Part 3: Card Games on Motorcycles

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A/N: Hey, my lovely readers. Hope you enjoy this part.

You, Yuya, Sylvio, Selena, and Riley appear in the Synchro Dimension and the first thing you notice is that Declan and the others are not with you.

Riley: Where's Big Brother?

The kid started freaking out and Yuya tries to calm him down.

???: Hey!

You turn to see a cop pointing at Selena and Yuya.

Officer: I found you two! And you have allies! Surrender!

Y/N: We haven't been here for ten minutes and the two of you already caused trouble?

You activate your duel disk and face the officer.

Officer: Resisting arrest? Fine. Another crime to add to the list. Now let's duel!

Duel disk: Activate Action Field: Cross Over

Y/N: I'll take the first turn. Time to test these out. I set the Pendulum Scale with Scale 1 Red-Eyes Statue Dragon and Scale 8 Red-Eyes Magician! With these set, I can summon monsters, level 2 through 7 all at once! I Pendulum Summon! Red-Eyes Black Dragon and Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning!

Red-Eyes appears with a fiend.

(Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning Level 6 Atk: 2500)

Y/N: I now activate Red-Eyes Statue Dragon's Pendulum effect! Once per turn, I can fusion summon using monsters in my deck or on my field! However, the materials get banished. I fuse Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon with Meteor Dragon Red-Eyes Impact! Dark dragon with crimson wings merge with the dragon that enters the Earth's atmosphere and become a new force! I Fusion Summon! Meteor Black Comet Dragon! Now his effect will send a Red-Eyes monster from my deck to the graveyard and deal half its Atk as damage to your life points! I choose Red-Eyes Black Dragon from my deck.

Officer LP: 4000---> 2800

Y/N: I set a card and end my turn.

Officer: Draw. I summon Jutte Lord!

A swordsman appears.

(Jutte Lord Level 4 Atk: 1600)

Officer: Then Jutte Lord lets me summon another Jutte monster. I summon Jutte Fighter!

A smaller monster appears.

(Jutte Fighter Level 2 Atk: 700)

Officer: I tune Jutte Fighter with Jutte Lord! I Synchro Summon! Goyo Predator!

A large beast like monster appears.

(Goyo Predator Level 6 Atk 2400)

Y/N: Not enough to beat my monsters.

Officer: I equip Magnum Shield to Goyo Predator. This card increases its Atk equal to its Def.

(Goyo Predator Atk: 2400---> 3600)

Officer: Goyo Predator, take down that Meteor Black Comet Dragon!

The warrior destroys your dragon.

Y/N LP: 4000---> 3900

Y/N: When Meteor Black Comet Dragon is destroyed, I can summon a Red-Eyes Normal monster from my graveyard! Such as the Red-Eyes I sent earlier!

Officer: Well my Goyo Predator has an effect as well. When he destroys an opponent's monster by battle, I can take that monster and use it against you.

Your dragon reappears but on the officer's field.

Y/N: How dare you put your filthy hands on my dragon...

Selena: Y/N?

You lose you calm look and glare at the officer.

Y/N: No one touches my dragons!

Officer: Well see. Meteor Black Comet Dragon, attack your master!

Y/N: I won't allow you to attack me with my own monster! I activate Storming Mirror Force! Sending Meteor Black Comet Dragon and your Goyo Predator to our Extra Decks.

Officer: Darn it... You'll pay for that... I set a card and end my turn.

Y/N: Draw! I overlay my level seven Red-Eyes Black Dragons! I Xyz Summon! Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon! I now activate Red-Eyes Statue Dragon! Allowing me to Fuse Summoned Skull and Red-Eyes Black Dragon from my deck! Dark dragon with scarlet eyes merge with the fiend who governs lightning and open the gates of Inferno! I Fusion Summon! Archfiend Black Skull Dragon!

Your monster appears.

Y/N: This is what happens if you try to steal my monsters! Archfiend Black Skull Dragon, attack him directly with Infernal Lightning Flare!

Officer: I activate... What?! I can't activate my trap?!

Y/N: That's my dragon's effect. When it attacks, you can't use card effects!

Officer LP: 2800---> 0

You regain you calmer demeanor and Sylvio whispers to Yuya.

Sylvio: Remind me to not get on Y/N's bad side...

Yuya: Noted...

Soon more officers showed up and made a wall to prevent you all from escaping until a group of people on motorcycles save all of you.

Y/N: Thanks.

The guy with the bird themed duel runner smiles and you all reach a hideout.

Crow: You should be safe here. You're pretty gutsy for taking on Sector Security like that.

Yuya: Sector Security?

Crow: A bunch of crooked cops who treat us like dirt. They often put the blame of other crimes on us. If they catch you, they'll send you to the Facility. A high security Prison where no one can escape.

Yuya: That's horrible.

Crow: Yeah...

Selena gets up to leave but you block her path.

Selena: Let me go out there, Y/N.

Y/N: No.

Selena: We need to find the other Lancers!


Everyone backed up a bit and you look at Selena.

Y/N: Why do you have such a one track mind? Don't you think about how others feel? If you get caught by Sector Security, I won't be able to save you. Just stop and listen for once!

Selena saw that you were on the verge of tears and realized what you were so upset about. You had dealt with nothing but war since you joined Duel Academy. You were bound to have experienced some loss.

Selena: Y/N... I'm sorry.

She hugs you and you hug back.

Y/N: Please... Just stay here...

Selena: Alright.

That night, you had a nightmare. Yuri and his dragon just finished Selena in a duel.

Yuri: Now you join the others.

You try to yell but your voice won't work and you watch in terror as Selena is carded. You wake up and sit up so fast, you almost hit Sylvio, who was trying to wake you up.

Sylvio: About time you're awake. Come on. We're having a meeting.

End of Part 3

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