chapter 13

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             *** Jason ***

                                                            (((7 years ago)))

              It was my 15th birthday the first time I noticed Kennedy as anything other than a little girl that also happened to be my best friend. Kennedy was turning into a beautiful young lady and I can't believe I never noticed. As the oldest of the group I always feel a sense of responsibility for the others especially Kennedy who was the baby of the group. She wasn't really, she was actually a couple weeks younger than Mike and Summer. 19 months younger than me. For the last 8 years those 3 have become just as much my family as Brooke is. My mom was throwing me a party for my birthday and as always I had chose to have it on the beach where we'd all met years before. We were always at this beach for everything and I kind of figured we always would be. A few years ago this beach was the most popular hang out spot on the lake for families with small children but now the trees have started growing and hiding the road here. No one's bothered to trim the branches and as each year passes it's harder and harder to see the old dirt road. I guess after awhile people were starting to forget this place was even here. Which was fine with me it kind of felt more personal this way like it was our beach. There was a tire swing hanging off a big tree at the edge of the sandy area. Summer's dad had tied it up for us when we were little. The swing set was starting to rust and you couldn't even walk on the dock without fearing falling through. We loved it though. I was talking to Brooke about something when I notice Kennedy walking on the dock. What in the world was she doing on that old rickety thing and why were none of the adults paying attention? I started to walk towards the dock to ask her to come back to the beach when she fell into the water. We weren't swimming today because the water was choppy from high winds. Kennedy screamed and I took off running ripping off my shirt and kicking off my shoes in the process. I ran to the edge of the dock only vaguely aware of Summer's dad running behind me. I jumped into the water and grabbed Kennedy and handed her up to Summer's dad . When I climbed out of the water dripping wet and half naked Kennedy threw herself into my arms. "you saved me Jason" I didn't know it at the time and neither did she but those would be words she'd say to me many times over the years but the truth is she's the one who saved me that day. I was only 15 years old but as I held Kennedy to me I realized I held my whole world and I never wanted to let go. 


             Kennedy had no way of knowing but by showing up in my life she had saved me once again. I was headed down a dark path hating myself. Of course I never stopped loving Kennedy she had always been my whole world but nights without her got cold and lonely so I had filled my bed with strangers and warmed my nights with whiskey. I always figured I could drown my sorrows in alcohol and some nights it helped but I always woke up in the morning feeling worse for the wear. I always figured that one day I'd hear thousands of people screaming my name every night as I played my guitar and sang my songs for them and that I'd finally be happy, it'd finally be worth all the pain. but it wasn't. Nothing was worth losing Kennedy and I wasn't taking that chance again. On the fourth after playing my show I'll ask her then if she'll be my wife. If she can't live with what being a country singers wife entails then I'll pack my guitars and move back home to Georgia. I would do whatever it takes. I hated leaving her on that beach this morning but I had rehearsals and it wouldn't be long until she was in my arms again. With a new determination to my step I set out for rehearsals.

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