Part 5: Your First Synchro Summon

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You and Mishimaru meet up with Yuya and company to find Selena was still missing. Much to your anger.

Y/N: Where is she?!

You punch a wall and everyone backs up.

Yuya: We'll find her. Just calm down.

Mishimaru: A girl that you love, missing. How tragic.

Mishimaru puts on an overdramatic pose and you sweat drop.

Y/N: I'm saving her.

Yuya: How?

Y/N: You think this is the first time I broke out of somewhere? I know my escape skills.

You have Yuya and Mishimaru cause a distraction with a duel and while the guards deal with them, you crawl into a ventilation shaft and sneak through.

Y/N: I owe you guys...

You continue traveling through the vents until you found the cell Selena was kept in, a guard was currently interrogating her.

Guard: Admit to your crimes, punk!

Selena: I would. If I did anything!

Guard: Still denying... Fine. We have ways of making you talk.

You silently come out of the vent and knock out the guard with a well placed karate chop.

Selena: Y/N.

Y/N: Shhhh... I'm busting you out.

Selena: Alright.

???: Not so fast!

You turn to see a guy in special ops getup.

Special Guard: Surrender, inmates!

Y/N: Not happening.

Special Guard: Fine.

Both: Let's Duel!

Special Guard: I go first. I activate Double Summon. First, I summon Jutte Lord. Jutte Lord's effect summons Jutte Fighter. I also normal summon a second Jutte Fighter. I tune my level 4 Jutte Lord and a level 2 Jutte Fighter to Synchro Summon Goyo Predator! Now I tune level 6 Goyo Predator with level 2 Jutte Fighter! Come forth Goyo King!

A new warrior appears.

(Goyo King Level 8 Atk: 2800)

Special Guard: I end my turn with two face downs.

Y/N: A new toy. I can't wait to break it. I draw! I summon the Black Stone of Legend.

A black orb with a red glow to it appears.

(Black Stone of Legend Level 1 Atk: 0)

Y/N: I activate its effect. I tribute it to summon Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon! Now I activate Ancient Rules. This will allow me to special summon Red-Eyes Black Dragon! I overlay my two dragons! I Xyz Summon! Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon!

Special Guard: It can't touch my King.

Y/N: Not yet. I activate the equip spell Dragon Treasure! This increases my dragon's attack by 300!

(Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon Atk: 2800---> 3100)

Y/N: Crush that King!

Special Guard: Not so fast, criminal! I activate my trap, Synchro Zone! This negates the attacks of all non-synchro monsters!

Y/N: Tch... But since you activated a card effect, my dragon deals 500 points of damage.

Special Guard LP: 4000---> 3500

Yugioh Arc-V Selena X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now