Brother love

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There was dead silence at the playground, nothing but the wind and the trees gently patting each other with the top of
their heads, rustling in bushes as if there were savage animals in there. "Goodbye, and thank you" Garroth said as he walked backwards as he waved goodbye, folding his signed papers and took his jacket. "Bye now, take care. Oh, and don't forget to find your brother!" She replied, waving back. "Will do!" He said with a fake laugh and smile, he looked at his papers furiously, "will do." He repeated to himself with grinded teeth, and marched off. He opened the doors (yes, he opened the doors, he didn't bash them, he opened them) that lead him outside of the building. He started shivering and put his hands on his arms, trying to warm them up with his warm hands. He stopped walking to put his jacket on and put the folded papers in his back pockets. He started thinking of the millions of things that Zane could've done while being on his "Nature walk" (it's Zane code for "vandalizing something") "Zane, you're already stupid for not being in school campus at this time." He looked at the ground, confused as to why it was so cold in a summer night, "So why would you be an idiot by being out here in this wheather?" Garroth said as he looked into the darkness, hoping his brother didn't go too far. He sighed heavily, "I know you're out here" he said walking around the building to sneak through the fence. He looked dissapointed, "I just wish you weren't" he said glumly, but he wasn't only dissapointed in him yet again, but himself as well. Garroth felt like his main responsabilitie for this last week was Zane, getting to know people and hopefully change him for the better, and he blew it. Now he was somewhere out there, all alone, not the way he likes to be, but the way that makes him mad sad, like an outcast. Garroth was okay with him wanting to be distant all the time, but not like this. As he watched thought of his mind go by, he was walking up the small and bearly visible path that most trouble students would pass, or the security going after them, the troubled students were usually caught at this school. Garroth knew Zane would get cocky by being a rebel and slipping through security like butter, but this was diffrent now, he knew Zane didn't know this as well as he thought, he just wouldn't admitted, ever. Garroth kept stumbling with bumps on the path, and many loose rocks, he could barely see a thing. But out of what little he could see, he could make out some familiar footprints on the dirt, they were just casual sneakers, "Are those..." Garroth squated down to take a closer look, but it wasn't Zane's, they had a dimond in the middle of the thin lines that were printed by a pair of sneakers from what seemed like American eagle or Macy's. "Darn it" he said, and was about to head off to look for his brother, until he heard someone talking all of a sudden, it sounded like two guys from the football team, (he talked to them a while ago. He wanted to be part of the team for next year, along with his best friend, Laurence) Garroth stood up a bit, looking at where they were headed, it seemed like they were walking through the wide clear path of dirt in between the bushes (were Garroth was hiding in) and the mini forest on the other side, checking to see if anyone was trespassing or better yet, leaving. "Hey, you know that blondie that talked to us awhile ago?" One of the guys asked, the other guy thought for a moment and thought of a lot of people who were blonde, "no." He responded nodding, the guy asked the question rolled his eyes, "you know, the guy with like, the most lucious locks ever. His dad is like rich, or something too." Garroth rolled his eyes as he threw his hand foward doing the, 'aww, stop it!' thing, he fixed up his locks all fancy like. The jocks memorie started jogging (heh) again, and he remembered, "Oh, yeah. His name was like, ro'mavie or something." Garroth stopped fixing his hair, and raised an eye brow in confusion on how someone got his name so wrong, the worst one out of all the times in fact. "No, no" his friend told him, "thank you" Garroth thought. "I think it was something like, Ro'MAVE" the friend corrected. Garroth took his thoughts back, all of them, now that was the worst one. "Boi!" He thought. The guys eventually gave up on the name, "Welp, I don't know, but what I was sure of is that he has an emo brother, right?" He asked his friend, Garroth then threw everything out of his mind and left the thought of Zane being out here, anger grew. "Yeah, he had like, a blind eye that he always covers up, or something." The other jock shook his head, "Na brah, that's just a rumor." He corrected, patting him on the shoulder. "You sure?" The other guy asked him, not sure of his friend's information, "hommies never lie dawg" the skeptical jock stopped thinking and smiled at his friend, they looked at each other, "duuuudde" they finger gunned. Garroth, meanwhile, crouched there in anger, the more he tensed up, the more his legs felt tired, "why am I even out here? This is his own problem to deal with" Garroth started questioning his thoughts all at once. Like a coincidence, they started to get back on the main subject, the escape artist, "hey, if we do catch the run away kid in black, are we gonna, like, jack him up?" Garroth wasn't worried, he didn't think that was allowed, "Well, yeah. If he tries to run any further". Garroth's gut dropped, his heart stopped, "but.....he...can't...fight..." Garroth was starting to worry a little bit. "Well, like the teacher dude said. If they get real stubborn, then we like, have to dude." The jock reminde his friend, and stopped walking to explain the plan some more, in front of Garroth's bush. "Then from there, we would have to give him over to the principal to punish him by kicking him out of the school. Garroth's overwhelming thoughts finally got to him, his pupils diminished. "K-k-kicked....out?!" He thought panicking in the inside, "n-n-NO!" He thought out loud on accident. Garroth wasn't paying attetion to his volume and shut his mouth as quick as possible, but it was too late. The guys stopped their conversation, "What was that, you hear that?" The jock asked. "Yeah," his friend replied and looked down, "I think it was from behind that bush" the jock, shaking a little. The other jock's eyes widened, "Whoaa? A talking bush?" He exclaimed with his flashlight in the air. His friend slowly turned his head around and shook his head, "I love you dude, but you can be friggin' dumb sometimes" he said honestly, his friend saddened a bit as he stepped closer to the once 'talking bush'. They made their way carefully to that bush, "Get out of that bush and make this easy for the both of us, okay?" The jock with the flashlight stated calmly. Garroth tried to think of a million plans on how to get out of this mess, nothing came up, "No! I have to save Zane!" He thought, he wanted to cry as he had visions of Zane's future, if this was how it was gonna go down like. Suddenly, a miracle from irene, there was a distraction. Bushes started shuffling around loudly farther down the path to the right, the jocks flinched and stopped walking, "what was that?" One of the dudes said. "What, your stomach again?" The other guy reponded, feeling somewhat calm. "No! I heard something from--" there was more rustling that interrupted, "ah! You heard it that time, right?" He said all jumpy and excited, forgetting about Garroth. "Dude! I don't here anything!" The guy responded, also forgetting about the magic bush. The paranoid jock started jogging over there to show his friend he was right, he knew he would follow eventually. "Ugh, I hate it when you get like this." The guy complained, and followed him anyway. Garroth was showered with relief, but stayed still for a couple more seconds to make sure they were comepletely gone. He then started breathing heavily for holding his breath, still making sure there was no one around to spot him. Eventually, he was convinced that there was nobody else in sight, "Irene...Thank You!" He said very thankfully with praying hands. He finally got out of his hiding spot and streched out as he wiped all the branches and leafs in his jacket and hair. He looked around one more time before he continued his search for Zane. At first, he didn't expect to find anything new from what he had already seen, but something new did pop up, it caught his eye. It was black orb that seemed to be running, fast, like it was being chased. Then it turned into a human shadow all along, in fact, two human shadows. Garroth squinted a bit more to see the two humans and could make out something from the shadow under the bright moonlight, a sparkling ghost blue eye. Garroth knew that eye color anywhere, his heart raced, "I-I can't belive it! He's not dead! And, does he have a friend?!" Garroth acted so surprise since he never expected for him to make a new friend, or an escape pal, at all! Garroth's thoughts on Zane's history with making friends was disrupted by the voices of the jocks coming back. Garroth decided to quickly follow behind, what he hoped, was Zane and an unknow following him, disappeared into the forest along with them. The jocks made their way back through the path, except there was a sniffling, "With sprinkles? A-a-and strawberry flavoured" the poor paranoid guy stuttered, sniffling some more, "With whateeever you want buddy" his friend reassured him patting him on the back, and went back to school to report their sightings. Garroth was running faster than ever behind these two, "Please be Zane, please be Zane!" He repeated to himself, only making himself faster. Garroth wasn't sure if this guy was even his brother or not, but he was willing to at least check before giving up on him, after all, he was his little brother, and he loved him, a lot.

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