Story Ch 9 Omega

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The shiny black SUV stopped at a store on the way home so the children could stretch their legs and take a break. There was a park across the street where some pre-teens were playing a ball game.

Jayden leaned against the vehicle as his pack Beta filled the tank. There were some good players out there, he thought as he watched the game, but some bad plays. He chuckled when he heard his thoughts echoed by a man struggling with a huge cooler. The man had muttered "stupid play"!

Jayden took in the man's ragged clothes, straining his ears to catch the continued mutterings the man made under his breath. He was obviously the local pack's omega.

Jayden was always offended when he visited a pack and saw omegas treated the way this man was. A well dressed omega meant the pack could afford to take care of all its members. Jayden's omegas always looked nice.

The way the man was forced to struggle with the giant cooler was another thing that made Jayden mad. There were coolers with wheels, or it could be in a wagon.

Making the man struggle unnecessarily made no sense to Jayden. It made the pack here look incompetent that they couldn't even arrange so simple a thing. Jayden liked for his pack to be efficient, from the top down.

When the omega got to the dugout, the boys there mobbed the cooler, almost tipping it over. They pushed the man down, laughing as they stepped on him to get their drinks.

With a growl Jayden headed over. He didn't bother with the entrance further up, he went over the fence right there. With claws out he yanked the boys back so the omega could get to his feet.

One little boy approached Jayden with outrage showing on his face and a growl of his own. Jayden figured he must be the son of the local alpha.

"How dare you interfere with our pack. You aren't anything but a rogue with no place here! You filthy..." and the boy went to try to kick Jayden then.

Jayden swooped down and caught the boy's foot, pulling so the boy landed on his back.  

"Rogue? You dare call me, an ALPHA, you dare call me a ROGUE?" Jayden roared it all out. The whole group of boys backed up then ran on the field hollering for their coach.

While the grown up calmed the boys and sent them to the far side of the field, Jayden helped the omega to his feet. The omega tried to brush off the assistance, claiming he was fine, but Jayden didn't care. He made the man sit on the bench and made sure he was ok.

When the coach came over, ready to fight, he was pulled up short by Jayden's fury.

"How dare you permit those boys to be so disrespectful to a pack member. Do you teach them to protect their pack or harm it? You encourage their disrespect to others! How could that boy not notice I am an ALPHA!!! I'll tell you how! He is in the habit of being disrespectful to others, that's how. I am offended! More than that, I am OUTRAGED AT SUCH DISRESPECT!!!"

Jayden stopped his diatribe (another fun word, it means he was ranting lol😂) when he heard a slight snort behind him.

And here you complained because I was the one causing a scene at the last pack border!

His mate was chuckling at him. He saw how he had looked through her eyes. She was proud of him for defending the omega. She was not so proud of the way the children had run away from him in terror.

They didn't run in terror of me... or maybe they did but only because they knew deep down they were in the wrong for treating a pack member so badly!

Jayden was spared further contemplation because there was a group of wolves running across the field. It was this territories Alpha with his Beta and best warriors.

Once the Alpha had heard from his pack members, he came to face Jayden. Jayden almost laughed when the wolf shifted and Jayden recognized him as the Alpha who had been trying to get Jayden to ally with him.

"Well I see now I have no reason to ally with you," Jayden spat at him. "I do not want to be allied with a pack who can't take care of its members. Your people wear rags! You don't organize properly, or you wouldn't be having a single person trying to do too much. You would be having two people or arrange for the right equipment for one man. And I'm not even going to mention the attitude you foster in your pack! Why should I help a pack that hurts it's own members? Bah!!!"

Jayden turned his back on the alpha before he could even say a word. Jayden did wink however to his new beta mate who was looking very surprised.

The alpha behind him tried stuttering apologies, asking what he could do to make things right and convince Jayden to reconsider making a treaty with him.

Treat your people right!

Samantha blasted through this pack's chat like she had the last one. She shared Jayden's outburst with them while at the same time sharing his reasoning for why he was outraged.

The other Alpha looked down in shame, willing to set forth rules to make things better for his pack, all of his pack.

"I need one more thing from you," said Jayden before he would agree to the deal.

"Anything!"said the other Alpha.

"I want that omega."

The other Alpha looked surprised but readily agreed. Jayden clasped the omega on the shoulder. "Welcome to the family," he said!


I always like stories with omegas in them. I do have to shake my head tho when someone says something silly like 'she only ate a crust of bread a week'😱 because I can't help but think with a werewolf metabolism? Even half-starved omegas need more than a crust of bread!!!

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