Part 9: The Fifth Method

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You help Sayaka give out food to survivors while Selena is resting.

Sayaka: So are you and Selena dating?

Y/N: It's kinda complicated.

Sayaka: Well I think you two would be cute together.

Y/N: You think so?

Sayaka: Definitely.

After lunch, you walk off but you see an elite duelist from Duel Academy.

Elite: Hey! Surrender!

Y/N: Not gonna happen.

Elite: You asked for it.

He activates his duel disk but a face you recognize drops in.

Edo: Not so fast.

Y/N: No...

Edo: So you are here. Y/N. Time for your traitorous act be punished!

He activates his duel disk and you do the same.

Duel disk: Action Field: Cross Over.

Y/N: My turn. I summon the Black Stone of Legend. I activate it's effect. I can tribute it to summon Red-Eyes Black Dragon!

Edo: You will fall no matter what you summon.

Y/N: We'll see. I set a card and end.

Edo: I draw. I activate Polymerization. I fuse Destiny Hero Defender with Destiny Hero Dasher! I Fusion Summon Destiny Hero Dystopia! Dystopia, attack Red-Eyes!

Y/N: I activate Defense Draw!

Edo: Fine. I end with two face downs.

Y/N: Draw! I activate Red-Eyes Insight! By sending Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon to my Graveyard, I can add Red-Eyes Fusion to my hand. I now activate the Black Stone of Legend's effect! By returning the dragon I sent to the Graveyard to my deck, I can add my stone to my hand. I now activate Red-Eyes Fusion! I fuse Red-Eyes Black Dragon and Summoned Skull both from my deck! I Fusion Summon! Archfiend Black Skull Dragon! Archfiend Black Skull Dragon! Attack with Lightning Inferno Strike! And when my dragon attacks, you can't activate card effects!

Your monster blasts through Dystopia.

Edo LP: 4000---> 3600

Y/N: And at the end of the Battle phase I can return Red-Eyes Black Dragon to my deck and you take its Atk as damage!

Edo LP: 3600---> 1200

Edo: I activate my trap! Bonds of Destiny! Since I took effect damage, you take damage equal to what I lost! Furthermore, your Archfiend Black Skull Dragon gets banished! I also activate my second trap! Destiny Rebirth! This lets me summon a Destiny Hero from my graveyard but it loses its effects. I choose Dystopia!

Y/N LP: 4000---> 1600

Y/N: I end with a face down.

Edo: Draw! Your pathetic rebellion will be crushed! Starting with you! Dystopia, end this duel!

Y/N: I activate Damage Diet! The damage I take is halved.

Y/N LP: 1600---> 200

Edo: Just surrender. I end my turn.

Y/N: I won't give in... I will fight until the bitter end!

You hear a roar from your main deck.

Y/N: I... Draw!

You draw an unfamiliar card.

Y/N: First, I activate a second Red-Eyes Insight. I send Red-Eyes Wyvern to the Graveyard to add Red-Eyes Ritual to my hand.

Edo: Red-Eyes Ritual?

Y/N: Watch closely. I activate Red-Eyes Ritual!

An alter made of black stone with a Red-Eyes Black Dragon statue appears.

Y/N: Normally to Ritual Summon I have to send monsters from my hand or field to the Graveyard. But Red-Eyes Ritual let's me return a Red-Eyes monster to my deck from the graveyard instead! I return Red-Eyes Black Dragon to my deck in order to Ritual Summon!

A red flame engulfs the dragon statue and a roar is heard.

Y/N: Fearsome dragon with scorching, scarlet eyes, accept this offering and burn away all who oppose you with flames of fury! I Ritual Summon! Take flight, Red-Eyes Ritual Dragon!

A new dragon appears. This one having a pulsing red core in its chest with a blade on the end of its tail. It also has wings that appear to be made of flaming blades.

(Red-Eyes Ritual Dragon Level 7 Atk: 2500)

Edo: How can that thing stop Dystopia?

Y/N: You're about to find out! I activate its special effect! By banishing a Red-Eyes spell or trap card from my graveyard, it reduces your monster's attack points by 1000! Furthermore, my dragon gains attack equal to what your monster will lose.

Flames envelope Dystopia and Red-Eyes Ritual Dragon's core glows brightly.

Dystopia Atk: 2800---> 1800

Red-Eyes Ritual Dragon Atk: 2500---> 3500

Y/N: Red-Eyes Ritual Dragon, show no mercy! Attack Dystopia with Scorching Fury! And since my dragon was Ritual Summoned using a Red-Eyes monster, you can't activate effects from your hand!

Edo's Thoughts: No! Now I can't use Dynatag's effect!

Your dragon coats its body in the flames of its wings and flies into Dystopia, destroying it.

Edo LP: 1200---> 0

Y/N Win!

You breathe heavily as Edo glares at you.

Edo: This isn't over. Next time we meet, I won't show any mercy.

With that, he leaves.

Y/N: What was that? Red-Eyes Ritual Dragon? What's going on?

You head back to the Resistance Headquarters unaware of what the future might hold.

End of Part 9

Yugioh Arc-V Selena X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now