chapter 6

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          "let's dance then" I hear myself say "but first, I'm Summer" "Stephen Barker Liles" I let him lead me out onto the dance floor. What in the world am I doing? but that smile, and those eyes. He has the voice of an Angel and even his name is sexy. If I were emotionally available or looking for a good time he'd be perfect, but I'm not. why does his voice sound so familiar though? Stephen "So Summer, I've been watching you all night and I couldn't help but notice you haven't danced with anyone besides your friend over there"   okay maybe he's not so perfect. why was he just watching me I never saw him. Then it hit me, why his voice sounded familiar, he'd been standing right in front of my face all night, Singing.  "I'm sorry I'm just not feeling like picking up a man tonight I'm here to listen to music and have a good time with my best friend in the world"  dancing with Stephen felt nice and he was a good conversationalist as well. I was actually sad when the song ended and he walked me back to my table before getting back on the stage. Man, he could sing. If I was the kind of girl that took random men home for the night he'd be leaving here with me. but I'm not I'm a one man kind of woman and I'm pretty sure that man had walked out of my life taking one of my friends with him. 

           After awhile the band took another break. I could see Stephen talking and joking around with his band. I'm such a mess that I'm checking out strangers now I don't know what's gotten into me. but when Stephen turned and smiled in my directon my heart went all crazy. This is crazy we need to get out of here, I'm sure it's just the liquor making me feel this way and that's why we need to leave. I can no longer trust myself. As we walk towards the door this girl stops us and hands me a piece of paper "here Stephen wanted me to give this to you" I didn't even look at it. If it's a phone number I'm not really interested and I don't see what else it could be so I just shoved it in my pocket and walked out the door. It was raining, where did this rain come from? Atleast kennedy was thinking straight she had the bartender get us a cab and to think that a few years ago I was the one making sure she didn't drink or drive. I was a lot drunker than I thought the last thing I even remember was climbing into the cab. kennedy must have helped me into bed once we got back to our room.

         I woke up with a pounding headache. Not really a surprise considering how much Jack Daniels I drank last night. The night seems to be a bit of a blur but I keep remembering this amazing smile, Oh yeah Stephen the lead singer, he was cute and all but even if I was in a dating state of mind I'm pretty sure I would never date a singer. They all leave eventually anyway. I learned that one watching Jason walk away from Kennedy like she was nothing, never looking back. Then I remembered the paper that girl had handed me as I was walking out of the bar last night. I dig into my pocket in search of the paper expecting it to be a phone number but instead it reads ..... Party on the lake tomorrow (Saturday) night. if you come I'll see you there, if not I understand. There will be good music and you can have a great time with your friend. it's up to you, Stephen... and there was an address at the bottom. What the hell this is what we came to Florida for right? What's the harm in going it's not like we'd be going to the bar tonight anyway since we weren't sure what bar Jason was playing at.

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