A little bump in

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The students rustled through the halls, trying to get to places in less than thirty seconds. And It didn't really work when ALL of the students were trying at the same time. "My Irene" Zane said as he look outside the door through the little hole in the door, he had just woken up because the halls were so loud. "I'm all about shoving and pushing other people to show who's boss, but this is nuts!" Zane was already ready to start his souless day (as usual) and still had time to be on his phone for a bit before meeting up with Jenny and the others for another "fun" game, so he dived into bed again and went on instigram. "Does she even try?" He started talking to himself again, "I mean, musical chairs, that's just very, very, stupid." He said each 'very' while he scrolled down the My little horsies's instigram, catching up with the latest sneak peeks to new episodes, he didn't have time yesterday so he made up for it now. He was enjoying himself, doing quizes on wich horsie he was and some drawing contests coming up on who could draw the best horsie, until he heard a knock on the door. Zane didn't want to get up, so he pretended that It was one of the students outisde, but the knock noise repeated itself. He knew this would go on if he didn't do anything, so he gave in "Ugh, fine!" He mumbled. He opened the door, surprise! It was Jenny once more. "Hello again!" She said cheerfully, Zane looked at her cold, "I don't have to see you until later." He snapped. Jenny smiled fakely "I know, I know, but your brother, um, Garroth? Your parents send him to check up on you once in a while, remember? But Zane wished he didn't remember about the card, (except for his mom's message of course) but he didn't he would have to do it if there were no cameras from home or something, he gave a disguted look. "I thought they were like, kidding." Jenny looked confused, thinking he didn't know how to read well "Nope." Zane wanted to punch something, but he knew he didn't have control ove this, so he gave a low sigh. "Fine, where is he meeting me at?" Jenny looked out the window and pointed, "The park next to the main entrance." She said. "And you must also br--" she stopped to look at the mysterious guy that lived upstairs, he was in her vision across the hall were she was pointing. He was alone, like always, she blushed. "..ing..the...um, thing to, to the, uh...." She was doing it again, just like she did with that albino haired guy she was talking to earlier to give directions. There was silence, it got awkward "Um, hello? You were saying?" Zane reminded her that he was still there, she was iresponsive to his question, he started getting impatient with her. "Hello?! What the fu--" Zane looked at the direction she was looking in, he squinted, he also looked familiar, again, couldn't find the name or recognition of who he was, but this lady seemed pretty interested in him. The guy turned a corner and he was gone. Something inside Jenny snapped, "Crud! I lost him!" She thought. Zane, meanwhile, got so impatient that he slammed the door on her. It was so sudden, It snapped her out of it completely! Zane looked at the door, and grinned evily "That'll teach her" he said and checked to see if she was gone, to his surprise, she was! "Thank Irene! Well, I-- Shoot! I forgot to ask her at what time!" Zane regreted slightly at first, but then thought out loud, "wait, I can't go if I don't know what time I'm suppose to meet him" he said in a surprisingly good mood "In 2 minutes, so tick tock!" Jenny shouted from outside the door. "Wha--" Zane looked back at through the hole in the door, turns out she just dropped her papers and had to bend down to pick them up. She walked in the direction of the mysterious man, hurrying fastr than ever, "Wait!" She shouted behind him. "Pfft, poor girl. Feelings for other people are so stupid! That's why I don't have any" He said as he put on his jacket with his other black clothing and got ready to face the ocean of students outside his dorm room. It wasn't as bad anymore though, it calmed down comparing to this morning, but he was still an anti-socialist, deeply (he would never admit it though) he was a bit nervous to face that many people in the same place at once, but he closed his eye and took a breath. "Alright..........(cool transition)..........let's go!" Travis said, and walked out, starting to make his way to the library. He looked both ways before deciding on wich way he should walk to, "Alright, the lady told me to go down this way.....?" He said as he walked down the hall ".....wrong way" he said walking back the other way, to him, this was a confusing map to follow. "Maybe she was a bit busy to explain thoroughly, but she could have at least given me a few instructions on how to work this thing." Travis pointed out, trying not to be rude. His tactics consisted of walking one way realizing he was going the wrong way and going back the other way, and the millions of students in the halls rushing through didn't really help him. "Excuse me" he would say, most times it worked, people noticed him, but sometimes people weren't all that friendly, so Travis had to get rough and say, "uh, I said........(another cool transition)........get out of the way!" Zane busted through a crowd of students, shoving left and right whether they deserved it or not (of course, the majority didn't, but he didn't care). Not even apologizing for the attitude or his actions towards them, he would hear a 'Hey' or 'watch it you jerk', but honestly, all of this was just boosting his ego even more. He would smirk and give little evil laughs if he felt that their stumbles were funny to walk pass. Meanwhile Travis was having the hardest time following the map and watching where he was going, he would bump into some people here and there, and apologize, he would get some people to say that it was okay, but got stink eyes from others, either way, he would say to them "my bad, it's just I...............have no time for you idiots!" Zane exclaimed, and kept walking right through. "I have to get..............somewhere..............(Both) Important!". The two had finally bumped into each other, and fell. Zane could feel the headache coming back, but got up first anyways, still rubbing his head. Travis was still sitting on the floor, in surprise with pain in the mix "Ugh, can't you watch where your going?" He asked him, he stared coldly as he waited to get an answer from him, he also waited for him to look at him in the eye. "I'm, Ow! I'm sorry" Travis groaned, he looked up at him, hoping he would slim the chances of getting yelled at. Zane froze, he had seen his white hair before, and his name, it matched up accurately, It all came together now, "Travis Valkrum" he whispered, "You--,do you happen to know a girl named Aphmau?" He asked, hoping to get him out of his mind. It seemed very specific to Travis, and didn't feel very comfortable, "yes?" He answered, not feeling so sure if he should respond or not. He stood up "Why?" Zane finally got it, he started smiling "Ha!" He laughed, "you were that twerp who didn't have friends or sense of direction, so you followed your stupid 'not alone buddy', you were, and probably still are, so Pathetic!" Travis turned crimson, "Hey! I'm not pathetic and neither is she, okay?!", Travis was proud to stand up for himself and coming up with that at the top of his head, he was kind of surprised. It was usually easier to deal with bullies like him when he was with Dante, and kinda fun too, they would roast them hard if they dared to mess with the light-blue haired team. "Oh please"Zane continued, "like you changed over the years." Zane said wipping the last laughing tear to roll down his cheek. Travis wasn't bothered by him anymore, so he stopped and questioned the things he knew about him, "Wait, this isn't a regular jerk" Travis thought for a moment, thinking back to all his memories with his high school mates. "He looks familiar" he checked him out, "stupidly dark clothing, black eyeliner? And a hot topic sorta smell. Two out of the three match up with a familiar name" Travis looked at one last thing to figure it out, he only had one eye showing. "Zane?" He accidentally thought out loud. Zane stopped laughing, "What? How do you know my name?" Travis blushed a little "Travis!" He told himself off in his mind. There was an awkward stare, he was about to explain, but Zane spoke, "Look, I don't have time for you so I'll just--" Travis panicked, as much as he hated this guy, he was still lost and couldn't find any leaders right now, "Wait!" He reached out and grabbed Zane's hand in order to stop him from leaving. Zane looked at his hand, he felt anxious, "uh, wha-what are you doing?" he asked. His hand was soft and warm unlike his, his hands were always  cold and pale with near invisible freckles. "I need your help, I don't know where I'm going so.." He regreted to say, "can you please help me?" Travis asked. Zane didn't see why he should've said 'yes' until he looked at those shining green eyes that could sparkle in the darkest of nights, screaming him to help Travis. "Please?" He aked even more politely. "Uuh, I....s-s-sure." He stuttered in the heat of the moment, he felt something telling him to be nice, but couldn't figure if it was his head, stomach, or heart, "I-I-I mean, whatever. Just, give me that stupid map!" Travis gave a small "yay" of relief and was more than happy to throw his map at Zane, he looked over Zane's shoulder as he scanned the map. At one point he stopped and looked at Travis like he was the dumbest being on earth, "I honestly don't know what is so confusing about this map." Travis took and look at this map, he was drowning in confusion. "Wait, what?" He took the map away from Zane and scanned it carefully. "It didn't look like this before!" He said as he slowly turned the map sideways to take a better look, but as he did, the map started looking more like it did before. "Waaaiit!" Travis's eyes widened happy to understand, noticed that the map was starting to look more like it did before. "Oooh" Travis figured it out "It was upside down!" Zane stopped and bursted out laughing, he even got some attetion from others around them, "Ha hah ha, oh, man. Cute! Real smooth Travis!" Travis fiddled with his map feeling like such a dork, but stopped to consider what Zane just said. "Did you say.....It was cute?" He said with a sly smile. "Uh..n-no! I wouldn't" he denied, knowing that, that was true, "Uh-huh." Travis crossed his arms, sorta blushing. "I, UGH! This is what I get for being kind. I'm out!" Zane stormed off. Travis felt like he did do a somewhat kind thing for him, he felt bad. "Hey, Zane!" Travis called out hoping he would turn. And he did, he bothered to stop, and turned around "What?!" He snapped out of embarrassment. Travis looked to the ground, and had the courage to look at him, "...thanks..." Zane's eyebrows raised with a fuzzy warm inside. "Uh, I, ahem! Whatever!" Travis felt like he deserved that, but he was being dramatic. He rolled his eyes and looked back at his map now having a better idea on where to go. Zane had taken a few angry steps, before stopping again, he felt like he needed to say something else. "...anytime..I guess" he looked over his shoulder and meeting eyes with Travis as he looked up. Travis smiled widely and watched Zane leave him, he looked back at his map. He noticed that the library wasn't what he would call 'close by' "Shoot," he said, "It's all the way over there? I have to get going then!" And started running the opposite way.

Aphmau Graduation days : Zanevis storyWhere stories live. Discover now