chapter 11

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       *** Summer ***

          I wonder how things are going between Jason and Kennedy. If Kennedy needs me she'll just text me so I'm not that worried her and Jason really need some alone time. I hope things are going good Kennedy deserves to be happy. Speaking of texts though my phone's been awfully silent since we got to Florida a couple days ago. I talked to my parents last night but other than that I haven't received one phone call or text. Not even my college friends have called me. I'm sure they probably think I'm too busy enjoying my married life. Yeah right. I am having a good time though. It's getting late and the party behind me is still going strong. I keep thinking maybe I should  get back to the party but it feels so nice just lying on the dock looking up at the stars.

  *** Stephen ***

          I know Summer is around here somewhere. I caught a glimpse of her red hair earlier but then someone started talking to me and I lost her. Everywhere I Turn someone's trying to get my attention 9/10 times it's a girl trying to talk to me but I've been looking everywhere for Summer she's really the only girl I feel like talking to tonight I really want to get to know her better. I hope she didn't leave thinking I was blowing her off. I don't really know what it is but there's something about her that just makes me want to get to know her better. I know I'm only here for the Summer and who even knows how long she plans on staying in town but I feel like she's worth getting to know. Suddenly the noises from the party are really getting to me I think I may have had to much to drink I should probably step away for a few to clear my head. I'm not sure what time it is but I'm guessing it's close to 3 a.m. I saw Jason Aldean around here somewhere not long ago which means it must be late since he had a show tonight. I started walking along the beach trying to clear my head I really need to stop drinking so much. Lately it seems all I ever do is play shows, get drunk, eat and sleep and it's starting to get old. I've been traveling the country playing shows the bar in town offerred me a steady gig playing every Friday night all summer so here I am until the summer ends then who knows where I'll end up. This is everything I'd ever hoped for yet suddenly it just doesn't seem like enough anymore. I come upon the dock and in my drunken mind it seems like a great time to take the boat out. I make my way to my boat and as I go to climb aboard I hear something behind me so I turn quickly to see who or what it is. Apparently I turned too fast though because I lost my balance and fell into the water. Well I was wanting to clear my head and it's pretty clear now I feel completely sober and when I look back to the docks to see what the noise was I not only feel sober I feel like a sober fool. Standing there in cut off jeans and a tank top with her hair pulled back is Summer. Well I guess I can stop looking now I found her or more appropriatelt she found me. Summer was looking down at me laughing. She has such a beautiful laugh I didn't even care that she was laughing at me. I couldn't find the words to say nor could I take my eyes off her until she asks me if I'm going to stay in the water all night or what?

*** Summer ***

         I was laying on the dock trying to decide whether or not to go look for Stephen when I saw him trying to climb into a boat. i'm pretty sure taking a boat out into the ocean at 3 am and not even telling anyone was a pretty bad idea, especially when you've been drinking so I got up and moved to stop him. Maybe I should have called out to let him know I was there. Seeing him fall into the water was scary until I realized the water wasn't deep and he was alright then it was just funny. I couldn't help but laugh. Stephen climbed out of the water and we sat together at the edge of the dock dangling our feet while we talked. It felt nice talking to him. I found myself feeling comfortable in his prescence and he was a really good conversationalist as well. Before I really knew it the sun was coming up over the ocean. I need to find Kennedy, I really need sleep. I said goodbye to Stephen and went off to find Kennedy.

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