First time for everything

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(Now in present time) After what seemed like forever, Garroth made his way to what seemed to be an old playground. He pushed his way through bushes with thorns, twigs, and other things that were covered in blackness, but then it wasn't. He started seeing some light from the shining moon, but he saw a shadow that made him give a quick step back. "What?" He whispered in confusion, and looked up to see what was making such a strange shadow. Garroth eyes widened, wider than he ever thought he could widened them, and just wouldn't belive his eyes no matter how many times they showed him, no matter how many times they showed him that his brother was kissing his new 'friend'. Meanwhile, Zane and Travis didn't notice Garroth's presence, they were to busy feeling each others lips agaisnt each other and cold wind that blew into their faces now and again. But they didn't care, their hearts were warm enough to last them for many cold nights to come. Heck they were on fire at this point. After a while of satisfaction with the lip contact going on, Travis started to loosen up his lips to give Zane a sign that the "scene" was coming to an end. Zane got it and wanted to respect that, even though he wanted it to last a bit longer. But that did caused him to slowly back away, very slowly. Zane's eye slowly opened, feeling like he was still floating in the sky along with a million stars up above. He just knew that Travis felt the same way too, and he really did. Travis looked at Zane as he started to cover his face again, before blushing once more, with that mask. Travis smiled, his eyes twinkled twice as much than before, "um, I think that we played that a little too well, don't you think?" He placed his hand on his lips. Zane knew he was gonna get in more trouble than ever before for this if anybody spilled the beans about anything. "You better keep your promise from before," Zane lowered his tone with him. Travis enjoyed it, but he was starting to feel that Zane didn't feel the same way, (even though he kissed back). Zane felt guilty, he had spent all his life avoiding feeling, well, feelings, so it was time to do it. "You.....twerp, that's kinda...." Zane hesitated, but knew Travis wanted this, he needed to know how he really felt and so did he, "Adorable, I guess" he looked down at the slide and then back to Travis. He could see the sparkles in his green eyes twinkled brighter than the stars itself, Zane really did think Travis was cute in his own way. "Heh, thanks. You're..." He examined Zane, he played it cool, "okay, I guess" he joked. Zane smiled, and playfully punched him on the arm, "ow! H-hey!" Travis replied, feeling good to have Zane's hands on him again. Travis eventually caught one of Zane's flying hand, Travis's laugh was contagious, so Zane couldn't help to at least chuckle along with him. The thing that they hadn't realize were the consequences behind their actions, until Zane saw someone crouched behind the bush, he was on guard, to protect Travis for whatever reason. Travis started to notice that he stopped chuckling, and witnessed Zane's pupils shrinking. Zane choked on the shock that came at him, "G-GARROTH?!" It had caught him by such a surpirse that he fell down from the slide, backwards. He rolled a little in pain, on the sandy pit down below, "Aww, Owww!" He moaned, he had landed on his back and got almost all the wind knocked out of him. "Oh my Irene, Zane! Are you okay?!" Travis shouted in deep concern for him, Zane responded with an out of wind whisper, but Travis couldn't make out what he was saying. Travis looked behind him to see what spooked Zane so much (Since he didn't really understand what Zane tried to shout out). It was a blonde guy that wasn't really interested in him, but Zane. "Baby brother!" He yelled constantly. He wached the blonde guy run over to him, "Baby brother?" Travis wondered, he started sliding his way down in confusion as to what this guy's intention was. Garroth held Zane's head and rested it on his lap, he was talking to him to make him stay awake. "Come on! Stay with me bro!" Garroth said, Zane didn't seem to be having a great time with Garroth here, but he was in too much pain to even remotely care at the moment. Travis finally hopped down, It made Garroth's heart jump a little higher than before, he still didn't know who this guy smooching with his brother was. "W-w-who, are, you..?" Travis asked shyly, It was like he knew what he was going to say. Zane's moan got louder, "I'm his big brother, Garroth", he introduced himself, he also wanted to gain this guy's trust quick, he needed someone to help him with his brother and get him some medical help of some sort. The guy's name bounced around Travis's mind, "Garroth? Where have I heard your name before?" he asked him, Garroth felt better knowing that he was from the college, and not some random stranger from somewhere else. "Well, I do join an awful lot of clubs and sports teams." He said looking at him before looking back down to help sit Zane up while dusting all the cold dry sand, Zane coughed, but otherwise okay. Travis knew he wasn't known from sports teams, (because that wasn't his thing.) so he thought of all the clubs he was going to be in next year and tried to remeber the listed names, extra math, improve, acting, then he got it. "Oh! You're gonna be going to anime club, the guy who will sit in the back with this light brown haired guy, right?" Garroth smiled, and noded. "Yep, that's me!". Garroth was overjoyed that Zane didn't end up with a person that was just like him, he didn't want anymore encouragement on the path Zane started to go down, "I'm so glad you're with my brother here" Zane's pain slowly faded away while new oxygen entered his body, now he was conscious enough to care what dumb things Garroth said or did, "Ugh." He moaned putting his hands behind him, sitting up taller. Garroth then got thinking about the main subject here, "Soo, while we're on the topic, how was that long kiss like?" He smiled looking at them, both exchanging looks at each other, "Was it the first one or did you guys go in with experience from before, huh?" Zane couldn't have been more embarrassed to be this guy's brother right now, Travis felt a little uncomfortable for a bit, he blushed it out, "uh, haha, well.." Travis laughed nervously, "Garroth!!! Shut! The heckin'! UP!" Zane hissed, feeling like a ball of fire blazing up with oxygen, you could tell by his bit of face showing, red with anger. Garroth tried to pout, but it was all too funny, "Wha-haat, I wanna write fanfiiics" Garroth teased, knowing Zane could literally explode into flames right about now. Zane felt like he needed to show that even if he was the little brohter here, he could give one heck of a punch. As he was about to punch Garroth in the stomach, he started speaking again, "This is me and Travis's privacy, so we're not gonna say anything to you just so you can write stupid stories fo--" there was an unsettling voices from afar, "Over here!" They heard a man say, what sounde like a police man, Zane stopped his attack on Garroth and got on his guard, Zane and Garroth went onto serious mode quick. Garroth looked at Zane, "Zane, are you okay, can you run now?" He whispered, Zane nodded. "Sorry, where? Can you turn on the flashlight for a sec here?" The other man said, as they turned their flashlight on, Zane, Garroth and a confused Travis, they had already sneaked through further left side of what sounded like the two men, chattering amongst themselves and how they will capture them. Travis followed with all of this, trusting Zane and Garroth, but not really knowing what they were planning. When they finally reached the campus, they sneaked through the fence, where Zane had sneaked through the fence earlier, when he wanted to run away, at first. Travis started to recognize their location, It was when Zane tried to run away from him, and decided to follow come with him afterwards. Garroth saw this hole from before, when he was going in to look for Zane. Garroth montioned for Zane to go first, he got through, then he wanted to make sure that Travis went in first as well, "go, go, go." He whispered, Travis hurried, but he made a bit of a couple of noise noises, "sorry!" He whispered to Garroth, "it's fine, keep going and don't..." he was cut off by the sound of a guard dog barking, coming in closer and closer, "Over there!" One of the (for sure now) police men pointed, and chased after the dog ".. Stop!" He finished saying, and jumped out the fence. He pushed Travis on accident pushing who pushed Zane, he was dusting himself off. Travis and Zane both tumbled before coming to a stop, when Travis lifted himself up, he realized he fell on top of Zane, and he was straddling over top of him, with his face a few inches above his. Travis was pretty much used to being this close to Zane, so he smiled instead of blushing. The smile turned into grinning wich then turned into laughing, triumphantly. Zane didn't mind having Travis over top of him, so he felt confident to join him. "We did it!" Travis exclaimed, as he now was sitting over Zane. Zane saw a chance to sit up, and adjusted himself to sit properly with Travis on his lap. As he sat up, he was suddenly greeted with a huge hug from Travis, he turned stiff as a board. But then, he got used to this wooly sweater up in his face again, and awkwardly huged back until he became a more comfortable to give a natural hug. He was closing his eyes, feeling comfy on Travis's shoulder, it felt like his shoulder was warm enough to melt all their trouble away, that the worst things were over now, but it all came crashing down when he opended his eyes and saw Garroth standing there, with his arms crossed. He may have been happy for Zane, for finding someone that loves him for who he is, but there were some actions through out the journey that were about to meet their concequences...

Aphmau Graduation days : Zanevis storyWhere stories live. Discover now