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Back at Campus, Garroth headed down stairs to pay some fees in th office that were do tomrrow, he looked over them to make sure they were the right one, as he walked down stairs he saw Zane's room and smiled at it. "Good night Zane" he said as he looked at his papers, making his way to the office. He got there, and entered, there was somone coming out, so he held the door for her, "thank you" she said. "No problem" he responded kindly. He looked at the desk, and noticed there some people in a line up, but it was for students who were still signing in, he waited to the side since he wasn't sure where to wait, he watched the secretaries help students out in the meanwhile. A not-busy secretary who seemed to be working the computers, noticed Garroth come in, and attended him since she just finished typing the last of names into the computer for the student's books. "Hello, how may I help you?" She said sweetly. Garroth was caught of guard for a moment, and snapped back realizing he was the only one not waiting to be signed in, "huh. Uh, yeah. Hi, I'm here to pay some fees." Garroth stuttered, hehanded her the fees, she took them and looked over the, she nodded, "sure, just give me a minute, okay?" She said standing up as she gave Garroth's papers back. "Thanks" he turned around and noticed the waiting chairs that he couldn't notice before, because there were to many peopl, most of them were gone by now though, he sat down and waited. The secretaries where still pretty busy with the remaining students. But after a bit of time, one of the secretaries stopped typing. She seeked help from the other secretary, she turned around. "Yeah, I was wondering about you wanna just call him over to double check?" She asked her, Garroth didn't want to snoop, but it was hard not to, they were right in front of him, so he waited to hear who they were gonna call up. "Sure" the other secretary responded, "Zane Ro'meave please report to the office, that's Zane Ro'meave to the office please." Garroth rolled his eyes, not very impressed with the results. "Alright" he thought "let's see what he did this time" Garroth laid back and crossed his arms with his papers in his hands, and waited for the door to open and expected a black orb to pop out. He paitiently looked at the door, expecting it to conveniently open up, to his surprise, it did opened! There was long black hair pulling itself from behind the door, but it wasn't Zane, in fact, the guy that did come out from behind looked like a very nice guy. The guy was greeted with smiles by the secretaries and was told to go to the principals office. As he passed by, Garroth subtlety looked at him. When he was gone, he stopped slouching, and straightned up, "Okay," he thought, "that would've been WAY too perfect" he waited a while before falling bored, he looked around and saw some magazines on house, "fun." He thought sarcastically, but there wasn't anything else to do, so he grabbed a magazine, and started reading it. As he did, students kept going in and out of the office, this went on for a while longer, but none of the students were Zane. At one point, he was taking so long that they had to call him again to make sure he didn't miss the first one, ".....that is Zane Ro'meave to the office please" Garroth usually took longer into worrying about his brother, but that was in high school grounds, they were in a new campus now and hadn't had much experience with these new grounds just yet, for all he knew he could be out of boundaries right now. He started thinking of all the possible places he could have gone to, "the cafetiria? No they're close," he thought to himself, "the bookstore? They're closed too!" He was worried now, all the stores were closed, Zane would have showed up to scream at the ladies for waking him up so late, or he would've texted Garroth if he was going somewhere in campus (wich was also part of the deal in the letter). Then, it hit him like a bowling ball, "in campus" he reapeted his thoughts, he then flashed back to the conversation he had with the jocks earlier, hanging out with some friends before coming here. He was told by them, that there was this kid who walked out of campus recently, all balck clothing and really mysterious. Garroth felt kinda stupid for not noticing this before, but he let that information sink deeper along with the fact that his brother wasn't showing up. He licked the inside of his mouth, "Huh." He said a concerned, but calm manner. He then realized how long he was waiting here for, and decided there was enough waiting around, he needed to find where Zane was before other not so great things would happen. "Um, Garroth. It's you turn now." The secretary said. Garroth squirmed as he heard those words, those were the last words he wanted to here right now, "Y-yeah?" He hesitated, slowy turning around, alternating his look between the hall, that he desperately needed to get to, and back at the secretary who was waiting for him. "Yes" she responded. Garroth sighed heavily as he stroked his hair, giving one last desperate look out the hall, "y-yeah, alright." He regretfully responded, and went back in, slidng his hand away from the door. He knew he wouldn't have time tomrrow in the morning since he had the huge end of the year jock team party that he was part of, he couldn't let them down by sleeping in, so he also needed to head to bed very soon and get at least a few hours of sleep, he needed to pay them now. Garroth gave a closed smile with a nod towards the lady, "Right this way please" she said pointing at a small cubbie behind the desk. Garroth heade to it, "I swear to Irene Zane.." Garroth threat, feeling angry but scared at the same time. Meanwhile outside of campus, Zane was running as fast as he could through bushes and logs, heading back to were Travis had caught up to him. "Travis?" He shouted once in a while, making sure nobody was near, "Travis! I'm sorry!". And in the opposite side of Zane, was Travis, sneaking behind some bushes that he would hide in before sprinting when the coast was clear, "Zane?" He would cry, but not loud enough for people like the guards, to be able to hear. "Travis, I'm sorry, I didn't........(I love these cool transitions).......mean for you to feel like an outcast Zane!" Travis shouted, searching through bushes for him. "It's not your fault.............If anything, it's mine!" Zane cried looking behind trees and other rocky hiding spots. "And if I made you feel worthless, you are not, at all. You.........are.......(both)....very important to me!" The two had finally bumped into each other, and fell to the dirty ground. Zane could feel the headache coming back from running so much, but got up first anyways, still rubbing his head. Travis was still sitting on the floor, in surprise with pain in the mix "Ugh, can't you watch where your going?" He asked him, he stared coldly as he waited to get an answer from him, he also waited for him to look at him in the eye. "I'm, Ow! I'm sorry" Travis groaned, he looked up at him, hoping he would slim the chances of getting yelled at. Zane froze, Travsi did as well. "Travis Valkrum" Zane whispered wide eyed, Travis's eyes watered with joy, "Zane!" He shouted happily. He lounged out at Zane and gave him the biggest of hugs, like he would never hug ever again. Zane would ususally punch people if they ever did manage to get this close to him, but Zane was too glad that Travis wasn't hurt or in any trouble with the security guards yet. He knew Travis's spirit would never last a day with his father or worse, the trouble he would face with the guards. "Thank Irene you're safe! Did they get you?" Travis checked Zane for injuries of punches or bruises, but all he forund were twigs and a couple of small thorns. "No, no, I'm okay, did they get you?" Zane asked back, doing the same thing. "Who cares?!" Travis smiled holding Zane's face, "I DO stupid!" He exclaimed. Travis was surprised by his response, his eyes widened along with a blush on each cheek. Zane started realizing what came out of his mouth in the moment of anxiety he had for Travis, and started blushing, harder than ever before, "I-uh-I mean, whatever!" He denied, "I didn't care about you, not even if you got caught hurt because they found you out or.....about the trouble you could have been in if---" he choked up, and stopped talking. He looked at Travis's frown that he got from him, he then decided to smile to lighten the mood, even if Travis couldn't see it. "I'm just glad you're okay, okay?" He confirmed, crossing his arms. Travis's watered eyes became small streams down his rosy cheeks, he wiped them off with his sweater as he chukled to help lighten the mood up. "Love you too" he joked. There was a moment of silence between the two, it wasn't awkward though, just silence. Travis saw an opportunity to truly apologize, "Hey, I'm really sorry I made you feel bad, I never did me--" Travis got cut off by a rustling noise he thought he heard, like footsteps. "You heard that too?" Zane whispered, Travis nodded, knowing he wasn't crazy or paranoid. "Are you sure there isn't anyone here?" A jock asked his pal. "You're just being paranoid bro" the other guy answered. Travis and Zane looked at each other fearfully, "Zane, what do we do?!" Travis freaked out. Zane was a bit worried since he had someone with no experience in things like escaping from places that you weren't suppose to, but he had been in enough situations like this to stay cool and collected about ti, he looked at his surroundings before making a plan, he squinted (he got really good at finding things in the dark, like night vision) Zane finally found something useful, "A park" he said in relief. "What? Where?" Travis couldn't see a thing but the light orb growing bigger and bigger as they got closer and closer to them, every step seeming faster and faster. "Over here!" Zane pointed. Travis wasn't only blind to the light and darkness, but his heart was running a full on marathon, he was scared, frozen in fear, "I, uh...uhh". They were running out of time, Zane couldn't think of anything else to snap Travis out of it and get him to safety quick. "Hurry!" Zane told him, and grabbed Travis's hand and yanked him. Travis soon snapped out of it when he felt a cold hand on his, and was suddenly not worried about the guards anymore, "Z-Zane?" He blushed, "Come on!" Zane whispered loudly, and started dragging him through many bushes and mossy trees with short sharp branches sticking out of it, till finally, they started to be able to see the moonlight, clearly this time, as the jocks passed by. "See? No one" the paranoid jock's friend pointed out, the paranoid jock wasn't too sure about that, so he looked around to make sure of it. He frowned, "dang it!", the other guy felt good to be smart, but felt kinda bad that he wasn't. He thought of things he could offer, and found something he wanted for a long time now, "you wanna get some ice-cream buddy?" He asked him in a childish manner. The paranoid jock sighed, "yes..." He nodded glumly kicking some dust on the floor, he didn't sound as happy as his friend wanted him to sound, but he knew he would cheer up once he got a lick of that ice-cream, and they headed off back to where they came from. Travis and Zane meanwhile, were still running through the last couple of small bushes to get to the park, un-aware that the jocks were gone of course. After getting through, they started getting closer to the park, enough for Travis to be able to see it anyway. Travis thought it looked cute and tiny now that he could see it, but Zane had his eye on getting him to a safe place, "In here!" Zane yelled from behind his shoulder to Travis, he was pointing at a lady bug tunnel under a blue swirly slide attached to more colourful playground equipment. Travis nodded and let go of Zane's hand, and went in first. They scuttled in nice and close together, they stayed silent. They both kept trying not to pant heavily, but they couldn't help it, they couldn't help having their hearts beat fast when they were together that is. Feeling safe, with silence in the air, not enough for it to be creepy, but to know it was safe, they started speaking again, "are they gone?" Travis asked. "I think so" Zane said as he looked from the inside the tunnel to be sure, poking his head out a little. They both sighed in relief that they had all their limbs still. Now that It was safe, Travis could think again, and remembered a question he had earlier, "How'd you see the park from all the way over there?" Travis asked, looking at Zane's face in amazement, Zane knwe he was staring, but felt too insicure to face him (as always). He looked down at his sneakers, "Well, you learn how to see your surroundings with the smallest amount of light when you're running away from security for spray painting the bridge park." It was oddly specific for Travis, but sounded casual for Zane, he went with Zane's story anyway, "At night, you have limited time and light, so you need know where all the short cut just in case you really suck at the night vision thing." Zane casually explained. Zane looked at Travis, "like some people." He raised his eye brow, Travis smiled at him, and punched him weakly. He got back on track with his question, "You do this every night?" Travis said, a bit surprised if the answer was yes, "Well, yeah." Zane shrugged, then realized that wasn't the truth anymore, "I mena, well, I used to, back when I was part of the shadow knights in high school." Zane watched Travis's eyes widened, like he remebered something. "OH!" Travis exclaimed, it finally made sense to him, "That's where I know you from! You were that kid that vandalized the entire lunch room once. And like, what? 30 people got blamed for it?". Zane smiled and chuckled, noticing something wrong with this information, "ha! Well, thirty-one" he added looking at his nails like it was nothing. Travis was a bit suspicious that that mattered, "Are you trying to show off your bad boy side to me?" Travis said, trying to hold back a huge laugh that could go hours without end. Zane lstopped looking at his nails, "What?! N-n-no!" Zane said defensively. "Uh-huh" Travis looked at him with a sly look, wathching Zane's face go strawberry red. Zane looked at him, he started getting worked up over this, "Shut up and let me punch you!" He threatened. At first, Travis thought he was kidding, but he got his arm swinging inside the tube, "Whoa!" he said as he dogged one punch. Travis ten realized that this could be even more fun if there was a chase involded, he smiled mischievously, "Well then come get me!" He teased, and ran out from the other side of the tunnel. Zane growled, "OH! Trust me, I will!" And chased after Travis and followed him onto the monkey bars. Travis eventually climbed onto the very top of the slide from the outside, almost falling off. He turned around and sat at the of it, and saw Zane waiting by the bottom. "Come and face me like a man!" He declared, Travis looked at him from down there, "No!" He said with an elegant, snooty facial expression, that's when the childhood memories started rolling in, the fun times with Dante in the mud or the old playground that they used to play in, but that also brought him to remeber an old childhood movie, but couldn't think of the name. "Hey, did you ever see that cheesy movie called, um, what's it called..." Travis kept thinking, while he did, Zane stopped trying to climb the slide for at second to look at him like he was stupid, "there are an awful lot of cheesy movies out there" he said. Travis looked uo at Zane to respond, "No! But there's this one film called, um, Oh! "The Moonlight kiss!"" His eyes twinkled as he finally  remembered the name. Zane had watched that movie, it was probably the first time that he started hating 'feelings' with all the love n' stuff. Zane rolled his eye, "Ugh, don't remind me." He scoffed, "I already have had enough of it when I was a kid". Travis looked down at Zane, "Me too!" He exclaimed, "But then a few years later, I watched it again and saw all the symbolism stuff it had that I didn't realized before when I was even young. And then..." He looked and started fiddling with his shoe laces, he looked bashful as he spoke, "and then...It wasn't bad anymore.". Zane knew where he was coming from, he would never admitted, but that movie did touch his heart, (even if it was stone ice cold.). Zane didn't have anything cheesy to say, but he did have a sudden realization, and then a question, "why'd you bring it up all of a sudden?" Zane asked as he looked up at him. "Hmm?" Travis asked, feeling lost in his thoughts, "Oh, because I saw myself as the lady on top of that hill, trying to touch the moonlight from up here." Travis started reenacted this scene, by pretending to touch the moon wiht his cold hands, "so close, yet, so far" he said in his best pretty fairy voice. Zane didn't expect for it to be for that reason, but he shook his head at Travis's impression of Martha, the lady he was talking about. "And then.." Travis opened his eyes, you'd be the dude that pops out of nowhere" he said pointing at Zane. He looked at Travis with a raspberry, "Oh yeah, cuz that's gonna happen." He said as he crossed his arms, feeling like he was lying to himself. Travis pouted, "Aw, come on dude, you know you wanna..." He said giving him a sweet smile, Zane looked at Travis feeling confident he wasn't going to bribe him with his green eyes, sweet, lucious gree........yeah, he was wrong. "Please" Travis pleaded once more, as if that wasn't enough for Zane to say yes. He looked at the ground angrily, he sighed, and his eye went back to the puppy faced boy, "Travis, I swear, if you tell another living soul.." Zane began, Travis zipped his lips like he knew he was going to say that. Zane looked to the sides to do a final check for a clear coast and began. Travis got to his position again as he spoke. "Martha, it's okay darling, I'll carry us both up there" Zane said in a brittish way, Travis almost broke character of how smooth Zane said his first line, Travis smiled and went back to his position. "Could it be?" He looked around to find Zane, he gasped as they met eyes, "Yes, my lover! I have been waiting for you ever since you told me we would meet here, the first time we ever met." Travis replied back, fluttering his eyes a little. "Don't worry love, I never did forget about your sweet voice and dazzling eyes." Zane said before he started to climb on the outside of the slide, making his way over to Travis (or Martha if you will). "The moonlight is the thing that keeps us, oh so close together" Travis raised his hand, touching the moon. "And as long as it's there," Zane looked up at the moon, "every single night we spend together. My love for you will live on...." He raised his hand, "Day". Travis started reaching towards Zane's hand, "And night" he finished by making his hand meet Zane's hand up in the air. As they held hands and lowered them to their side, they were now face to face with each other..."so" Travis spoke in his normal voice, softly "this is the part where they kiss" Zane added in his normal voice as well. "I mean, it's not like we're gonna do it...or..unless" Before Travis could finish, he saw that Zane was taking off his mask already, leaving him with a pale freckled face close to his. Now the only thing Travis could only focus on, were those pale lips. Zane did the same, and it was the look that they gave each other that made them lean in even closer at the same time..............

and   k i s s e d.

Aphmau Graduation days : Zanevis storyWhere stories live. Discover now