Visit to the Doctor

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I'm really depressed tonight my beautiful wolves. I'm so glad you're there!!! The doctor said I have to start chemo soon. I don't want to lose my hair!!!😭😭😭

I have beautiful brown locks, naturally curly. My mom does lots of different things with it. It's just the right length for a lot of different styles.

I'll try to picture what I'll look like when I become a werewolf instead of thinking about what's going to happen.

I'm sure if I had the opportunity to become a werewolf I would be a white one. But white is so plain😓 so I would get some pink streaks. I would have bright pink on top so it would look like I was wearing a tiara. I wonder if the pink would stay in my regular hair once I shifted back to human?

I've wondered things like that before. If a werewolf had pierced earrings as a human, would the wolf be running around with the earrings? Where would the piercing be on the wolf?

I used to have my ears pierced but they've closed up. Mom doesn't want me to put earrings in again because of my immune system. If I was a wolf tho I would want a line of small gold hoops going down my ear, just one of them. I would perk my ears up and down so they would jingle!!!

Good night my beautiful wolves, don't forget to howl at the moon with me tonite😘😘😘

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