chapter 4

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              "There ya go kiddo everything you need for the Summer snuggled safely in the back of your truck, there's some extra money in the glovebox, I also changed your oil, and... and don't forget to call home"  I stood up on my tippy toes and kissed my dad on the cheek "Thank you Daddy" I have such amazing parents I don't know how I got so lucky. I hug and kiss my parents and get in the truck. as I'm pulling out of the driveway I can see them in my rearview waving bye with their arms around each other. One day i would have what they have but not today. Today I have a trusted old truck, a best friend, and miles and miles of road ahead of us. Who knows where we'll end up.  Kennedy was standing at the edge of town with her bags, I stopped, helped her get her things into the truck, and we were off. Driving into the sunset without a plan or destination just two friends doing something crazy.

             The farther we got from town the happier we got. Soon we had the radio blasting at full volume singing at the top of our lungs. eventually we settled down and got to talking. We avoided anything that would put a damper on our good mood we talked about clothes and shoes and stuff neither one of us are really that interested in but it kept us occupied. Soon our talks turned toward fishing trips we took as kids and how neither of us have had much time for fishing lately. Kennedy's dad had died when she was a baby. Hunting accident, or so we were told, but no one in town really believes that story. So Kennedy was always going hunting and fishing with us whenever we went. Somehow we started talking about the day we met Brooke and Jason who are actually cousins. There really was no sadness in our talking we were talking about happy times. Times to be cherished forever, Times when forever actually seemed like a possibility and not just a dream.

                   We were 5 years old my parents had brought me, Kennedy, and Mike to the beach for the day. Mike kept yelling "Summer look at me"  everytime he thought he was doing something cool. Even back then he was always trying to impress me. We were standing at the edge of the water, Kennedy and Mike were arguing over a plastic raft toy, they never could get along well, when all of a sudden a beachball knocked them both into the water right on their butts. I was standing there laughing at my friends when the kids who had thrown the ball walked over to apologize. Jason introduced himself and his cousin. "hey I'm Jason I'm 7, Brooke's my cousin she's 6. How old are you guys?"  from that day on a friendship was formed and the 5 of us were never apart.

                Finally we saw the sign Welcome to Florida The Sunshine State... Georgia was home but it was time for us to leave home and make our way in the world. We both screamed in excitement right here at the Florida/Georgia line is where our lives really began. We had been driving for about 4 hours at this point so we decided to stop at a 24 hour restaurant and get something to eat. After we ate we continued South. Almost 9 hours after leaving home we found ourselves in a beach town not far from Miami. The sun was coming up over the ocean and let me tell you that was the most beautiful sight this small town Georgia girl had ever seen in her life.

                 Tired, we pulled into the parking lot of the first motel we came to. We were surprised to find the parking lot so packed and were praying there would be an available room, even if we had to share a bed, we were tired. I put the truck in park and we climbed out. Walking to the office I could barely keep my eyes open. the lady at the desk was very nice and helpful as she informed us that we were lucky and not only did she have one open room left but that it was also a room with two beds. We payed what seemed like a rediculous amount of money for the room and thanked the lady, but as we turned to go to our room she asked "are you girls here for the show tonight?"  I was tired so I just replied No and tried to walk away but Kennedy ever the curious one she is just had to ask "what show" "Some bigshot from Georgia finally got his break. Last week he signed a record deal up in Nashville and tonight he's opening for some famous singer. That show's sold out but if you wanna catch him I heard he's playing a local bar tomorrow night"  Kennedy "what's his name? we're from Georgia maybe we've heard of him"  "Jason Aldean"  I watched as Kennedy dropped her things. This couldn't be good. Could it? Jason was here in Florida.

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