chapter 17

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*** Summer ***

           Stephen was so perfect up there on that stage. He deserved the world and one day it would be his. Hopefully soon. I would always be his biggest fan cheering him on no matter what. This was one of those nights I'd look back on for the rest of my life. Whether I was standing with Stephen, married to another, or single 20 years from now this would be the night I'd never forget. Stephen sang his last song and the show ended. Stephen and the band started breaking down the set and Kennedy, Jason, and I jumped up on stage to help him out. One day he'd have people working for him to do this kind of stuff but today he had me. Tomorrow night Jason would take the stage and rock this town. It's been years since I've seen Jason do a show but he's always been the best at what he does. I couldn't wait to see Jason play tomorrow.

*** Stephen *** 

     What a night. with Summer by my side I felt like I could do anything. As we walked back to the truck to go to the house I pulled her close to me and kissed her on the head. If there was such a thing as perfect tonight was it.. We decided not to go straight back to the house. I asked her to let me drive her truck. There was something I wanted to show her. I could see the internal struggle in her eyes. Had no one ever drove her truck? Did it mean something to her? She handed me the keys and I walked around to the driver side and climbed in. 45 minutes later I pulled into what at first glance appeared to be a sleepy little town. Most of the houses were dark. Not really surprising since it was getting really late by now. it was also a Tuesday night. But it was a beautiful July Tuesday night. I turned the corner and drove for about 5 minutes before the sound of country music started drifting to our ears. There was a sign by the road that read  "Everyone is welcome. It doesn't matter where you're going or where you've been, if you need a drink come on in." I glanced at Summer to see a weird little smile on her face.

         I turned onto the long driveway and in a few seconds you could see a barn lit up with what was probably Christmas lights and under the lights both inside and outside were people. People dancing, eating, drinking and enjoying themselves. There was an old lady who looked to be in her 80's holding the hand of a man she clearly loved. A young girl dancing with a boy she probably expected to spend her life with. Everywhere you looked people were happy and in love. I stopped the truck and we climbed out. Off to the side was a huge smoker and a few smaller grills and a man cooking what smelled like amazing BBQ. There was a place for alcohol, too. We were greeted by those who saw us as if we were long time friends and not complete strangers. I took Summer in my arms and danced. After a few songs we grabbed some of the amazing brisket and a side of potato salad that the man offered us and sat down to eat. I have never tasted anything like this. I could tell Summer was happy and that made me happy. This lonely old lady started talking to Summer telling her about herself without prompt but Summer leaned in interesting to hear the woman's story. The lady started telling Summer about her need to get away from small town life in Georgia and how she eventually ran away from the controlling grip of her parents. without a penny to her name she managed to get herself to southern Florida where a nice man offered her a job at the store he owned and a place to live in the apartment above the store. The woman went on about how she fell in love with that man and settled down with him. They had 5 kids and 20 grand kids and so far around 30 great grand kids. wow. A few years ago after celebrating 50 years of marriage her husband was taken from her by sudden illness and although she misses him dearly she thanks god every day she had the strength to follow her heart all those years ago. She ended it saying not to be afraid of starting over if it means being happy. Life isn't over until it's over never stop living it never stop taking chances and follow your heart no matter where it leads you and whatever you do, don't be afraid to fall in love because when it comes down to it ove is everything. That is the key to a happy life. I don't know why but at that Summer started to cry. She didn't look upset though. She took my hand and led me to the dance floor where we danced. Everyone was so friendly and welcoming and as we were leaving they told us to come back any time we needed. 

          Only a few minutes into the drive Summer was already falling asleep. She was so beautiful. If I didn't need my eyes to drive I would never take them off her. I wondered what she was dreaming. She was smiling in her sleep. I wonder if she's dreaming of me. Ever since that night I first layed eyes on her in the bar while I was singing she had captured my attention and now she held it firmly. This was my girl. If I have any say in the matter I'm going to spend the rest of my life by her side. This crazy beautiful amazing woman who had looked broken and alone just days before was sleeping softly next to me as I drove. Smiling. Happy. Mine. I never thought I would find love yet here I was feeling as nothing could bring me down. We pulled up to the house and she looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake her so I carried her into the house and lay her in my bed. I slipped her shoes and her pants off of her and covered her up. What I wouldn't do for this girl. I'd give her the world if it's what she wanted. 

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