Part 19: Beginning of the End Part 1

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A/N: The finale will be split into three parts. So here's the first.

After you left, the Lancers spent every day looking for you. While Kaito and Shun search Xyz, Crow and Sylvio search Synchro, and Sora, Edo, and the Tyler Sisters search Fusion. However, they are met by an unfriendly face.

Chris: Hello.

Edo: Chris?

Chris: So glad you remember me. Now time to deal with you all.

Sora: Are you kidding? We just managed to fix things from Zarc.

Chris: Exactly why I need this. I'm bored of all this peace bull.

???: Then you're going down.

They look to see a cloaked figure. The figure removes the cloak to reveal you. You now wear a sleeveless shirt that shows your mechanical arm. You also wear Yuya's pendant.

Sora: Y/N!

Chris: So this is Y/N. Fine then. Maybe you'll be a challenge.

Both: Duel!

Chris: I go first. I set the Pendulum Scale with Scale 2 Crystal Shaman and Scale 5 Crystal Gardna. I Pendulum summon! Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger and Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise in defense mode. I set a card and end.

Y/N: Draw! I activate Red-Eyes Fusion!

Chris: Not so fast! I activate my trap, Crystal Judgement. This negates the activation of your spell and adds Rainbow Dragon to my hand.

Y/N: Fine. I set the Pendulum Scale of my own with Scale 2 Red-Eyes Time Dragon and Scale 8 Red-Eyes Magician. I Pendulum Summon! Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon and Red-Eyes Black Dragon! Red-Eyes Black Dragon, attack Emerald Tortoise with Inferno Fire Blast!

Chris: I can put my Tortoise in my Spell and trap zone instead of the graveyard.

Y/N: Black Flare, annihilate Topaz Tiger!

Chris: It goes to my spell and trap zone.

Y/N: I set a card and end.

Chris: Draw! Tell me... Do you know you gave Selena to the Professor? It was me!

You clench your fist.

Chris: I think I'll show you just how. I activate Crystal Shaman's Pendulum effect! I can send up to three Crystal Beasts in my Spell and trap zone to the deck, shuffle, and draw cards up to the number sent. Now I activate Rainbow Fusion! I fuse the seven Crystal Beasts in my deck! I Fusion Summon! Rise, Rainbow Over Dragon!

You stare down the beast in disgust.

Chris: This is the card I used against Selena. Let's see if you're any better than her! Rainbow Over Dragon, attack Red-Eyes Black Dragon!

Y/N: I activate Negate Attack!

Chris: Fine, I end.

Y/N: Draw! I Pendulum summon! Red-Eyes Star Dragon.

A small dragon with a star on its chest appears.

(Star Dragon Level 4 Atk: 1500)

Y/N: Since Red-Eyes Star Dragon was special summoned, I can target one monster I control and make its level become equal to Star Dragon's! I choose Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon.

(Black Flare Level 7---> 4)

Y/N: I Overlay Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon with Red-Eyes Star Dragon! A savage dragon who begs for justice will now receive its wish! I Xyz Summon! Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon!

Sora: Yuto's Dragon!

Y/N: I'm not done. I activate another card of Yuto's. The Phantom Knights Possession! Dark Rebellion's rank now becomes the level of a monster I control.

(Dark Rebellion Rank 4---> level 7)

Y/N: I overlay Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon and Red-Eyes Black Dragon! Dark Dragon with dichromatic eyes, the time has come for your wrath! I Xyz Summon Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon!

You hear Yuya and Yuto speak to you.

Yuya: Y/N... You have to smile.

Yuto: You can't let the past consume you.

Y/N: I activate Cards of Sanctity. We both draw until we both have six cards.

You look at two cards you drew.

Y/N: This will work. I just know it. I activate the spell card, Rank-Up Magic Odd-Eyes Revolution! This ranks up Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon into a new monster! Watch as the darkness and the light unite as one to unleash this fearsome behemoth!

You/Yuya/Yuto: Rank Up Xyz Evolution!!!

Y/N: Allow me to introduce the one and only Odd-Eyes Destiny Dragon!

A large dragon with wings similar to Dark Requiem Xyz Dragon's and it's body having bone armor on multiple parts.

(Odd-Eyes Destiny Dragon Rank 8 Scale: 12 Atk: 4500)

Chris: It's just as strong as Rainbow Over Dragon.

Y/N: Not for long. This is for you, Yuya. I activate the spell card, Smile World! This increases the attack of all monsters by 100 per monster on the field!

(Odd-Eyes Destiny Dragon Atk: 4500---> 4700)
(Rainbow Over Dragon Atk: 4500---> 4700)

Chris: What will that do?!

Y/N: It will trigger Odd-Eyes Destiny Dragon's effect! When my opponent's monster gains Atk, I can detach an overlay unit to increase my dragon's Atk equal to double what your dragon gained! Smile World increased your Dragon's Atk by 200 so my dragon gains 400 Atk!

Panels on Destiny Dragon's wings open and pure energy bursts from them.

(Destiny Dragon Atk: 4700---> 5100)

Y/N: Odd-Eyes Destiny Dragon, attack Rainbow Over Dragon with Destiny Discharge Devastation!

Your dragon tears through Rainbow Over Dragon.

Chris LP: 4000---> 3600

Y/N: I'm not done. Since Odd-Eyes Destiny Dragon had a Pendulum monster as an overlay unit, when it destroys a monster, you take double the damage!

Chris LP: 3600---> 3200

Y/N: And it only gets worse for you from here. Since Odd-Eyes Destiny Dragon has an Xyz monster as an overlay unit, it can attack twice in one battle phase! End this duel with Destiny Discharge Devastation!

Chris LP: 3200---> 0

Chris: Heh... Guess I should start trying to get used to this new way of life...

Edo: Y/N, Reiji needs you.

Y/N: Not interested.

You turn to leave but Edo says something that grabs your attention.

Edo: He might have found a way to revive Selena.

End of Part 19

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