Loss of Trust

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Travis wasn't sure he was ready to face Zane yet, or if he should even be here right now. But onwards he went, to the silky dark hair with dark clothing that matched perfectly. "Did he hear me? Please Irene, have mercy." Travis wished. Zane was sitting in a slouched position on the bench. Travis got right beside the bench, hoping he would look at him without having to say anything. It started to get a little hot in the atmosphere around them, but Zane was just fine, since he didn't care anymore, since he didn't feel anything but anger now. "Uh, hey Zane.You came." Travis said out of pure desperation in getting out of the awkward zone. Zane didn't say anything, but he knew Travis was there, he just wouldn't acknowledge it. "shoot. He heard me, didn't he?" Travis guessed in his mind. "No, let's test this first. Maybe he didn't hear you, you know how he gets with Jenny, maybe he's mad at her.....yeah, that's it." Travis tried to think positive about this pickle he was in. Zane stared at the ground, like he wanted it to explode into a million pieces in a split second. "I'll kill you" Zane threatened, he didn't have the courage to say it out loud though, he was still hurt, emotionaly. "So, you came, that's great." Travis didn't know what else to say, how could he see if he was mad at Jenny or not, "You don't wanna loose marks because of silly books, right? Jenny might be....not happy with you, huh?" Travis said this a little louder. Still no response, there wasn't any reactions to the name Jenny either, but Travis continued his conversation, even if the "crowd" today was a tough one to crack. Travis sat down on the edge of the bench, trying to have Zane's space on the bench the same, Zane got tenser. "Well, I honestly don't think you have to thank me I wo--" Travis said to be cut off, "Thank you?! THANK YOU?!" Zane finally broke down, Travis almost fell off the bench. "Oh yeah! I should thank you for saying two of the most personal things about me, ever." Travis's stomach started doing flips, flips of guilt. "Zane I.." He tried to speak, but Zane wasn't giving him any more chances, he felt alone, sad and angry all over again, just like before, but betrayed was back again, something he hadn't felt in a couple of years now. "I can't belive I came all the way down here for you, I thought I could finally trust someone, someone that cared about me, and someone that I could care about," Travis didn't belive how deep this hole he dug himself into was going (might as well be in China by now, am I right?), "and finally have something that I have wanted, like a friend that I never had, but never knew how to obtain." Zane could feel his eyes water again, and with every drop, there was guilt in flowing through Travis. Zane wasn't finished though, "I was stupid enough to belive I could count on you!" Travis looked at Zane straight in the eye, "hey! You're not stupid!" Travis said, he looked down in dissapointment "I am..." His eyes slid to the right. Zane's nerves calmed down, not all the way, but ever so slightly. "I shouldn't have said any of that stuff. I'm not good with socializing, okay?" Teavis remembred the person who introduced confidence to him for the first time, "Dante, he. He's not coming to this school since he wanted to be with his brother in college." He hoped that sharing something personal about him would show Zane that he did care and could trust him, "He showed me confidence, but I never really go the hang of it." Travis looked down and frowned for a bit while looking at the blades of grass, but then he turned it upside down, "but he's so happy now, and I'm happy for him, and I gotta be strong. For Dante." He looked up at Zane, who looked at him in disbelif on how sudden Travis said this things. "Zane, I'm so sorry, I never meant to say any of that, and I'm sorry that I didn't know that those things were personal to you. Will you ever forgive me?" Zane processed evrything and stood quite for a while, he thought for a moment, he didn't say anything. He looked at Travis's hand with the paper he needed to give to librarian. "Zane?" Travis asked once more, he got a physical response, Zane got close to him. Travis got excited on what he would probably do next, he felt a sudden tight grip on his hand being pulled in front of him, right in between them. Out of nowhere, Zane snatched the paper out of Travis's hand and gave a stone cold look, it made Travis gulp, he then stormed away. Zane wipped his tears a he mad a trail of fire as he marched away. Travis stayed there, in confusion, sadness and other feeling he didn't understand or like. He didn't bother to run after him, he let him be. He knew he deserved this, hard. "I understand" he said weakly, with small waves in his voice. And made his way back to his dorm.

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