To be mean or to be kind?

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Travis got closer to the library, but it was a long way still, by foot. "Ha! Cute" Travis kept reminding himself about the bump in from before, "cute." He thought, "did he really think it was...cute?" He blushed at the thought of him saying 'yes' to that question. He had to keep reminding himself on where he was going, he was walking to the libray to check out his new books for next year, he himself couldn't belive it was college already, but he made promises that he wouldn't break no matter what. Travis got inside the building and into the book store, he noticed that there was someone new at the cashier, an old woman with oval glasses and a small golden chain on each side, she was wearing a rose dress with a purple necklace of what seemed to be a key. But he still remembered that face that he was still very thankful for. Travis looked at the book store again, it seemed very diffrent in the morning sunshine that came from the huge windows as walls. He began to focus again, "Alright, what's up first?" Travis looked for the list he had to follow that the college lady from earlier, gave him. He struggled to get it out of his pocket, but managed to get it out alright. He looked at the list, "....Math!" He shouted cheerfully (at first) "wait..." He frowned realizing what was the hardest subject to learn in the entire universe was, "math.." He said glumly and sighed. He looked at the line to find where the end was, and went to go join it. It didn't seem to be a very big line, the majority students were looking at other books or just hanging out with their friends, the line up itself wasn't as large as he expected when coming, still enough to call a medium sized crowd though. He knew it would be a while, but he also knew that he had to get there eventually, his group wasn't gonna do anything important anyways, so what was the rush? He lined up, and waited...and waited...aaaand (you guessed it!) ......waited. Travis didn't get much sleep last night, since he was getting used to the new enviorment, and he was pretty bored right now, so he was falling asleep, until a familiar name was called out, and woke him up a bit. "Zane Ro'meave?" The old woman called, he was up next, but nobody came, "Zane?" The lady called out again. Travis thought for a moment, "that's weird, I thought the system wouldn't call on Zane's group yet," Travis looked at the other side of this situation, "but still, if Zane dosen't get his books today, he'll miss them for the the eniter first month of college!" He couldn't let that happen, not after he helped him refind this place and even though he didn't want to help a "twerp" like himself. "No? No Zane Ro'meave?" The old woman called out for the final time as looks over all the students lined up, but she saw one hand up. "Zane?" The lady asked, he didn't say anything outloud and just walked up to her. She was a bit confused, the guy didn't look like a Ro'meave family member, they were either blond of black haired, maybe he was too adopted along with Vlyad? (Garte was quite open about his wife and three sons, so most people knew who they were). The guy made it to the front, and spoke "Well, not exactly, but I do know him though." He admitted, "I mean if you count like, 2 minutes as "meeting "someone, then sure!" He thought sarcastically, thinking it was stupid to call that a meeting. "Alright," the woman questioned no further, she opened a new tab, and started typing, "the system might not be able to sign in without Mr. Ro'meave's library card, but I'll add him to the list for a second chance here, and you can go see if he's anywhere to be found and tell him to check in. Okay dear?" Travis's eyes expanded a heckin' lot, "you expect me to find a goth, stubborn guy out in a college campus?" He asked her in his mind, "yes." He responded out loud. He knew it was gonna be tough, but he knew he could do it, and started walking away. "Thank you an--" he got caught off, "wait, dear!" She stopped him. "What's your name?" Travis walked closer to her so he wouldn't have to have a conversation shouting. Travis told her his deatails and got his books, she felt like she needed to do him a favor since he was doing a favour for someone else, she hadn't seen kindness coming from young adults in a while. He went upstairs to put his stuff away, and went to look for Zane. "Alright Travis, you've been in worse," Travis pep talked to himself, trying to keep a positive out look, "not like this guy's college frist month of the first year depends on it or anything...ha." Travis felt like he wasn't going anywhere with his "pep talk", he was scared, yet excieted to be challenged, and see him again, (confidence was a thing that Dante was really good at. But didn't quite finish with Travis on that.) He was always up for anything, he began to think of life lessons through out his "nature" walk while on the hunt for Zane. Travis gave himself ideas on where he could be by asking questions to himself, "If I was a grumpy 67 year old man, where would I be?", he asked himself. He kept looking everywhere, but luck until about after the 50th time of looking around, Travis felt relif wash over him. It wasn't Zane, but his group, the group of the other high school kids. "Ha! Yes." He could recognize Jenny and some of the people there, Travis walked up to them. There were at least 4 people in there, five if Zane was there, "wow" he thought, surprised by how small their group wa. "...does everybody understand?" The blonde white-ish haired girl with a "team leader" shirt asked her group. "We understand" A brown haired girl reassured her, and went to her really bright pink me'fuaw girl that seemed to be her partner for this activity, along with two other dudes, as partners. From behind, Travis was sneaking up, "Um, excuse me?" Travis shyly said, Jenny almost didn't hear him, but she had turned anyways to check if one of the members of the group was coming back, or learned their lesson at least. "Oh, hello again!" To her surprise it wasn't someone awful and terrible,she smiled at the little guy, Travis was impressed that she recognized him, and smiled back. "Heh, hi....again." He hoped that one day he would talk to her like a friend in the future, but he needed to know where Zane was. "Hi! What's up? Lost again?" Travis chuckled sheepishly, his haired covered his eye a little, "ha, no. I was actually looking for, um, Zane?" Jenny gave a disgusted look at what Travis said, "Zane.." Travis was kinda spooked at Jenny's look, but was glad it was his group and avoided any awkwardness, "yes" he said, he steped back, just in case, "Zane. Is he here?" Jenny breathed in and out, to calm her nerves, it somewhat worked, "Zane, um." She looked for nice words since Travis did seem like a sweetheart, "Let's say he's in a bit of a time out, for now", she said with a fake grin while looking to the side, thinking of the trouble he had been getting into lately and the new rouble he caused (not even into 3 minutes of the club and he already insulted half of the group and almost got into a physical fight wiht one of the other guys). "Oh, well. I was looking for him. He needs to get his books or otherwise he won't get them till next year, a month too late." Jenny looked at him with the sweetest smile, "aw, you sweetheart. Well, I guess I can call him over and tell him to come meet you here." Travis was proud of himself for not giving up on him, or most importantly, himself. "Really?" He asked, "sure!" Jenny replied and got out here phone and dialed Zane, while she waited for him to pick up, she conversed with Travis. "he dosen't deserve such sweetness, but look at Travis." She thought as she looked over to see him while he spoke about his day. But he didn't say much, he wasn't just talking a bit quite, but he was also standing in a not very confident pose, slouching a bit. But there would be times that he was willing to be social at times. Jenny and Travis finished their conversation and stood there in silence. "So cute! Like a puppy in a--" the phone stopped making dialing noises, "hello?" A gothic voice responded. "Zane hi! We need to talk." She moved away from her group to chat privately with Zane. Meanwhile the people doing trust games, they noiticed their leader was gone, all they saw was a white haired guy awkwardly standing there. "Hey, where's the teach?" one of the guy's doing the exercise asked his partner. "I don't know bruh." His partner responded, "I'll go see, maybe that guy knows where he went". The guy walked over to Travis, "hey dude!" He said in a friendly way, "oh, um, hi!" Travis responded, he was caught off guard for a moment there, he tensed up. "What's up?" Travis asked him trying to look normal, "Have you seen our leader? We're done our exercise." He said, Travis knew the answer. "Um, well she went to talk to Zane on the phone." Travis responded. "Zane? Why Zane?" He asked in disgust. "Well, I need to see him. His library books need to be checked out before it's too late." Travis explained. The guy (Anthony) thought it was sweet thing to do for him, too sweet for a guy like Zane, "but, he's jerk. You know that, right?". Travis had noticed that Zane was being hated in his group a lot, even the leader felt that way about him, and all leaders are suppose to treat students kindly. "Well, I mean" Travis tried to think of nice things about him, since he wasn't there to speak for himself, "I guess he does cuss sometimes, and I sometimes see him take shots of beer, or something, really late at night though, when there's no one around." Anthony tried to make sense of this last thing, and was pretty surprised that even him would do such a thing, "if no one's around, how come you know he drinks?". Travis did realize that sounded off, and explained himself, "well, sometimes I can't sleep well and usually I take walks around my neighbour hood, so I since I'm gonna be living here I decided to adjust that to walking around campus instead to make myself tired. But he dosen't know I'm there though, I just see his head shoot up high after pouring a liquid from a bottle of wine, I think, and into a tiny cup." Anthony already thought bad things from Zane, but this was another level he never thought Zane could reach. "Wow! I can't belive it." Anthony commented, "this guy really is a douche bag, huh?" Travis realized what he just said, he made Zane look even worse, he got completely off track, "well, no! I have also seen him, um" Travis thought of a lie that would make him look nice (forgetting that he is a really bad liar) he needed to say something, quick. "he also watches, little horsies?"Travis said with a nervous smile, hoping it would made him look like a better person, instead he got a burst of smirks from Anthony. "Pfft, what?" He said still chuckling a bit more. Travis wasn't sure if that lie he said was really worth it or not, but he seemed happy... "Uh, heh, yeah...he, um.....does?" Travis stuttered. Anthony looked some other way, and shouted like someone was there, "Ha! Who's a poser now Zane?" Anthony said. Travis didn't see where Anthony was looking, he was too tense to look at him, he was looking at the grass and laughed nervously along with Anthony, "heh, yeah....Fun!". The sound of grassy footsteps caught Anthony's attention, it was Jenny, she got back to her group and started calling them for attention. "Alright group, are you all done with the trusting games with your partner?" She called out. The group nodded in agreement. "Alright then, gather up in a cricle and we'll get ready for our next and final exercise of the day, okay?" The kids got together, started forming a circle as they talked amongst themselves. Jenny went up to Travis and smiled, "alright Zane's over there, okay?" Jenny said pointing a Zane, sitting nearby on a bench. "If you need help, just yelp, okay?" She was afraid that he might try to hurt him. Travis's eyes widened, "okay" he said faintly, "..uh, thanks." Jenny smiled once again and headed to her group, while Travis stood there, with all of his thought, blocked away, and only with a huge question in his mind, "Did he hear me?"

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