A familiar face

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He kept looking at that white hair as it flowed in the air. Something about it was so, hypnotizing for him. He began to stare for awhile, he hadn't realize. Until, someone from his group snapped him out of it. "Um, hello?" It was that werewolf girl from his group. To him she was the least annoying of the group, she was sorta like him, he knew he would hate her too sooner or later though, that's just the way things worked for him. "Huh?", he looked down, the girl waited for an answer with her curious eyes. "What are you staring at?", she said as she looked in his direction to find out what he was so interested in. All she saw was a white haired boy, she didn't understand. "N-Nothing, mind your own business!" Zane replied, and booked it up stairs to his dorm. He left the girl, curious to as what he thought of while staring at the albino haired boy. "Interesting...." She whispered to herself. After Zane finally got to his dorm, he couldn't belive what he was feeling, staring at him intensely all of a sudden. But he got to where he wanted be, "Ah, finally, I'm here", he said as he opened the door. He looked at the clock, "Alright, I have at least fifteen minutes before the stores aproximately close," he bumped into a chart of the hours that the stores are opened and when they close as he ran upstairs, "soo. I better get going". As he looked around for his second wallet in his suitcase, he thought about his mom, who gave him two wallets just in case he lost one. But then he started thinking about things like this, where his mom ppoped up here and there feeling like he didn't have any sort of privacy or time to himself. "Wait, the letter that lady gave me.....It was only meant for me wasn't it? Wait, does that mean.....she thinks I can't take care of myself?!" He stopped looking for the wallet and instead felt like this anger, he wanted to throw things, but instead slammed his clothes down hard enough to make muffled noises on his carpet floor. "I was stupid in beliving that she thought I could do it! I thought she would....she would finally let me live my life", he felt like crying, but no water works, just a heated face with aggresive thoughts in mind. He stroked his hair and took a few short breaths, "'Be like Garroth', 'you're not old enough son, let Garroth do this for you', ' you're too small for the job son, do something with your baby brother while Garroth the great golden child takes care of it'", he rambled harshly to himself as he kicked a few things that he kept slamming on the floor. But finally, his tantrum started to cool off, not yet though. He felt okay, but he needed to feel good, he looked around the mess of the floor. He wasn't patient enough to look carefully around on the floor on what to throw next, so he picked something random. He grabbed something metal cold. (NOW he was pretty cooled off, heh heh) It was cold enough to sanp him out of his fit, he needed a moment to process what he picked up. "What the-", he lifted it from under his clothes that now were all over the floor, it was an absolute mess that he could care less of right now. It was a necklace with a metal cross with black and white tiny plastic jules in the middle, the one he got from his mom for his twelfth birthday, the one out of the many birthdays that no one came to, but only his family. He couldn't possibly throw this to the ground, it was of value to him, and couldn't possibly think that his previous thoughts were actually true. His mom did belive in him, he was a someone to her, he did matter in his family, and he loved them, even if he didn't show it. And with that, he eventually got a hold of himself by slowly breathing in and out and let out a small smile. "I'm sorry irene", said he, as he looked up at the ceiling, and back towards the cross in his hands. Closng his eyes, he finished his fit for good, for now. He then remembered the books he wanted to get, he looked back at the clock... 6:39pm....." Crud! The stores close at 7:00pm". He looked around for his wallet, he knew he left one at the coffee table earlier this morning, but the other was in the suitcase wich meant it could've been anywhere. "It's gonna be packed tomorrow, with other classes re-newing books for next year!......" He looked for a while, a few minutes or so, but nothing yet, "neeeeh, where is it?! I--", he stopped, he found it! He took one more quick check at the clock...6:42pm....."Dang it!" He booked it back out the door (get it?) and slammed the door right behind him. He got there at....6:50.....(you see, college can be a a bit of a maze sometimes, I mean I'm guessing. But we need some drama up in this piece! So if I need cartoon logic time for this, I WILL use it!)The doors where still opened, but not many people where inside. And most of the people who were there, worked there. Zane was running out of time now! (You see, he was very picky about his books, and with the type of money he had, he always went after the highest quality) Zane bursted in showing his ID while running. The employee looked up, "only 10 minutes kid", he said looking at his ID making an assumption of whether it was legit or not. "Whatever", he said rolling his eye. As he ran, he felt a rebellious sensation doing all of this, he felt like he was back in his high school days with the new shadow knights club, doing stuff late at night and having their parents ask them a million questions when they eventually got back home, good ol' days. He found the two main sections and at this point, he knew he could only get the bibble or the chemistry book, but he had already known the anwer to his choic, straight away! And vanished into the section of his choice. As Zane ran to get his book, another student walked in, a white haired boy with a green hoodie and what appeared to be a dress shirt underneath. He looked at the place like it was his first time here, and it was, he had never been to the bookstore/library before this night. "Uh, excuse me, when does this store close?", he asked quitely. "7 o' clock." The guy looked at the clock behind him. He looked at it, it was 6:51pm. "Uuuuh, heh,um", he looked up at the employee. The employee raised an eyebrow and smiled. "Were you out with friends and forgot to sign in to the library before tomorrow to get your textbooks for next year?" (All the new high school students have a certain library number card, and they had to sign in at a certain time or else they'll be left with no books unless they find some extra. But the books wouldn't appear for at least three months) he couldn't even look at the employee because that was so true (well his group that was forced to be with him, but ended up meeting nice people who were interested in being friends with him), he nodded. "Heh, you realize you're in college now, right?", the employee said in a playful tone, but spoke wis words. "Yesss.", he said glumly, still feeling kinda hot faced. The employee saw that he learned his lesson and stopped picking on him. "Alright, what's your name?", the guy looked up the system in the computer, "Wait, you'll let me sign in?" He said surprised. "Of course, do you think I was always on time at your age?". He smiled and even chukled, the boy smiled back. "Okay, let's hurry this up, what's your full name and can I see your card number?" He said already typing stuff into the computer to set it up. "Travis Valkrum" he responded clearly. Now, the bookstore wasn't very big, but not really small either (kind cozy, like a starbucks), so people could over hear things all the time. Zane wasn't that far away from the entrance, so he overheard things while picking out a bibble. He started speeding things up a bit, but when he heard the guy's name, he slowed down, it sounded so familiar. "Travis Valkrum", he murmured to himself. "Where have I heard this name before I swear, I--", as he was looking up to think of the name, he saw the time. "6:54?! (As you can see, I'm comepletely screwing time logic right now), dang it! The letter said mom was going to check on me at 6:55pm to make sure I stayed on campus." (Wich was the computer printed part of the letter) Zane grabbed the bibble that came with a beaded neckclace with a small black cross and put the other bibbles back. "Thank you again so much for this!" Travis said thankfully. "Anytime, and by 'anytime' I mean try to not let this happen again.", the worker said as he handed the ID card back to Travis. "You got it!" Travis finger-guned him while walking backwards and left. Zane zoomed in right after and gave him the book that he wanted, and searched for his money in his inside pockets. "Oh, dear" the worker said. "What?" Zane asked while looking in his other inside pockets. "You never thought that an emo jerk like me, would be insterested in the irene relegion? Because I am." Zane snapped. "Uh, no, I just forgot about you." He replied. The part off Zane's visible face started turning light pink "oh,uh, yeah, I get that a lot". He slid his money across the counter looking down a the floor. The employee gave him a weird look as he put his bibble in a bag, "would you like your receipt?" he asked. "Sure" said Zane kicking the floor and putting his wallet inside the bag, he ran out not saying anything. "No running in the halls", the employee said behind him. Zane sorta listened and jogged instead, but he needed to get back fast. "Ugh, kids these days", the worker told himself as he started to close the metal barred doors with glass in it's gaps. Zane finally reached his dorm, "Come on, come on," he said as he tried to open the door with the keys and shaking hands. Finally, he got in. He could hear the buzzing from under the carpet of clothes, " Where is it?...Ah! Found it". It stopped buzzing though. 3 missed calls. Zane looked for his mother's number and started dialing. "Irene, what is she gonna say? I--....Mom?". "No son, it's me. Your mother had a doctor's appointment today, and forgot about the letter" Garte, Zane's father replied, Zane chilled out and spoke, "Oh, hey dad, I wasn't expecting you." They talked for a bit and caught up on some things that have happened recently like work, the people they've met up with, and so on, but their conversation was stale, so there wasn't really a father-son vibe going on. It was getting late, so they were now going to finish up the stale conversation. "So son, have you been taking good care of yourself?" Garte asked. "The only time you saw me was when we got here. By the way, where were you?" He popped up the question. "Oh, well, at work. I had to show case some products for the company's new Ro'meave and Liken productions" he stated quite proudly. "Why?" he then realized it was kind of foward of him. "Oh, um, just wondering if you were, I don't know, with Garroth instead of me and Vlyad. You know, your other sons." Zane didn't realize how stern his tone was, but he wouldn't have really cared either way. "Ah Garroth, heh, the oldest Ro'meave brother. He will be a great leader for the Ro'meave company one day. You know, I hope one day you'll become more like him some day too, and it seems Vlyad is already following his league, dosen't it? Good for him." Zane was so glad that he wasn't here in person, he was boiling mad, and didn't want to get in trouble with his father, because if he did......"yes! Good for him" he responded sarcastically. "What would I do without fu-- Garroth." He cut himself off. (Don't worry, he didn't swear......fully swear anyways....) "I don't know son, but you are lucky to have a brother like Garroth. I wish I had a brother like him when I was your age, a strong independent man who sticks up for what's right" Zane started bearing his teeth "of course you'd think that, wouldn't you?", he said in a despitefull manner. "What was that son?" Garte asked, knowing he said something, but was not quite sure. "Nothing!....nothing..." He replied, trying to cool off before talking again. Garte and Zane had a moment of silence because they didn't really have to say anything else. As Zane thought for a moment on the "favourite son" thing, his father spoke "Well, I'll be waiting for your mother and--" "Dad?" Zane interrupted. "Yes?" Garte asked "What is it?". Zane has been wanting to ask this for a while now, but he has never had the guts to do it. "I-I-I wanted to, um, ask you if you thought..I wasn't, I mean, um." Zane debated himself "Come on Zane! Don't you want him to know?" This took a moment, but he could not make up his mind. "Son? Are you okay?" Garte asked. "I'm...fine." Zane regreted saying "ugh!" he thought "Are you sure?" "Y-y-YEAH" Zane blurted out with emotions, "excuse me....yeah..". Garte didn't think much of it (as ususal), and continued to speak. "Alright son, we'll check up on you tomorrow, or, your mother will, okay?" Zane was still in a bit of confusion on why he blurted out so suddenly, but responded anyway "Okay, yeah...talk to you tomorrow. Bye." "Goodbye, son". His dad hung up before he did, but he stayed in the position he was while talking to his dad, almost frozen. "You didn't have the guts! Again?!" Zane told himself all these harsh things, but was too tired to go on any longer, he sighed. "The golden child, huh?" He whispered. He gave up on the subject for the night and dived into bed with his bibble close to his chest. He was about to read a verse, but reminded himself of the curiosity of who that boy was, the name he heard at the bookstore sounded too familiar, Zane scanned the cover of the bibble, and repeated the name once more, "Travis Valkrum...."      


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Aphmau Graduation days : Zanevis storyWhere stories live. Discover now