chapter 2

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         Upon walking in the house I didn't bother closing the front door, I can hear my mom calling my name but why does she sound so far away? I'm moving slowly, I feel like a zombie, I can't seem to think about anything. I hear a knock on my door. "Summer are you alright? please talk to me" I can't seem to find my voice to tell her I just want to be alone. No worries my mom is a smart woman when I don't answer she'll figure it out. Slowly I step out of my soaking wet clothes. I don't bother drying off or putting new clothes on. For once in my life I don't care that my hair is soaking wet. I pull back the covers of the bed I'd just made not long ago and climbed in. As soon as my head hit the pillow I felt the hot tears falling from my eyes. So this is what the end of forever feels like? after awhile I feel my eyes start to get heavy I'm drained I could just fall asleep and never wake up. it's not like anyone would miss me anyway.

         I'm not sure how long I slept but when I opened my eyes my hair and pillow were both dry and the sun was shining through my window. I could also hear birds chirping away being their happy little selves. I guess they didn't get the memo that the world stopped spinning but then again that was just my world. Stupid birds, Stupid sun, just leave me alone. I pull the curtains closed but that just isn't enough so I grab my extra blanket and throw it over the curtain rod. There that'll do. Now to drown out that incessant chirping I turn on the radio, of course a sad song is playing well there goes that idea. Turning the radio off I climb back into bed and pull the blanket over my head. I just want to close my eyes and when I open them again all this would just be a bad dream, but it's not a dream is it? This is real life and eventually, like the adult I am, I'm gonna have to get out of bed and face it. Not today though, today I just wanna lay in bed and cry. Tomorrow I'll get out of bed, Tomorrow I'll get back to life. My 21st birthday is right around the corner and then after that I start my Senior year of college. Tomorrow I start my life again. Today I cry and sleep.

        I didn't realize almost a week had passed without me getting out of bed. Of course my mom checked on me, she tried to get me to eat and shower but I couldn't bring myself back into existence. Finally feeling weak and emotionally drained I climbed out of bed and into a nice hot shower, Man this water felt good. I got dressed and ate a big hearty breakfast prepared for me by my loving mother. Today wasn't going to be easy I already knew that but I was determined to get out of the house today. After breakfast was finished I decided to go into town maybe see what my best friend Brooke was up to. So I climbed into my truck and drove the 45 minutes into town. Brooke wasn't home and her mom was acting kind of weird but I'm sure by now the whole town knows that Mike broke up with me. I wonder if anyone knows why, but do I really want to know why? I checked my cell phone then for the first time in a week. Yeah the whole town knows, I had so many texts and calls from concerned friends and neighbors but why is it that my supposed best friend hasn't called even once to check on me? No big deal maybe she's on vacation, we've started drifting apart recently I'm not sure why but I'm sure it's just the stresses of college life getting to us.

         I started to put my phone away when a name popped up on my screen. Why was Kennedy calling me? I haven't talked to Kennedy since Graduation when we got in that big fight because I threw her keys into the lake so she wouldn't drive home drunk. Yeah, I mean I could have just taken her keys but she was making me mad so I threw them but I didn't want my friend to kill herself, or anyone else for that matter.  I almost didn't answer the phone I don't know what kind of drama Kennedy was trying to start but I wasn't having it, not today. But what if she wasn't trying to cause drama? I was so torn. Kennedy had once been one of my best friends. Just as my phone was about  to go to voicemail I decided to answer it. The first thing Kennedy said to me was that she was sorry she hasn't called and that she misses me. That wasn't so bad so I agreed to meet her for lunch at the only diner in town.

          I don't know how long Kennedy expected me to wait. Why is it that everyone in this town is always late for everything? Just as I was getting ready to walk out and just go home Kennedy walked in looking beautiful as always. As soon as she sat down the waitress brought her a drink and we started talking, catching up on the last couple years. Kennedy didn't ask about Mike, she never asked how I was doing. She knew I needed distraction and that when I was ready to talk about it I would. Kennedy always knew me better than anyone else did. I met Kennedy when I was 3 my mom was her babysitter. After awhile I told her what happened and asked her what she knew if anything about Mike. The people that lived in town usually knew everything before the rest of us did. That's when things started to fall into place no one in town knew exactly what was going on but no one had seen Mike since the day he'd broke off the wedding and well with his leaving no one had seen Brooke either. Rumor had it, and rumor was probably right, that he they'd run off together. I looked at Kennedy and I said "I can't take this right now, everyone knows everything and I look so dumb just sitting her having coffee while they're off doing whatever the hell they're doing. sometimes I just wanna run away from this stupid small town and all their prying eyes and ears"  Kennedy always had the best responses and she always knew exactly what I needed " We have the whole Summer, lets just get out of here. Get as far away from this sleepy little town as we can. Let's run away" 

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