chapter 7

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        Wait, where's Kennedy? I look around the room even in the bathroom btut she's not here. Just as I was about to go into full panic mode she walks in the door with coffee and donuts. That girl is a life saver. "So Kennedy we Kind of got invited to a party last night and well, I was thinking that since we're not going out to the bar tonight we could go to the party"  "I don't know how you got us invited to a party already but hey I'm all for it but first I think we should spend the day on the beach." The beach. sounds like a plan to me, not like I'll tan I'm always pale no matter what I do but the sun still feels good on my skin. I'm not like Kennedy she tans so easy. "Hey Summer don't forget to put on your sunscreen" Like I said the girl's a life saver if I don't use sunscreen I burn and my skin will match my red hair. I hate my hair I've considered dying it but someone always talks me out of it. I throw on shorts and a tank top over my bathing suit slip my feet into my flip flops and we're out the door. No make-up, no fuss, I could live my life this way and be perfectly happy. 

       Besides the fact that I have to keep reapplying this damn sunscreen I'm really enjoying just laying out in the sun on the beach. I was laying back with my eyes closed when I felt a shadow above me and opened my eyes. Holy Hell I don't remember Stephen being this damn hot last night. Despite my objections my body goes crazy and feels all sorts of things when this man is around.  I should stay away from him. Far far away, yet I can't look away his eyes have me captivated I didn't even realize he was talking to me. Good thing I wasn't trying to impress him or I'd be quite embarrassed right now. Well that's what my mind says, my body says otherwise as it starts to turn red. I hate my skin I hate the fact that I'm always turning red. "So are you coming tonight or what?" "huh? yeah, sorry i think I just got too much sun maybe I should go back to the hotel and get some rest. we'll be there though" "alright see ya tonight, Red"  My name is Summer I hate it when people call me Red. my hair color isn't who I am. Although highly frustrated with this man I can't take my eyes off him as he walks away. 

          I told Summer I needed some rest and walked back to the hotel. I don't  know what getting into me. I just met Stephen last night, less than 24 hours ago, yet I can't seem to get him or that smile of his out of my head. Not to mention those eyes. Everytime he looks into my eyes I feel like I never wanna look away. I could get lost in those eyes. Mike just left me a little over a week ago it seems like I should still be in my room crying, he walked out on a lifetime of love. So why do I find myself thinking things I've never thought about anyone ever about a man I just met. This is absolutely insane. I'm the good girl, the one that was supposed to marry her highschool sweetheart. Straight A student at Georgia Southern. future Elementary school teacher. I'm not the girl that leaves town the first chance she gets, I'm the one that goes away to college just to come back and start my small town life. I don't run off to Florida to sit around on the beach and party and drink every night. I'm not the girl that spends hours on hair and make-up just to sneak into a bar. I'm not the one to yearn for a man I just met. Am I? Is it possible that I can be both? I'm 20 years old I have my whole life ahead of me. Maybe Mike's leaving was the best thing that ever happened to me.

        Do I love Mike? Did he hever love me? Or were we just doing what was expected of us by getting married? My parents have that special lifetime connection. I think that everyone's always expected me and Mike to have that but did we really? me and Mike had some great times. He made me smile like no one else could. But was that because I loved him or was it because he really truly was my bestfriend. Brooke was the wild crazy one. The beautiful one. She had the eyes of every boy and man in town but never their hearts. Maybe their money or their pride but never their hearts. She had eyes for no man, she'd use them until there was nothing more to take. Was she using Mike or is he the one man she'd give her heart to. Sadly I believe it's the latter. sadly I believe that my so called friend wanted what was mine all along. Well good she can have him they're meant for each other. neither one will ever amount to anything. but surely the whole town knows they're together, why run away? unless..... She's pregnant. How in the world did it take me this long to realize this. How long did they sneak around behind my back? Well that's all in the past. Tonight I live for me. but first I need to do something with this ring.

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