Part 4: Y/N vs. The Facility Samurai?

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Long story short, you and Yuya wanted to show the kids Pendulum Summoning and you two, Selena, Sylvio, Crow, and one of Crow's friends were arrested by Sector Security and brought to the Facility.

Sylvio: I blame you two.

The officers try to separate Selena from you all and that didn't end well for them because you jumped them and knocked them out.

Y/N: No. One. Touches. Selena.

It took 6 Guards to restrain you.

Officer: Looks like you're going to the special cells.

They take you and lead you to a large wing of the prison where you saw a guy dressed as a Samurai.

Y/N: Who're you?

Mishimaru: My name is Mishimaru. I rule this part of the Facility. Give me every card you have.

Y/N: Not happening you freak.

Mishimaru: Very well. Then we'll duel.

Y/N: Fine by me. Sooner I crush you, sooner I can find a way out of this dump.

Both: Let's Duel!

Mishimaru: I take the first move. I summon Shiranui Spirit Master!

A sage like monster appears.

(Spirit Master Level 4 Atk: 1800)

Mishimaru: When Spirit Master is called forth, I may summon one of his allies. Such as Shiranui Spectral Sword!

A translucent samurai appears holding a blade.

(Spectral Sword Level 2 Atk: 800)

Mishimaru: Now I tune the Level 4 Spirit Master with the Level 2 Spectral Sword! Samurai spirits, use your strength to call out a new samurai master! I Synchro Summon! Shiranui Samuraisaga!

A Samurai appears with blue energy around it.

(Samuraisaga Level 6 Atk: 2500)

Mishimaru: I set two cards and end my turn.

Y/N: Draw! I start with my Red-Eyes Fusion spell card! This will fuse Red-Eyes Black Dragon with Red-Eyes Metal Knight Gearfried. Dark Dragon with scarlet eyes merge with the knight who bears the ancient armor and unleash a new bladed beast! I Fusion Summon! Red-Eyes Slash Dragon!

A dragon, similar to Red-Eyes, appears but with armor coating its body.

(Red-Eyes Slash Dragon Level 8 Atk: 2800)

Mishimaru: A new type of summon?

Y/N: Oh it gets better. Red-Eyes Slash Dragon, attack Shiranui Samuraisaga. That triggers my dragon's effect. He can equip a warrior from my graveyard to it and it gains 200 Atk. I choose Red-Eyes Metal Knight Gearfried.

(Slash Dragon Atk: 2800---> 3000)

The dragon keeps up to its name by slashing the Samurai in half.

Mishimaru LP: 4000---> 3500

Y/N: I set a card and call it a turn.

Mishimaru: I draw. I activate the Book of Life! By banishing a monster from your graveyard, I may summon a zombie from mine. I choose Samuraisaga. I also normal summon a second Spectral Sword. I tune Level 6 Samuraisaga with Level 2 Spectral Sword. Samurai spirits use your strength to call out a new Samurai master! I Synchro Summon Shiranui Shogunsaga!

A Shogun appears on the field.

(Shogunsaga Level 8 Atk: 3000)

Mishimaru: Shogunsaga activates his effect! By banishing Samuraisaga, its Atk is added to Shogunsaga's until the end of the turn.

Yugioh Arc-V Selena X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now