chapter 19

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*** Kennedy ***

          Fireworks were going off but all I could see was Jason. I'm pretty sure I was the happiest girl on the planet at that moment. I look down to see Stephen and Summer standing there looking up at me smiling. I look down at the ring Jason had placed on my finger moments ago. Now I'm a jeans and Tshirt wearing, mud loving, Truck driving country girl who has an obsession with beautiful yet simple jewelry and this ring on my finger was an exquisite beauty. Jason knew me like no man ever could and it showed in his choice of a ring. Set on a silver band was an oval Emerald surrounded by small diamonds. If I had to guess I'd say it was late 1800's, early 1900's. You could tell it had never been sized or anything and although it had been shined up it still had that vintage look to it. Plus you could tell that all the stones were the originals. This looked as if it had been passed down among family members who cherished it and took great care of it. So how had it ended up in Jason's possession. I wish I knew the story behind it, for every old piece of jewelry had a story, one I would never know. This night had been absolutely prefect in every way. and it wasn't over yet.

         The next couple weeks seemed to fly by. Summer spent most of her time with Stephen going to his shows, swimming in the ocean, and just hanging out. They'd come into the house exhausted every night barely able to keep their eyes open. I don't even think they were sleeping together. The point of our trip had been to spend time together but it seemed as if we were spending almost all our time apart. Summer wasn't the only one at fault though I was spending every available minute with Jason. We did all hang out together and there was the rare occasion that it was just the two of us but not often. Of course I was planning Summer's birthday party. I mean you only turn 21 once so it should be a big deal. A week after Summer's birthday she'd be going back to Georgia and I'd be going to Nashville with Jason. Unless Summer had other plans but I knew how important school was to her. Summer wasn't the type to give up school for a man. I always thought I was the same but I could always make up the last year later on. I could even transfer and spend my last year in Nashville. I was really going to miss Summer though. I mean of course we'd keep in contact that would never change but we wouldn't even be in the same state anymore. Thinking about this I felt a little bit guilty. Summer would be returning home to gossip, rumors, whispers behind her back, and pitying stares but Summer wasn't the same girl she had been when we left. She was stronger more independent. This trip had changed Summer and I couldn't help but wonder how it was going to affect her going back. I had a feeling that eventually she would tire of small town life. We had all changed but I saw no bad in any of it. This had been the best Summer ever. 

  *** Summer ***

            I woke up in Stephen's arms with the sun shining on my face just as I had every morning for the last couple weeks. I could get used to this. The only difference in this was that today I was 21. I know Kennedy and Jason had been planning some big party for me and I was as excited as I've ever been. I tried to get out of Stephen's arms without waking him he was sleeping so peacefully but of course as soon as I went to move he woke up and held me even tighter before giving me a kiss and letting go. I climbed out of bed and jumped into the shower. Today was going to be the best day of my life. Today I was going to live my life as if there was no tomorrow. Walking into the kitchen I found that Kennedy and Jason had cooked me this awesomely huge breakfast. I guess they were trying to get me fat. Great birthday present. The four of us sat down to eat together and it felt so nice we really didn't do this often. I never wanted this to end. One of jason's bandmates walked into the house a few hours later with a case of liquor I was thinking that was a bit excessive when two other band members walked in with kegs. I have a feeling my friends had invited half the town to this party. This was going to be fun. People would start arriving soon and I was the star of the party. Guess it's time to get ready. 

            This party was crazy. It's my birthday but since we're not at home I don't know anyone here other than a handful of people. Stephen and Jason are working on getting the fire started. I had put on jeans earlier but it was hotter than I expected so I decided to go in and put on jeans and as I was going through my clothes something flew out and landed on the floor so I went to pick it up. It was my engagement ring I guess I forgot about it. It was time to get rid of this thing once and for all. I slipped it into my pocket and walked outside. I walked past  Stephen and Jason still trying to get the fire started. It was going to be a big one that would burn all night long. Stephen looked so sexy moving logs around trying to set it all up just perfect. Kennedy was standing there taking pictures. She was acting as the unofficial photographer as always. In her bedroom at home she had a lifetime of memories in boxes in her closet and then she had a box stashed full of filled up memory cards once picture taking went digital. I would never forget tonight but if I did all I had to do was ask Kennedy for a picture. I walked down to the end of the dock. The sun was going down in front of me and behind me the party was getting into full swing as Stephen and Jason finally lit the fire that would burn all night. I turned my back on the party and pulled the ring out of my pocket. I held it in my hand and closed my eyes as I saw the day Mike had given it to me in my mind. He'd promised me forever at the moment. I didn't know it at the time that I said yes but forever wasn't what either one of us wanted. I said goodbye to my one time best friend, I said goodbye to what everyone had always wanted of me, and I said goodbye to false loves and half truths. I opened my eyes and I threw the ring as far as I could and watched it drown. I turned around to see Stephen standing a few feet behind me I walked up to him and took his hand so we could return to the party. I didn't look back. I said goodbye to everything I had once been and hello to everything I could be. I went back to the party smiling. nothing could stop me from living my life the way I wanted, now that I knew I could. I was done doing things just because it was expected of me. It was time to live my life for me. 

Authors note: I do realize that the way I ended this chapter kind of sounds like an ending but it's not I still have one chapter left to write. I've been having so many people tell me they like my story and I really appreciate it. it means more than any of you can imagine. Thank you.

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