chapter 3

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          So It was settled Kennedy and I would go our separate ways for now We'd both go home to get some rest and pack everything we'd need for the summer. Hell, who knows maybe we'd never come back. We weren't telling anyone other than our parents that we were even leaving. At the break of day I would pick Kennedy up at the edge of town and we'll drive til we ran out of gas, then we'll refill and drive some more. Maybe we'll drive til we run out of road. Now that sounds like a plan. I get so excited just thinking about it I can practically feel the ocean breeze in my hair and the sun on my skin. as I drive home from town I can't stop smiling. But a 45 minute drive leaves a lot of time for thoughts especially when every mile I pass holds memories. There's the dirt road between the trees, the dirt road you can't really see unless you know it's there, it leads to the beach. The beach is where we all hung out growing up Mike, Kennedy, Brooke, Jason, and I. Five bestfriends but where were we now? Jason was Kennedy's ex boyfriend, as soon as we all graduated 3 years ago he took off to Nashville and Kennedy chose not to go with him. Heartbreak, it's something we've all experienced around here. Time to get out and get as far away as possible.

         "Mom, dad"  I walk in the door, the hardest part of leaving was telling my parents. I'm almost 21 so it's not like I'm a child, but I know my parents are gonna worry about me as they always do. Everyone in this town expects me to hang my head and cry myself to death. That's not gonna happen, not to me. "We're in here"  here it goes. I take a deep breath. "Kennedy and I have decided to take this summer and road trip" "That's such a great idea honey, you and Kennedy used to be so close and this town's gotta hold painful memories for you go enjoy your summer but be safe and call home often" Wow my mom continues to surprise me but what surprises me the most is my dad's actually agreeing with her. I really expected them to give me a hard time. I was even more surprised when they agreed not to tell anyone til we're long gone. After speaking with my parent's I went to pack. I was leaving, I was really leaving. Who knows maybe after college I wouldn't settle down in this little town maybe I'd go out into the world. All I know for certain is that come tonight this town and everyone in it would be in my tail lights, And in my headlights a world wide open. Freedom. I could taste it. With all of my summer things packed I lay down to take a nap, I can't believe we're really going. This summer was going to be all about me & Kennedy and fixing a life long friendship that should never have been broken in the first place.

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