I thought I knew you..

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"You want me to come back....?" Zane was confused to as, why they called him over all of a sudden, and why they wanted him to come back again, even though he just got kicked out. "Yes, we do." Jenny sighed. "Why?" Zane asked, that reminded her of Travis and felt happier about calling Zane, "There is a nice person here who says that they called you to the library to check ou your books before you year starts, if not, you won't get them 3 months later. Your marks will bump down if you don't have your books to study." Zane was still confused, "wait, I thought we weren't going to get our books yet. Jenny explained, "our group wasn't, but you were, you got signed into your brothers sign out group". Zane sighed, "of course I was..." But at least it made sense now. "I comepletely forgot to tell you becasue I was so busy with the planning of the activities I had to do, " Zane smirked, "so, nothing?" He mumbled loud enough for Jenny to somewhat hear the shade he was throwing at her. "What was that?" She fired, Zane remembered that this chick could quick him out easily, he didn't really care, but he kinda liked living on his own, so quieted down, "Nothing.. Nothing" he denied. "Anyways!" She sternly said, "Are you coming to get your books or not?. Zane had passed many classes with regular 90's or higher, he felt like he didn't need any books at all, he was pretty smart (academically) for a one eyed jerk. "Please, I am sure I can pass many of my clases without the help of any stupid books. Let alone the fact that you haven't even taught us how to study for college, I still have a high chance of passing." Jenny's blood boiled, "Was this kid dropped when he was a baby?!" She thought. She felt like exploding, but then took deep breaths.and realized this wasn't the way to go, she knew more about college than he did, he hadn't even been through his first year! "I'm not gonna let him get under my skin." She thought simply, "fine." She said with her firm normal voice, "I guess if you really can get by without the help of any "stupid" books, I guess you don't need them." She said. Zane was very suspicious of this, "is she really gonna let me do what I want?" He thought. He paused before responding, "Yeah?" He said, "Yes." She responded, Zane felt like he was in control for a moment, until Jenny spoke again, "but just so you know, the nice boy that came here to look for you so you could have an actual succesful college year, is devastating for me to hear that you just won't care for anyone." Jenny said coldly. Zane thought of "nice boy" in her sentence, could it'd be? Could it actually be? What are the odds that it could be him. "So I gusse I will tell--" she was caught off, "Wait.." He regreted blurting out, but he was really curious, "who is this person you are talking about?" He questioned, trying to sound subtle, Jenny didn't think he would actually care who it was, but responded anyway, "well, It sounds like he has bumped into you before, and seems to have a either a liking to you or was forced here," Jenny couldn't think of it being the first one, Zane waited for her to say...."I think his name is Travis?" Jenny said a she looked at Travis and her group from where she was standing, it seemed like he made friends with one of her group memebers, "Hey dude" she over heard Anthony say. Zane almost dropped his phone in surprise, but still managed to talk normally, "Travis?" He confirmed with Jenny, "yeah, do you know him?" Zane didn't want to loose his cool, but he couldn't help to think about the things that made him perfect in every way possible. "Well, I mean. I guess I sorta do" he started twirling his hair while he blushed. As Jenny listened to Zane shae was also keeping an eye on her group, she noticed that Anthony was looking around, she suspected that he was looking for her. "Listen my group is waiting so I gotta go, I'll just tell Travis that you're not interested in h--" Jenny was cut off, "Wait! Jenny" he blurted out, Jenny got a bit of a jump scare. "Uh, yes?" She asked, Zane finally calmed down and could speak fluent edge lord again, "I mean, like, could you ask him to like, stay, not like, I need him or the books, but like. Cuz, I mean, like, my parents are like, gonna kill me so...yeah" (well...sorta fluent) Jenny didn't understand very well what he meant to say. "Does he even english?" Jenny made fun of him in her mind, "So...yes?" Zane sweated with tension, "..uh, yeah." His face heated up and was very glad Jenny wasn't with him at the moment "Okay, I'll wait for you downstairs then" and she hung up. Zane hung up after and got ready. As he looked for his keys and wallet, he thought about the way he was feeling during that conversation, "I don't get it! Why am I acting weird whenever someone mentions Travis to me? Do I like him or do I...?" His face heated up even more, thinking about the things that he wanted to do with Travis if he ever did manage to get really close to him someday, very close. (Meow!..JK! He isn't thinking dirty okay? He meant like, hold hands or something. Or maybe you were comepletely fine, and I'm the one who is just dirty minded, IDK) He just wouldn't admmited thogh, he wanted to tell Travis deep things that burned up in his heart, patiently waiting to come out on Travis at any moment, but he just couldn't. As Zane felt sadder and more dpressed than usual, he found his keys. He took them and excitedly ran out the door. He was so fast at closing the door, that he slammed it, and made it down stairs in less than 20 seconds, making his way to meet up with Jenny (again). "I can't belive It! I'm meeting him again!" He thought, "But still, why do I feel this way all of a sudden?" Zane looked at Jenny as he thought, he put that at the back of his head for now. "So? Where is he?" He asked with no "hellos" or at least "hi", he just wanted to see him again. "He is over there with my group and--" Jenny's back pocket buzzed, she reached into her pocket and answered the phone, "Hello?" She asked, "Hey girl, so did you talk to your Hunk yet or what?" Jenny wanted to throw her phone at her friends head right now, "shut up I.." She almost forgot about Zane...existing, "uh, heh. So he's over there, and I'll be right back, heh" she shuffled away and started yelling at her friend on the phone, "will you stop calling me in the middle of my meetings with these kids?!". Zane took that personally, he didn't think he was a kid, "Kids?!" Zane asked himself out loud, "I'll have you know that I could be a prodigy if I--" he over heard someone, "Zane? Why Zane?". He turned to look at the person calling his name. Zane could see behind some bushes that it was that Anthony guy, he also saw Travis wich he felt he needed to hide from, he didn't feel like he was emotionally ready to meet him just yet. He sat on a bench behind a bush and spyed on his conversation with this guy. "Well, I need to see him. His library books need to be checked out before it's too late." He over heard Travis explained. "Really? For me?" Zane thought, no had ever done something like this for him before, he also glad that he had his books as an excuse to see Travis before summer since he was gonna have his family go on this huge family vacation, and was not gonna be here for almost the entire summer, he wouldn't see Travis for almost two months. "but, he's jerk. You know that, right?" he heard Anthony respond, "and you're all perfect aren't you" he sassed back, mentally. He had the confidence to say that because he knew Travis couldn't  say anything mean about him, he didn't know much about him anyways, he was also too kind to say mean things, or so he thought, "Well, I mean" Travis started, Zane stopped feeling good, already feeling betrayed, and listened to the "but.." (Ha! Butt!) "I guess he does cuss sometimes, and I sometimes see him take shots of beer, or something, really late at night though, when there's no one around." Out of all the things Zane wanted to do in college, drinking was one of the things he wanted to try, but wanted to keep it on the low (Zane may have seemed like the type to not care for anyone, but he's mom was the only person that he trusted and very much loved, his dad was sorta second...sorta, 🎵Family drama🎵), he didn't want to dissapoint his father, and most of all, her dear mother. He didn't show any sort of love to her mother, but he did love her, a lot. If Travis or most importantly, Anthony told on him, he would shatter his mother's heart, he could never bear that, spray painting the park was her limit with him. "Travis." He thought dissapointed, "if no one's around, how come you know he drinks?" He heard Anthony question, Travis explained, "well, sometimes I can't sleep well and usually I take walks around my neighbour hood, so I since I'm gonna be living here I decided to adjust that to walking around campus instead to make myself tired." Travis explained the routine he would do before drinking the wine. The last part of his conversation wasn't true though, "he dosen't know I'm there though" But the thing was, Zane did knew Travis was there, he made it look like he didn't notice him in oder to hide his feelings by not looking or staring at his eyes that would sparkle at the darkest of nights (it was the night that Zane was curious about him, after talking to his dad on the phone, he couldn't sleep either so thought about the bottle that he sneaked into his bag, to get a head start before college actually started) It got so hard to not stare at him that he would walk away feeling emotional for the rest of the night. He would wake up randomly in the middle of the night, thinking about him over and over again, it's like Travis glued himself to his mind. Sometimes he would worry about him being up this late, he didn't want him to be restless for the next day, but now he threw it all away, he was too mad at him to even care anymore, even if he never did admitted it out loud. "Wow! I can't belive it." Anthony commented, "this guy really is a douche bag, huh?" Zane looked down at the back of Travis head, he gave a cold stare and then looked down at the bench, "I thought I could count on you." He felt like a fool, and nearly started crying because of it, but the whole "you're just a kid" thing prevented him from doing so. "well, no!" Travis corrected him. Zane was mad, but listened, he had enough care about him to give Travis one final chance, "I have also seen him, um" Travis seemed to be struggling, Zane stared soulessly at Travis while he thought of something to say, "he also watches um.....my little horsies?" Zane's eyes and ears where lying to him, "how does he know?!" He asked shouting at the top of his lungs in his mind, "how. does. he know?" He asked out loud, in a faint cold tone "was he planing to sabotage me from the begining?" His eyes became like water falls with black smearing from the mascara in each little tear that manage to escape Zane's eye. Zane looked up to take a breath from being all choked up. He looked at the person he once considered nice, and not so annoying. Then, Anthony noticed Zane, Zane noticed Anthony, he smiled from afar. Zane knew something was gonna happen, and finally, he had reached his insecurity point, enough to be able to tell that whatever he said wasn't going to hurt him as much as learning who the real Travis was. "Ha! Who's a poser now Zane?". Zane could tell he was enjoying himself, after all he had done to his group, he knew Anthony was enjoying giving Zane a sip of his own medicine. Zane, red faced, turned around to face the other way, finally giving up on hiding his tears and sadness that over flowed like a lake, "how could I be so stupid?!" He thought, beating himself up in the inside, telling himself harsh things. He heard Travis laughing with Anthony. But he realized, this wasn't fair, life isn't fair, he always played without rules, this wasn't any diffrent, this game was made for two. "I'm not a kid." He told himself, "I'm a basically a grown up. A grown up who cares for no one! Not even.....him." He told himself, and stopped sobbing. "Not....even....him." He repeated. Just then, Jenny came back, with a lot of lovey-dovey smiles and kept sighing. She shook her head to stop thinking about "her hunk" and walked over to her group, once again, forgetting about Zane. "Alright group, are you all done with the exercises on trusting your partner?" She called out. The group nodded in agreement. As they did, she noticed a white haired boy and rememberd he was looking for someone, Zane. But her group was waiting already, so she took care of that first, "Alright gather up in a cricle and we'll get ready for our next exercise, okay?" Jenny's group members started forming a circle while talking amongst themselves about what they would do if they ended up being roomates, Jenny looked at Travis, "I got distracted again? Ugh, get it together Jenny!" She told herself as she went up to Travis. Meanwhile, Zane had already felt "better" by trying to forget he ever met Travis, he tried to erase all the memories, even if most, if not all, were good memories, he tried to forget them all. "alright Zane's over there, okay?" He overheard Jenny say to Travis. He was ready, he was ready to say goodbye for good and avoid him. He heard grass footsteps coming his way from behind, the green grass, like the green of Travis's eyes....Was he really ready?

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