chapter 12

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*** Kennedy ***

         I woke up on the beach in the arms of the man I love just in time to watch the sun come up. The only way things could be anymore perfect would be if this was the rest of my life. A few miles down the beach I could see them starting to set up for the carnival that would open the next day. Today was July 1st and it was looking like it'd be a very beautiful day, too. In 5 more weeks Summer would be 21. I had to plan something big for Summer maybe Jason could help me. If he was even around that long. Speaking of Summer I should text her to find out where she is and make sure she's alright. I feel really bad for abandoning her last night but I'm sure she'll understand. Just as I'm pulling out my phone to text Summer I see her walking along the beach with Stephen. She's smiling so big I can tell she's happy. I guess I wasn't the only one that had an amazing night. Although knowing Summer I'm sure her amazing night was nowhere near as amazing as mine. Jason Sits up next to me and his hand finds mine as Summer and Stephen walk up and sit next to us. Stephen's clothes look a bit damp like he went swimming in them I'm sure there's a story behind that and if there is I'll get it out of Summer later when we're alone. Honestly I don't think Summer even realizes it but the way she smiles at Stephen I've never seen her look at anyone that way not even Mike. I just hope she doesn't fall too hard and get her heart broken. I guess we're all in danger of that here. I really need to find out where Jason and I stand but not today. I know that Jason is playing at the carnival on the 4th of July so I have until then. Then I'll ask him. Until then I just want to enjoy whatever time we have.

             Jason and Stephen both had things to do today so it was time for me and Summer to go back to the hotel but we all agreed we'd meet up at the carnival the next day. I already knew it was going to be such a long day without Jason but me and Summer had big plans for the day. We had to go back to the hotel to get changed and then we were taking the ferry to an island and going deep sea diving. I was a little nervous but it sounded like so much fun. On the way back to the hotel Summer filled me in on what happened the night before. I couldn't help but laugh about Stephen falling into the ocean but that's what he gets for trying to go out on his boat while drunk. Once back at the hotel we got dressed and headed out to the ferry. This was turning out to be one of the best summers of my life. Summer couldn't stop talking about Stephen I'd never seen her like this over a guy before. I couldn't help but smile seeing my bestfriend so happy. I wish I was spending this beautiful Sunday afternoon with Jason but honestly there's no one I'd rather be spending it with than Summer. I don't know how anyone could ever hurt her she was the best friend anyone could ask for. The afternoon was amazing. Who knew there was that much beauty at the bottom of the ocean. and to make a great day even better we had a late dinner at a restaurant that sat next to waterfall as the sun went down over the ocean before boarding the last ferry back to the mainland. Tonight would be the first day we actually got to bed at a decent time since arriving in Florida.

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