Part 7: Truth Unveiled

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You watch as Shay and Dennis duel. Shay calls out Dennis and says Dennis is from Fusion.

Dennis: When did you find out...

Shay: I have my resources. And you'll pay!

He has his Raidraptor Satellite Cannon Falcon destroy Dennis's Chaos Ancient Gear Giant and finishes the duel.

Y/N: Dennis has been ratted out. No doubt Obelisk Force will come for him... Then they'll come after me and Selena.

Announcer: Next up! Selena vs Yugo!

You watch them duel but Yugo and his Synchro Dragon quickly defeat her.

Y/N: No...

You know Roger will go after her so you open a window and jump out. Using some acrobatic skills Yuya taught you, you land safely and rush off. You find Riley trying to hold of three Sector Security officers and he seems to do well.

Y/N: Riley, let me give you a hand. I need to keep Selena safe.

The child nods and you activate your duel disk and pay the 2000 LP intrusion penalty.

Y/N: My turn. Draw! I activate Red-Eyes Fusion! I fuse Red-Eyes Black Dragon with a Red-Eyes Magician! Dark Dragon with scarlet eyes merge with the Magician who serves the dragon! I Fusion Summon! Come forth, Red-Eyes Sorcerer Dragon!

The two monsters fuse and in their place stood a dragon with large transparent wings with a crystal in its chest, it also had an orb at the end of its tail.

(Red-Eyes Sorcerer Dragon Level 8 Atk: 2900)

Y/N: I activate its ability! I can banish up to three spell cards from any player's graveyard and then my dragon can attack for each one banished. Riley, can I borrow your graveyard?

Riley nods.

Y/N: Thanks. I banish three of Riley's spell cards! Allowing my dragon to attack each of you! Red-Eyes, Spellbound Flame!

Officer 1 LP: 2000---> 0
Officer 2 LP: 2000---> 0
Officer 3 LP: 2000---> 0

The officers collapse and you run over to Selena.

Y/N: You okay?

Selena: They used some kinda nerve paralysis... I can't move...

Y/N: Roger will pay...

You pick Selena up bridal style, causing her to blush and you have Riley lead you to Yuya who is dueling Barrett.

Y/N: Barrett?!

Barrett: Y/N. So it's true. You and Selena joined the Lancers.

Y/N: Even if we didn't, I'm never going back to Duel Academy! Neither is Selena! You want her, you have to pry her out of my cold lifeless arms!

Selena: Y/N...

Familiar Voice: Ah how touching. Can I take you up on that offer?

You turn to see Yuri and Yugo.

Y/N: Yuri...

Yuri: Hello my dear rival. So good to see you again.

Yugo: Hey, don't ignore me, punk! Your fight's with me!

Yuri: You are annoying... Very well. Oh boys. Deal with Y/N please but make sure I'm the one who finishes him off.

Three Obelisk Force members walk out of the shadows but Sora jumps between all of you.

Sora: Y/N, I'll deal with these losers.

Y/N: Sora.

You see Sergey beat both Barrett and Yuya and Barrett attempts to warp you, himself, and Selena to Fusion.

Yugioh Arc-V Selena X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now