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Now, I shared my dream with you. I just know my brother is in serious trouble somewhere. It's dark and dirty, and he's trapped! He's been down there long enough to be hungry enough to eat a SNAKE!!! It's why he didn't call me back.

I'm getting ahead of myself, but I'm soooo flustered!!!

I went to sleep, tried to anyway, and must have finally dozed off. Mom was next to me when I woke up. She said I was hollering out. I asked her about Little Wolf, if he called or texted. She looked, but he hadn't.

Mom kept telling me to sleep. When she left again, I snuck onto my computer to write the dream out, hoping to get it out of my system, but also so I wouldn't forget. I went back to bed, and must have dozed off again. I dreamt the same dream again! It was so upsetting! This time when I woke up, Mom was next to me and my dad was in my doorway. I have the best mom ever because after that she stayed right there next to me, calming me down.

Every time I dozed off, I had the same dream. Each time it was more intense, more direct, more... it's so hard to explain!

Ok, the first time, it was like I was following the mist. By the last time, it was as if it was my paws leaving an indentation in the mud! I could feel the grit in my mouth from the dirty water. It was pitch black around me, but there was this vague scent that kept tickling my nose. I held still when I heard the slightest slither from the snake. My paws glided over the ground, literally! You know the fur that sticks out between the pads of a dog's paw? That fur brushed the rocky ground, giving me a feel for where I was going.

Each muscle was like a dancer, ready to move in any direction. My nose was spread wide. You ever flare your nostrils out? This was more than that. Claws moved, my body flung itself to the side, pouncing back, claws curved in. I caught it the third attempt, fangs crushing it behind its head. Don't ask me how I knew where that was in the dark, I just did!

I don't want to describe eating a snake. I remember the one time I woke up, I asked Mom what snake tasted like.

I know my brother is in trouble!

Mom finally let me have have my phone back, I think just to calm me down some. I kept calling him again and again, text after text, but still no answer. That's when I realized how stupid I was being! (Mom says to never call yourself stupid. Shortsighted, selfish... she got a list lol) It finally occurred to me to call his Luna (he says girlfriend but I know better!)

I think I woke her up😴 Come to find out, he didn't call her either! She had called his dad, but his dad hadn't heard from him either! I tried to explain to her how I knew Brother was in trouble, but I wasn't sure she believed me or even really understood. She did agree it wasn't like him not to contact anyone.

That's when I had my second great idea!

See, there's this guy, a friend of Little Wolf's. My brother set him up with an account to follow me. He's the guy who helped my brother get Wolfie back to me so fast! Little Wolf said this guy has connections, and that this guy, his name is Mac, if you can believe it, is the guy who arranged a small plane and local transportation so Brother could come to me as quickly as he did to bring me Wolfie and still get back to work the next day.

Well, if this guy had connections, I needed him to start connecting!!!

I left him messages on his account, including my phone number. Now, I don't just give my phone number out to just anybody, especially men I don't know, even if he is one of my brother's friends! But...


When he finally answered (and he sounded so gruff! I wonder if I woke him up too) I had to take a breath and organize my thoughts. I told him about the missed phone call, and asked if he'd heard from Little Wolf. He said no.

Next call I told him how his dad and girlfriend hadn't heard from him either. He told me my brother was a big boy and could take care of himself.

I was so upset that he just didn't seem to be taking me seriously! That's when I gathered my courage up and called him yet again. And you know, for sounding so gruff, I think he really is a nice guy... maybe. (Jury is still out, lol)

That's when I told him about the dream, which was soooo hard to do! He had to think I was nuts! But I took a deep breath and asked him if he would go look my brother and his friend.

He grumbled, muttered something about not being able to get any sleep anyway🤭 and said he'd make some calls.

Next few times I tried to call, it went straight to voicemail, and I thought maybe he was sick of hearing from me and had maybe blocked me😭

After about a half hour, Mac called me back! I was holding the phone desperately trying to be really calm. I totally failed at calm😂🙊

He told me he had called someone he knew, and they had the same dream I did! He said Little Wolf's dad was aware of the same dream! It wasn't just me going bonkers!

"I'm getting a team together," he told me. "We start searching with the dawn. Yeah, we got enough people for a good search, and yeah, we got a general idea where to look. I need you to sit tight and just chill."

I wasn't happy when he told me to chill. Seriously, after telling me to chill, he defined it: no repeat calling. Sit back and just wait. Keep my phone charged so when they find Little Wolf, I will get the message. Then, the big buffoon asked, "Do you get the message I'm sending here kid? I need to focus on my job, not my phone."

Well, I won't repeat my surly answer. It was... surly enough my mom gave me a disapproving look.

Waiting is a terrible thing! I can't bear the thought of going back to sleep, so I think I'll write a little to keep my hands from the phone... which is sitting right next to me on the charger. I don't know how I'll be able to write considering I keep picking the stupid thing up to look at it, just in case...

Ok... story time...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2018 ⏰

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