making his way after coming out of his own building, "Alright," he said, "He said to meet at a pinic table near....Zane's building." He looked up at the glass door, having flashbacks of Zane slamming it with anger, his stomach flipped at the thought of bumping into him. Having an awkward silence between them, holding back a waterfall of tears, questioning th realationship he had with him at them moment or if he even had one anymore. Travis started spiraling down a pit of thoughts until he lost focus after almost bumping into a tree. He looked around to see if anyone saw that, and to his relief, nobody did. "Whew." He sighed, he stopped thinking abut that and carried on, "Alright Travis, focus, you're here to meet Garroth and talk to him about...." He thought for a moment, he didn't really tell him what was going down, "...about, the...the something!" He exclaimed. As Travis kept walking over to the picnic table, Zane was panicking a little, he knew this would envolve talking about his feelings with someone he had feelings for. He was still talking to Garroth through the phone since his basketball practice got sudden changes on scheduel, and had to meet the team for an emergency meeting. "So they didn't say what was going on?" Zane asked his brother, "nope" Garroth responded, "oh." Zane said. "Yeah, it's kinda weird. But anyways, I'm really sorry I couldn't make it baby bro." Garroth apologized, Zane nodded, "It's okay, I know you meant well anyways," he replied "and you already helped a ton bu bringing Travis out here. Besides, It's better if Travis and I are alone." Zane started walking outside, Travis wasn't there yet so he decided to walk towards Travis's building to look for him, he was desparate to see him already, "yeah, I figured I would mess it up if I showed up." Garroth agreed. Zane's butterflies wanted to come out, but he fought them, keeping them in. "Alright, I think I see him." Garroth said, Zane tensed up thinking it was Travis since that's all he could think about, "what?! Where?!" He stopped walking suddenly, It made Garroth jump a bit. Then remebered his brother was as fragile as glass, "oh, sorry. No I meant Laurence," he explained, "we agreed to meet each other before the meeting so we could go together.". Zane's heart rate slowed down, and stopped looking for Travis, "oh, right." He said, Garroth could feel Zane's anxiety levels from where he was standing, he felt like he needed to say something quick, but helpful. He motioned to his best friend to wait for a minute, his friend nodded. "Look Zane, I have to go," he said, Zane felt the butterflies from earlier get stronger in his stomach, "I want you to know that you are a great guy and Travis is the luckiest guy to be with you." Garroth said with a serious tone, but caring too. "And if he dosen't realize that, I truly mean it when I say, he's missing out." He said with a smile, Zane vould feel his butterflies get weaker and weaker. He stopped walking and processed the words that came out of his brother's mouth, he didn't know what to say. "....thanks...big brother." He managed to whisper, Garroth smiled, "no problem," he responded, "now, go get him, he should be there by now.". Zane looked behind him and spotted the picnic table, there wasn't anybody he knew sitting there, "he should be..? Zane asked panicking more than before, "is he even gonna show up?" He thought. Garroth looked confused, "yeah, why? Is he not there or something?" He asked his freaked out brother, "uh, yeah, um.." Zane doged thequestion, "I gotta go, I...bye." He said quickly and hung up in him. "Bro? You there?...Bro?" Garroth looked at his phone, he hung up on him! "Huh, weird." He told himself. "He's not coming, is he?" Zane thought, he started breaking down emotionally, his eye watered as he thought of Travis bailing on the meeting. He managed to hold back most of his tears, but wasn't sure for how long, "I really messed up" he told himself, he started taking this more and more personally, "what was I thinking?" He asked himself. On Travis's side, he was still thinking of Zane as he made his way to the picnic table, regreting not saying more romantic things to him or simple facts like an "I love you" once in a while, and now he probably wouldn't get to anymore. "I'm so sorry Zane." he whispered to himself, glum that he couldn't say that in person. He eventually made it to the picnic table, but there were people sitting there already, he then realized he wasn't feeling like talking to someone right now. He felt sorry he wasn't gonna talk to him, "I'm sorry Garroth.." He said, and started walking back to his building. "Where is he?" Zane asked himself, he couldn't see Travis anywhere, "dang it!" He kicked a puddle, and felt kinda better. He sighed and saddened, by a lot, "I'm so sorry Travis" he mumbled, and started to feel very cold, he didn't really care. Though he did feel like he really did embarrass himself, and wanted to be in his dark room alone, so he started making his way back to his building. Zane got half way before realizing his favourite kind of weather was out and about, a rainy day. He did feel better knowing it would rain soon enough, but not enough to fill in his missing pieces of himself, he imagined the things that him and Travis could be if he hadn't messed it up so badly, then imagined the fun timed they could've had in the rain, together. Travis looked at the ground, knowing that he let down Garroth on his promise to show up, but also let down Zane. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't stop thinking about him, not for a second. He looked at the puddles he wished to splash in, but he needed someone else to actually have fun, he thought of Zane again. "I'm such a coward." He told himself, "If I feel so sad about this....................why don't I just talk to him right this minute, and ask for his apology." Zane encouraged himself. "I shouldn't have to stop now, I've come so far so..........................I'll go back to my room and call him rigth now." Travis said a he sped up. He started getting pumped for this brave deed, he had never done something like this before so he was excited to see what would happen after today. So did Zane, he wanted to talk to him again for soem time now, and it was gonna happen now, even if he rejected, he could say he tried. "I really hope he does accept though..." He thought, Travis meanwhile, was trying his best see over the striped scarf, flying in the wind, getting in the way of his sight. "Stop it." He would say to his stubborn scarf, it didn't listen and kept smacking his, he started wrestling with it. "Get out of my face you...stupid.." It was then that Travis bumped into something, "ow!" He exclaimed, he could feel two hands on each of his elbows, holding him. It wasn't a tree, that' was for sure, he got nervous on what kinda person it was behind the scarf. Before anything, Travis started to apologize to whoever he had bumped into, "I'm so sorry! I should've looked where I was going, I..." The scarf had finally decided to take pity on Travis and slid down his face, standing before him was the darkest emo he ever did see. He blushed realizing it was Zane. "Zane!" he squeaked, Zane just chuckled at Travis's vulnerability, wich he thought was kinda cute. "Heh, What is it with you bumping into to me all the time, huh?" He joked, Travis realized he was still in Zane's arms, after that, he was able to think straight again and realized something strange, Zane didn't look mad, at all. "...are you...laughing...at me?" Travis said as he fixed his scarf. Zane's smile faded and realized that was a mean thing to do, even if he did mean it as a joke, they weren't exactly cool with each other yet. He felt like he needed to say something nice before messing up any harder, "Oh! No! I mean, I was just...I, um.." He stuttered as he tried to think of soemthing to say. Travis realized that he was feeling bad for what he said, but it wasn't, "oh, no! It's just, I was confused..." He hesitated, but he went right to the point, "...are you mad... at me?" He felt like he killed the fun of Zane's chuckle, but he needed to know. Zane didn't know what he meant by that, "what?" He asked, "Mad at you? No, why?" He questioned, Travis was glad to hear that he wasn't hated, for now, but still explained just to make sure. "Well, you see. That's the thing, I don't know, did I do something wrong? Is it just me?" He asked, concerend for his relationship between him and Zane. Travis frowned, hiding his face in his scarf, crossing his arms, Zane couldn't bear to see that, "of course not!" He exclaimed, holdong his hand to show that was the truth. He watched as Travis lifted his head and uncovered his mouth, he looked down at his hand being held by Zane. "You're not?" He looked at Zane to make sure, he nodded, "no, I'm not..". It was his turn to explain his side of the story, "..I wasn't mad at you, I was mad at myself, and what I put you through." He said glumly. Travis didn't understand, "what do you mean?" He asked. Zane looked down at his hand holding Travis's, he began to explain himself, "I mean, I was mad at the fact that I left you, mad at the fact that you cared for me and didn't." He looked up at Travis's eyes, "Mad at the fact that never once, after all that hell, said a simple..." He got close to Travis and held his face with his free hand, and whispered in his ear, "...I love you." He finally manage to say. Zane slowy backed away, feeling scared of what kind of reaction Travis might have. He couldn't tell what was happening with him, he was staring at him with twinkling eyes and a rose red face. There was silence between them, and after Travis got his stuff together, he spoke, "I..I Love you too Zane." He responded with happy tears. They stared at each other before Travis laughed with happiness, and dived in for a great big hug. As Zane was being huged all of a sudden, he reapeted Travis's words, mainly the "I love you too" part, wich made him join in with the hug fest, along with Travis's contagious laugh. They hugged for a lot longer than they ever had before, but Travis still wanted some questions answered, "but, you did show me you loved me, remeber?" He asked, Zane shook his head while still hugging Travis, "Yes, but. I wanted to show you with words...that way, it would feel like it had a deeper meaning, you know." Zane explained, then, he flet Travis's hair slide down his neck, and felt his body pull away from him. Travis felt Zane's hands leave him and slide down to his hands, he smiled at Zane's eye, "aww, Zane...that was so sappy." Travis joked, he gave a small laugh as he saw Zane slowy heat his face up, he felt bad for him. "But, cute." He said, hoping to make him feel better, Zane did feel better, but still knda shy about it. "W-whatever." He dined, he studied the ground as he thought of something else to say, nothing came up. Travis smied once more before feeling a drop from the sky, land on his nose. He flinched a little, he crossed his eyes to see what cold liquid had touched his nose, "is it...starting to rain?" He asked Zane. He looked up at the sky to see what Travis was talking about, as he did, a drop of rain landed on his eye. "Ow!" He closed his eyes shut. He covered his eye with his hand, "I think so." He squirmed, and looked back at Travis who was laughing at him, but he didn't mind, Travis's laugh was his favourite song out of all the ones he owned. "Song.." He repeated his last thought to the ground. He then remebered how much they had missed each other and thought of an idea Travis might enjoy doing with him, dancing. "Hey, Travis." Zane caught his attention, "follow me." He told him, Travis stopped looking at the sky with his mout opened as he tried to catch raindrops in his mouth. He raised an eyebrow, "why?" He asked him, it was quite sudden as well. "Come on, it'll be fun, trust me." Zane assured him, giving him his hand, Travis hesitated and shook his head, "what are we doing?" He asked before agreeing to anything, Zane kept dogging questions to surprise him. "Please, just trust me.." He pouted at him, "you do love me, don't you?". Travis looked at Zane with raised eyebrows and saw his pout, he tried to resist the best he could, but he was too weak, he gave in. He sighed heavily and raised his arm, giving his hand to Zane. "Don't you ever doubt it." He hissed, not feeling very happy that, that was another point for the Ro'meaves. Zane got mixed messages from Travis, he said something sweet, but he gave a hasty mood, he shrugged, "Hehhey, I'll take it!" And took that hand. He dragged Travis over to the bench that the couple from earlier was sitting at. Travis noticed this and got more curious as to what Zane was up to, "are we there yet?" He asked, Zane finally stopped walking, "yes" he said, "yes we are." He let go of Travis's hand to turn to look at him. Travis didn't see anyhting but people running to find a dry place to stay as the rain come down hard enough to be able to hear it. He looked back at Zane in confusion, "what is this?" He asked him, Zane took his hand again and walked backwards, "you know how to dance, right?" He asked him, Travis shook his head, "yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?" He asked back. Zane wasn't so sure, so he twirled him to put it to the test, Travis twirled. "Woah, hey what are you...." He stopped talking, and realized where this was going, he looked up at Zane and started connecting the dots, this was something romantic he wanted to do. Zane took a step back, "won't you share this jam with me?" He bowed down, giving him a hand to take if he did want to, Travis rubbed his arm, hesitating a little bit, but eventually warmed up to the idea with a smile. "I'd...I'd love to, my good sir." He joked, Zane felt his cold hand warm up, he looked back up at his dance partner and brought him in with his hand. He got him close to his chest as they started spinning, Travis felt butterflies in his stomach and could feel his heart beat faster than he could breath. Zane slowly slid his hand down Travis's back. Travis felt his face heat up. Zane noticed this and felt like he was going to fast, he wasn't sure, "is this okay?" He asked him, Travis nodded, "mhmm." He prused his lips tigher. Zane kept his hands on Travis's waist and spinned him around. He didn't seem to be comfortable, he wanted to fix that, he wanted him to enjoy himself. "Is something wrong?" He looked down at Travis, Travis nodded, "I'm okay." He lied. He kept looking around them, but Zane didn't understand why, "are you sure? You don't look fine. What's wrong?" Travis looked up at Zane, sad eyed and tired his best to lie again, but he failed, "It's just, I mean, nothing" was his lie. There was definitely something wrong with him, Zane could feel it, "you can tell me anything, you can trust me. You know that, right?" Zane checked. It was then that the sadness from Travis's eyes faded, leaving him with his happy emerald eyes again. He smiled and thought it was sully of him to keep such a thing hidden, "yeah, I do know.." He smiled, "then please. Tell me what's wrong, you're not enjoying yourself as much as you should be." Zane said in a serious tone. Travis sighed and began to explain, "people are staring..." He said weakly, Zane looked around them to see what he was talking about, and it was true, people were in a circle shaped form that went around them. There weren't many prople though, but just a few, Zane stayed strong for Travis. He smiled confidently, "then let them stare.." He began to say, Travis looked at the ground, not really feeling it. Zane continued, "we're having fun and that's all that matters," he let go of Travis's hand and lifted his chin with his folded finger, Travis looked at Zane's ice blue eye, wich made his butterflies fly away along with his doubts melting away into nothing. "Okay?" Zane finished, it made Travis grin, "you're right, I am having fun with you, and that's all that matters!" He exclaimed, Travis started spinning around on his own and jumped into some puddles, "that's my Travis!" He claimed proudly, and jumped in some puddles. They played together in the mud for awhile. "Wow, they're crazy." One of the people staring told his friend, "right? Playing in these conditions?" He replied, "freshmen kids are nuts." His friend agreed with a nod and headed back to their their building. As the two happy flustered males dance in the rain with glee, they began to stop twirling around each other a little less, mostly Travis. Zane noticed this and wanted to make sure he was okay, "Travis?" He asked, Travis looked at Zane with a sniffling nose. "Yeah?" Travis sniffled, "why'd we stop dancing?" He asked, "should we? You don't look so good." Zane said concerned for his little guy. Travis shook his head, "I'm fine, I'm....." Just then he felt an itching in his nose, and sneezed quite loudly. Travis then looked at Zane wide eyed, "uhhh.." He mumbled. Zane stood there with crossed arms, " 'fine' you say?" He said in an unimpressed tone. "Heh," Travis chuckled, he didn't wanna go inside just yet, he wanted to spend time with Zane without being chased by cops or his brother popping up out of nowhere, he wanted to be in his arms in peace forever, or at least thirty minutes if that was too much to ask of Irene. The sneezing became more constant, "bless you." Zane said, Travis would respond with a sniffle, "I'm fine, now come on," Travis forced Zane's arm around him, Zane didn't resist it because he knew he would give up eventually, but he still wanted to see how far he would get with this. "this is the part of the dance where you dip..dip...di..d.." Travis could feel another sneeze coming on, and he did, falling into Zane's arms. Zane caught him, feeling confident he finally won over Travis, Zane waited to hear what he had to say. Travis looked up at Zane and sighed. "Okay, I give up, I'm sick." He sniffled glumly. Zane smiled at him, "no really?! I hadn't known!" He chuckled at Travis pouty face and helped him stand back up. He stopped making fun and gave him his own jacket, covering his shivering, cold, wet body. His shivering stopped, but his frown wasn't turned upside down yet, Zane thought it was weird since he looked warm and comfy, "are you okay?" Zane asked. Travis nodded, but Zane knew he was lying, "you sure? You can tell me anything." He told him, Travis then looked up at Zane, "oh, yeah, cuz you're so dang rational." He snapped. Zane looked at him concern, this wasn't like him to snap at random times. Travis frowned at the thought of Zane thinking he hated him. "I'm sorry, it's just," he hesitated to say, but managed to put his words together, "I wanted to spend time with and do more stuff like this, but without the chasing or people popping out of nowhere to disturb us. And we were having lots of fun, that's all." Travis said, like he was talking to the ground. He looked back up at Zane who had a sly look, he chuckled after that, Travis wasn't sure what was so funny but it made his face heat up. "Ha, you call me sappy?" He teased, Travis shoved him, "oh quite.". He started shivering again, the rain had been absorbed by Zane's jacket, he had to get Travis in before he got any sicker. "Come on, lets go in." Zane said as he put his hand on Travis's shoulder, Zane thought of what Travis said and slowly figured something out, "but even if we aren't together physically, you know we're always together spiritually. Right?" He said and looked at Travis. His eyes lightened up, "I...guess we are...you're right!" He said still wide eyed. His eyes went back to normal, then it turned into a sly look, he giggled. "What the heck is wrong with you now?" Zane joked, Travis still giddy, he chuckled and finally explained, "you love mee" Travis smiled, Zane had no reaction to this, didn't even try to hide it. "That's cuz you're stupid and you need someone to take care of you, duh." He joked, Travis looked at Zane with a sniffle, "but, I do love you...." He stopped to look at those green eyes, "...boyfriend." He finished off with a soft whisper. Travis wasn't in this position of being Zane's valentine yet, so he responded with a blushing face looking at the ground, with a smile. It took him a while to recover from Zane's last word, 'boyfriend', the word that made him all flustered, it was nice. Eventually he responded to Zane, "...thanks for caring..." He took a silent short breath, "..boyfriend." He said. Zane was surprised he said it, so early as well. He felt like the speed of their new relationship was growing at a relatively okay pace, for the both of them, they were happy, they were in love, It was only the beginning of a beautiful gayship....

 He felt like the speed of their new relationship was growing at a relatively okay pace, for the both of them, they were happy, they were in love, It was only the beginning of a beautiful gayship

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The end....for now....

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