Story Ch 10 Epilogue of Jayden & Sam

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This is the end my lovely wolves, with a surprise for you that makes the story special!!thanks for reading and for all the wonderful comments and votes for this, my very first story!!!! It's actually the shortest chapter about Samantha and Jayden🙈 but in some ways I think it's the best😍.
Thank-you for reading my beautiful wolves! I'm howling with appreciation🎤🐺🐺🐺

Their omega arranged the pups into teams, pairing up the fastest with the slowest. The pups grumbled, but their omega daddy sternly shushed them.

"You need to learn to work together. You will keep working in teams until you can!"

Jayden watched for awhile before coming over to stand next to Bernard.

"You're a great coach Bernard!"

"Thank you Alpha Jayden."

Even after all this time, he couldn't get Bernard to just call him Jayden. Bernard said by using the titles it fostered respect in the pups. Jayden couldn't help but think the she-wolf who had rejected her mate just because he was an omega had lost out.

Bernard was wonderful with the children. He wasn't some servant cleaning up after them, there was a whole staff for that! Bernard constantly taught the pups. Jayden knew his children would be better, kinder, and wiser because of the omega's influence.

"I'm glad you accepted me too," said Bernard. He had felt Jayden's praise through their family link. "But more than that," the omega said thoughtfully, "I'm grateful you and your mate accepted each other. I don't know how much a difference it has made among the Lycans, but among werewolves things have definitely improved."

"True," said Jayden, grinning at Bernard. "Omegas are getting treated better everywhere. Plus, many Lycans are now looking among werewolves who have been rejected or lost their mates to help balance out their families."

"I'll tell you something else I think," the omega said thoughtfully.

Jayden waited, surprised at the serious tone Bernard had taken. The omega looked him right in the eye.

"I think Alpha blood is actually Lycan blood. I think the pack link, the Alpha command, all of it, came from when Lycans first mated with us."

Jayden was surprised at first. Such a revolutionary thought! Bernard seemed embarrassed about saying his idea out loud. Jayden put his arm around the omega that was now more than a pack member. The omega was part of his family. What he had said made sense.

"I think you may be right," Jayden answered. It would explain why some Alphas are stronger than others, their ancestry had more Lycan blood in it. Jayden wondered what it would mean for his children.

"It means the Alpha abilities will not be lost among werewolves," said a beautiful woman walking toward him.

She wore a beautiful white eyelet dress that flowed around her knees. There was a crown of buttercups in her hair. Her feet were bare. Jayden could only stare in wonder.


Well, I figured if I could become all wolf, then surely I must be able to become all human as well. I just never wanted to before!

Samantha looked at her toes, slightly embarrassed. She had tried the shoes, kicked them off, shifted to wolf, and chewed them to ribbons! But the rest, for her daughter who was trying so hard to understand what she was, Samantha made the effort. She felt strange not being covered in fur. The look in her children's eyes as they saw her human form for the first time was worth it.

And Jayden, when he looked at her, it felt like he was falling in love all over again!!!


The End, finale, hope you enjoyed it! Maybe someday I'll write more about Samantha and Jayden! Is it strange to fall in love with your own characters? I find them both adorable!!!😂

My next set of stories will be more real-life stories about my trip to Yellowstone! I'm so looking forward to seeing real wolves in the wild! I can't wait!!! I am howling in anticipation 🐺🐺🐺😘😘😘

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