chapter 15

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         After the Ferris wheel stopped and we got off we all walked down to where the concert was being held. There was some country/ rock singer from Georgia playing the first night of the carnival with his band. He was actually really good. His name was Brantley Gilbert. Stephen asked me to dance I don't really like dancing but somehow he always manages to get me to dance anyway. What is it about this man? I'm having such a good time I don't actually notice at first when it starts to rain. It's not raining that hard anyway. The show goes on and you can tell the crowd is absolutely loving the band. Tomorrow night that would be Stephen up on that stage singing his heart out while the crowd goes crazy screaming for more. I just knew he would capture their hearts the way he was starting to capture mine. I look over at Kennedy. Her and Jason are dancing and smiling. Those two were meant for each other.  I already knew that if Jason asked her she'd go back to Nashville with him and I'd be returning to Georgia alone. Honestly I really hope to return home alone. Yeah it will suck being the only one of our group of friends to still be in that small town but unlike most of the town I'd never dreamed of getting out. I loved small town country living where everyone knows everyone. Yeah it gets old when people know things about you before you yourself even know them but that's just how it's always been and that'll never change. It's nice to walk down the street and have everyone waving to you and calling you by name. Well I guess when your a good girl like me it's not really a bad thing I can see how people like Brooke would really hate it though. I'm sick of being the good girl though. What i need right now is to be spontaneous and stop being so damn good all the time. For the first time I'm realizing that I'm really and truly free.

         I need a drink but they're checking I.D. So it's not gonna be easy. Well yeah it is I'll just ask Jason. "What do you mean you won't buy me a drink?"  okay not as easy as I thought. I look at Stephen but he just shakes his head before I can even ask "We'll pick something up after we leave"  I guess that's a good thing it means Stephen wants to hang out even longer. This Brantley Gilbert guy is really good. I can feel myself really getting into the music. After the show Stephen asked us if we were going to come back to the beach house with him and Jason. Of course we were. Kennedy wanted to ride with Jason so Stephen rode with me. I pulled into the liquor store and Stephen ran in to get some beer. When he came out he hands me a rose. How random. They must be selling them inside. Stephen's so sweet, or he's just trying to get some. I'm not sure at this point and I'm honestly not sure if I care. We get to the house and Jason and Kennedy have a fire going. I was surprised they were able to get it started in this rain. This was going to be an interesting night. The four of us getting drunk around a fire in the rain on the beach. It wasn't storming it wasn't even raining that hard so I guess it was alright lol. The boys suggested we all go swimming in the ocean and since us girls didn't have bathing suits with us we could just wear our bra and underwear. I guess there's not much of a difference but I wanted to keep my shirt on anyway. Not like it could possibly get any wetter. 

     The water was only about waist high. We were all wrestling around and playing. having a great time. I was trying to get Stephen's feet out from under him so he'd go under. that plan backfired as Stephen unexpectedly pulled me with him and together we fell into the water laughing the whole way. I could feel his body press against mine as we went under and it felt like everything stopped as I felt a warmth in the pit of my stomach. I wanted Stephen. More than I had ever wanted anything. As we came up for air I could see it in his eyes that we were on the same page. As he held me against him and stared into my eyes the world disappeared. I no longer felt the rain as it fell on my face, nor could I hear Jason and kennedy's laughter. There was no one and nothing in the world except me and Stephen. I wanted him to kiss me, what was he waiting for? he brought his hand up to brush my wet hair away from my face and his hand lingered there while his other hand rested on my hip. I could feel his breath against my lips. Was he waiting for me to kiss him or what? I froze not knowing what to do. I could feel him harden against me. He completely took my breath away when he leaned in and kissed me. That first contact was electrifying. I don't know what happened but it felt good as he gently pressed his soft lips to mine. Slowly he pulled back. Stephen's breathing was shallow and uneven. Was I really affecting him this way? As he was pulling back I leaned in and kissed him this time. I think that's what he was hoping for because he parted my lips with his and no longer being gentle about it he kissed me as if consumed with need and desire. I pressed myself against him as his tongue slipped into my mouth. I felt like I was on fire. I have never in my life experienced something so intense. Without ever taking his lips from mine he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around him as he carried me out of the water and onto the beach where he layed me down on the ground. My whole body trembled as his lips went to my neck. Both from anticipation and nervousness. I had never been kissed like this before. I had never been touched like this before either. His lips went back to mine. God he tasted so good, This was like nothing I ever imagined. How was it possible for a person to feel this good. Stephen peeled my wet shirt away from my body and for a minute I thought there was something wrong because all he did was stare down at me for the longest time as I lay there on the sand in nothing but a bra and panties. Just as I was starting to freak out inside, convinved Stephen didn't like what he was seeing, he lowered himself back down and kissed me. Hard. This kiss was different it was Hungry and passionate. Stephen was telling me with that kiss that I was his, and he mine. I could feel him hard up against me. His hand made it's way down my body as his lips left mine and found their way to that spot right behind my ear. He brought his hand between my thighs and started moving up I wanted him so bad at that moment. I wanted him to stop taking his sweet ass time already. With his one hand he unclipped my bra behind my back and slipped it off and just as his other hand went to slip off my panties the sky opened up and lightning split across the sky as the whole night lit up. For the briefest moment I caught the look of passion and yearning in Stephen's eyes as he looked down at me before very quickly jumping up. We all grabbed our clothes and ran into the house. I couldn't breathe I couldn't think. We had been so close. The guys handed us some tshirts so they could dry our clothes for us. With the moment lost we sat around drinking while waiting for our clothes to dry. By the time our clothes were dry we'd all drank to much to drive and the boys invited us to stay over. I suddenly felt exhausted so Stephen took me to his room where I climbed under the covers. I could barely keep my eyes open as Stephen kissed me softly. I could hear him getting ready for bed and as he climbed in beside me he must have thought I was sleeping, As my eyes closed I heard him whisper "I don't know what you're doing to me and I don't know how  but I think I'm starting to fall in love with you Summer"

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